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Author Topic: Horribly depressed on HRT (just oestrogen at this point)  (Read 2068 times)


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Horribly depressed on HRT (just oestrogen at this point)
« on: June 11, 2019, 01:45:58 PM »

Day 6 of v small amount oestrogel and thoughts have become very dark.
I know that my oestradiol blood level is undetectable but every time I try HRT I start to feel like this and, frankly, sometimes think of ending it all- what the bloody hell is wrong with me that hrt makes me feel like this?
I'm so fed up of reading how celebrities: Davina, Meg Matthews, Carole Vorderman, Mariella Frostrup etc etc have all got through and sometimes embraced the menopause only to learn that they use HRT!!
Don't blame them, of course, but it's so demoralising as I can't seem to handle it (hrt)!
I want to hear positive stories of people who don't take HRT!!
thought it would be my magic bullet.
I'm eating well, don't drink, don't smoke and exercise (at least, trying!) but my meno symptoms are horrible in terms of emotion.
I don't care about physical symptoms- and i'm lucky i don't really have hot sweats as on venlafaxine anyway.
LMP end Jan 2019 so maybe this is the year leading up to "proper menopause"- is it possible therefore that hormones still haywire and maybe actual menopause will give me some reprieve- I'm clutching at straws here!
Women generally get better moodwise the older they become, don't they?
so something must kick in to accommodate lack of oestrogen?
or they adjust somehow- assuming they don't have hrt.
i'm 47 so bit worried about bone health too but will exercise stave off osteoporosis?
I can't face feeling like this for the rest of my life.


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Re: Horribly depressed on HRT (just oestrogen at this point)
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2019, 02:47:19 PM »

Firstly - I think at your age it is wise to have some oestrogen to protect your bones and heart - this oestrogen may also prevent urogenital atrophy taking hold and causing problems. It is quite normal to get some reaction when first starting any hormone treatment, especially when you are starting from a very low baseline.  One specialist gynaecologist I saw described it as “ the body waking up” - so essentially it can take time for the body to adjust and settle.  I do wonder whether your reaction when starting oestrogen (especially as it is such low dose) is less to do with the actual oestrogen and more to do with you being really reluctant to use it: you see there is still a very strong pressure on we women that we should simply cope with menopause symptoms and there is also the fear factor due to all the negative press.  Antidepressants can also bring nasty side effects and can also bring horrible withdrawal symptoms when trying to come off them but GPs are very happy to dish these out like sweets but are then super cautious over HRT.

Are you just on oestrogen? Have you had a hysterectomy? If you are using progesterone, what one are you using? If you are using a very small amount of oestrogen I doubt you can really blame your mood on the oestrogen.  If you had started on 2 pumps per day then I might be more inclined to think that you are reacting badly.

I am now 63, my menopause started in my mid 30s so I used HRT for nearly 25 years and I thank God I used it - my bones are not too bad and I now realise it helped to me to cope really well.  I came off HRT 3 years ago now and still have hot flushes, night sweats, very poor sleep, awful headaches and low energy. I was once a high energy, competent women and I coped with stress really well - now I just crave a quiet life.  I walk a lot, go to Pilates classes(practise this everyday). I do Mindfulness (really good thing to do). I teach community dance classes and I've started learning bridge to try to keep my brain working. I put a great deal into to keeping myself well and content but I still burst into tears at the drop of a hat, I am tetchy and difficult for my poor husband and I often feel a shadow of my former self.  Having said all this I think I'm doing quite well really.
I personally don't think you come out the other side of the menopause - I think one just has to find a new way of living life. It's hard work keeping things together but if I were you I'd try some Mindfulness, keep busy, watch funny programmes and films, read funny books, learn something new - so do anything that lifts your mood.  Give it a few weeks with the HRT to see how it settles - oestrogen is generally the ‘feel good' hormone but your body will take time to settle. Keep us posted.  DG x


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Re: Horribly depressed on HRT (just oestrogen at this point)
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2019, 04:05:51 PM »

Thanks ladies :)
Birdy- I'm on half a pump- i realise that's minuscule!
Dancinggirl- the weird thing is that I honestly would love for the oestrogen to work and i'm completely at ease with the risks- I'm so ready!! So it's really disappointing that it doesn't seem to work!
i do have some prog but i was leaving that out for the moment as i know i find that hard too.
aargh! i'm a lost cause.
But, I will try to stop feeling sorry for myself and maybe take a couple of leaves out of your book. I do hear a lot about mindfulness in particular, so i think i'll try to access that.
I get what you say about life being very different and maybe having to learn to live with that/accommodate it
I will persevere with oestrogen- I've set myself a 2 week minimum- which isn't much but it will be far longer than i've
managed recently.
thanks again x


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Re: Horribly depressed on HRT (just oestrogen at this point)
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2019, 05:23:13 PM »

Hi I just want to ask Dancinggirl why did you stop hrt ? They say you can carry on well in your sixtys so seeing you have all the horrid symptoms did you not want to go back on it ? I'm wondering because I want to stop it myself but I'm afraid of how il feel .


