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Author Topic: Testosterone  (Read 19004 times)


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #60 on: October 21, 2019, 08:56:50 AM »

I don't know why it's not mentioned on the link because it is approx half-way between the strength of the Testogel tubes and the Tostran. I suspect it is because they don't recommend it - the main reason being the amount dispensed per pump is high - I did work it out on this thread:,39588.msg626743.html#msg626743

One pump of this gives 1.25 g gel = 20.25 mg testosterone so presumably some is wasted if you can't pump out smaller amounts? However if you are managing to use a small fingernail amount then that's fine.

Oh I've just noticed that you are not using this under medical supervision. I can understand why - if you have symptoms but it is important that your T levels (and SHBG) are monitored once you start - to ensure your T level remains within the physiologcal range for women. if you can get a referral to a menopause clinic this would be preferable.

What other HRT are you using, what are your symptoms and are you peri or post-menopause?

Hurdity x


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #61 on: October 21, 2019, 09:12:53 AM »

Thanks Hurdity.
So helpful.
So pre meno and up and down during peri, my libido was what I'd class as normal. My kids had left for uni and husband and I were enjoying the freedom of no kids wandering about  ;). Fast forward to meno and I had absolutely zero drive. My feelings for husband hadn't changed but I just could not get aroused ( sorry if this is detailed). It was like my body had shut down. I did actually visit the Newson Clinic but I was having dreadful experiences with my migraines at the time so that was the main topic. However I did mention the absolute lack of libido and she said that Testosterone would be a possibility. I live nowhere near the clinic though -a good 3-4 hour drive and when I mentioned it to my GP I was told a flat no. I read on here actually about someone ordering it from the internet so did and it has changed everything. I feel just like I did pre meno and pre peri. I don't seem to have any side effects so I'm so reluctant to stop


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #62 on: October 22, 2019, 01:32:48 PM »

Hi Hurdity, see the supervision of testosterone, I was given it with my gel and my utro in February.  My hrt clinic and consultant did not follow up after 6 months for the testosterone and nor did they follow up after a year for the gel and the utro.  I asked my GP about this and she wrote to them asking if I could have a follow up and blood tests and they wrote back saying that as I "didn't have any problems, there was no reason to follow up"!  I am far from happy but they have written it down on NHS paper and signed it so if something goes wrong...well???  They don't seem very bothered by testing, I thought I might get them done privately but now I am confused because the people who are supposed to be bothered don't seem bothered and are not afraid to say so.  Confused.Com? x

Yorkshire Girl

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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #63 on: October 22, 2019, 03:29:00 PM »

Ladybt can't believe that, they really should be checking you are getting on ok & of course your blood pressure! My GP asks to see me every 6 months now, but to start it was every 3 months and with my testosterone I went back after 3 months but next appt at clinic is 6 months along with having blood test as well.


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #64 on: October 22, 2019, 03:39:47 PM »

Yep YG, I reckon they should be doing a lot of things but they're not.  I don't have a beard, a deep voice or a growing adams apple and I feel pretty ok and luckily I don't suffer from health anxiety (just imagine what I'd be like if I did, given their attitude!).
I officially have it in writing I am on no follow up anywhere at all! ::)

Yorkshire Girl

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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #65 on: October 22, 2019, 03:45:45 PM »

Ridiculous  ::) ::)  Thank god you are clued up about what to look out for, seeing as you can't rely on Dr's!


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #66 on: October 22, 2019, 03:54:45 PM »

 ;D heavens to Betsey...rely on Dr's...what a ridiculous idea!  I would trust this forum far more than any Dr so I feel perfectly safe for the time being....but's its wrong really when you think about it.


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #67 on: October 30, 2019, 01:25:19 PM »

Libido disappeared about 4 years ago.  Been on Evoril Conti past 20 months and don't feel great on it, awful migraines, hot flushes and no energy.  So went to see a private GP after reading this fab forum.

She did a blood test and my results came back low <0.4

She has prescribed me with Testogel sachets, which I will drop into the chemists today. She also said my Oestrogen was low and wants to up that as well but we have to wait until my BP comes down.  I have a follow up appt with her in January but I can always reach her by email.

I, at least, feel like I am doing something.  Past couple of years have been absolute hell and the NHS GPs have been useless.



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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #68 on: October 30, 2019, 04:46:12 PM »

Hi heavenlyblue - all I would say is that I have high blood pressure and no one has ever worried about me increasing my oestrogen alongside it.  The issue for my GP was that I was having so many panic attacks and permanent anxiety she said no wonder your blood pressure is permanently high and that if she got the anxiety down the blood pressure would stabelise more along with the blood pressure medication and the two would work hand in hand - more oestrogen would help lower the blood pressure cos it knocked out the permanent anxiety.
Glad you got your testosterone.


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #69 on: October 31, 2019, 09:19:25 AM »

Hi heavenlyblue - all I would say is that I have high blood pressure and no one has ever worried about me increasing my oestrogen alongside it.  The issue for my GP was that I was having so many panic attacks and permanent anxiety she said no wonder your blood pressure is permanently high and that if she got the anxiety down the blood pressure would stabelise more along with the blood pressure medication and the two would work hand in hand - more oestrogen would help lower the blood pressure cos it knocked out the permanent anxiety.
Glad you got your testosterone.

Thank you for replying.  Well I suppose as it's the first time I have seen this private GP (Dr McCulloch), she probably wanted to be on the safe side.  Its frustrating though.  Still waiting to hear back from my surgery to get a 24 hour BP monitor, its been over a week since I requested one.  So I am still on 50mcg Evoril Conti.     

Re the Testogel.  Anyone else get issues trying to get the Chemist to prescribe it?  Took the script into the Chemist.  She spent ages at the pc trying to find where she could get it from and then asked me if I knew this was for Men only.  I said I did.  She then said she needed to speak to the GP to make her aware this isn't licensed for women.  I said she obviously knows this.  That is what the script was for.  But this Chemist  had obviously not prescribed it for a woman before so looked quite confused and said she had to speak to her.  She rang the clinic but Dr McCulloch was with someone so she left a message for her to ring her back. 

Dr McCulloch had emailed me, with a letter she had done for me to send to my NHS GPs, letting them know what she was prescribing me.  She also was checking I had received the script so I told her the issue and that could she ring the Chemist back.  Was also told it would be about £ least it lasts a long time! 

Why is it so hard for women going through this to get the help they need with the NHS?  So many hurdles.   


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #70 on: November 05, 2019, 09:44:10 PM »

Just an update from me. I had a call from my NHS menopause consultant who is excellent. She said 2 months in on testosterone and the level is double what it should be. She told me to look out for change in voice or hair but I have no bad effects. She also asked me to reduce the dose by applying on alternate days only. She has arranged for me to go back and see her mid December for more blood tests. My confidence and energy is so much better and the brain fog is gone. All good. I said on a hair and beauty post that I am now taking hair volume gummies by Nordic to see if it improves my fine thin hair.


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #71 on: November 06, 2019, 12:40:35 AM »

Glad to hear of the improvements NuclearScientist - sounds good.  Don't worry about the level going too high, like the consultant says just ease off to alternate days or twice a week. Now the level is up you probably just need a maintenance level. x


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #72 on: November 06, 2019, 10:22:23 AM »

Just an update from me. I had a call from my NHS menopause consultant who is excellent. She said 2 months in on testosterone and the level is double what it should be. She told me to look out for change in voice or hair but I have no bad effects. She also asked me to reduce the dose by applying on alternate days only. She has arranged for me to go back and see her mid December for more blood tests. My confidence and energy is so much better and the brain fog is gone. All good. I said on a hair and beauty post that I am now taking hair volume gummies by Nordic to see if it improves my fine thin hair.

That is really good news.  Thanks for the update.  So glad you are feeling the benefits :-)

I will be starting Testogel tomorrow.  Energy has been on the floor for almost three years now. x


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #73 on: November 06, 2019, 04:44:42 PM »

Glad you are feeling better Nuclear scientist - and good that you are being monitored closely. Some changes may take weeks to develop. I gather there should be no changes to voice if levels are kept within physiological range for women but I  can see you might need to be cautious if levels are high. My legs have become hairier and my levels are within range but I think that is due to the effect of T at the application site and spreading to adjacent skin. Hopefully your levels will now stabilise and you will continue to feel well...

Hurdity x


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Re: Testosterone
« Reply #74 on: November 10, 2019, 10:57:16 PM »

Thank you Hurdity and Lady BT. I appreciate the advice through this site.
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