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Re: Horribly depressed on HRT (just oestrogen at this point)
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2019, 05:31:08 PM »

HRT sometimes doesn't stave off vaginal atrophy so ladies may require either 'vagifem' or 'ovestin' on a regular basis.

 :welcomemm: Vintagefiend - how were your moods prior to your periods?  I would weep uncontrollably the night prior to a bleed even if a period wasn't due as well as 10 mins. B4 a bleed, would have to dash to the loo  :o.  Is it the HRT causing your depression?  When I was ill I couldn't get out of bed and that was prior to any peri-symptoms. 

Why stop HRT if you get relief from symptoms?  Get on with Life and don't over-think about using it?  I didn't want to take ADs for Life but once I had accepted that I have to do so, DH and I were able to pick up the pieces again.



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Re: Horribly depressed on HRT (just oestrogen at this point)
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2019, 06:29:32 PM »

 thanks everyone- so kind to all respond.
right, well i'll push on for a wee bit (i've already phoned in sick to my voluntary "job" tomorrow so have some space to do so- feel a bit guilty but there we are)
BIRDY, maybe I'll try a slight increase- a tiny one!!
But, i strongly suspect that, like you JARI, I'm bafflingly sensitive to hrt!
I was taking for mood symptoms/fatigue/wading through treacle
CLKD I used to get v weepy during period and fuming before it!
i always think i've reached rock bottom, try HRT and feel even more dreadful!
JARI you have a very similar menopause trajectory to me ie a little bit ahead of the norm! And someone else who can't tolerate HRT which actually makes me feel so much less alone (hope you don't mind me saying that!). Can I ask which supplements you are taking?


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Re: Horribly depressed on HRT (just oestrogen at this point)
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2019, 06:50:01 PM »

What are you trying to ease?  Maybe you don't actually require H'replacement'T ......... but apparopriate treatment, i.e. for vaginal atrophy?  Read our threads on *that* 1  ::)

I would have rages  :cuss: which eased once the bleed began.  Not that I was a pussycat but oh those days  :o :o



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Re: Horribly depressed on HRT (just oestrogen at this point)
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2019, 09:15:15 PM »

Anjia - I stopped HRT because I was finding the progesterone was giving me more and more side effects. I tried Utrogestan which I found very difficult to tolerate - it doesn't suit everyone.  I use Vagifem regularly and will continue with this forever.
I've had various minor health issues (digestion issues and degeneration between L3& L4 in my spine) that have emerged since coming off HRT and, though I don't necessarily blame the lack of oestrogen, I really believe oestrogen deficiency makes these things worse.
Ageing is a pain in every way and I'm finding it difficult to come to terms with it. 
If the scientists could come up with a kinder way to protect the uterus so we could all have just a little bit of oestrogen long term, I think that would be great. I am very surprised the pharmaceutical companies are not working harder on this as there would be a lot of money to made and the NHS, in fact society in general, would save a fortune. DG x


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Re: Horribly depressed on HRT (just oestrogen at this point)
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2019, 09:58:54 PM »

yes, CLKD i will definitely think about vagifem as surely that won't affect me adversely!!

And thanks JARI I've have noted all that you're taking- really saved me a lot of research- i will report back :)

and DG I couldn't agree more about big pharma- don't think it's been a well researched area at all! I hope you find a way through this all- no doubt you've considered a hysterectomy- don't mean to be glib, i know it's a big op. but obvs would negate the need for nasty progestogens!

Good luck everyone- thank you- you have all helped me (sign me up for vagifem, supplements and a healthy lifestyle!!)


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Re: Horribly depressed on HRT (just oestrogen at this point)
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2019, 06:07:06 AM »

Thankyou Dancing girl It seems so many women have the same problem with progesterone maybe one day there will be a better solution lets hope,I had a full hysterectomy six years ago now and so have only needed oestrogen but it's not all plain sailing I have found getting the right balance is not easy I have had tablets,patch,gel and now back to patches my gp refused me testosterone and at the moment I cannot afford to go private.Many times I have tried to stop hrt but night sweats and insomnia come back ,what I do no is that to much oestrogen and anxiety goes through the roof just can't win.