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Author Topic: Mammogram-small breasts-utrogestan sore breasts query/experiences pls  (Read 1418 times)


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I'm on evorel 100mcg and 200mg utrogestan daily, 1oomg of which i take orally and the other 100 vaginally.
The vaginal was introduced after a negative hysteroscopy due to abnormal bleeding, which it has cured, sore breasts, but I can tolerate the soreness as it's not enough of a bother to be a problem. Pain only hurts if I handle my breasts but not otherwise, they don't hurt if I don't squeeze them.

I have to stay on the utro due to valium addiction, can't change to synth prog.
I've been booked in for a mammogram.
Here's my concerns and where I would like others suggestions/experiences.
My last mammogram was painful but tolerable, I was size 18 and 36c, so having larger breasts was the thing that made the pressure from the plates tolerable.
That was 3 years ago.
Since then I have lost a lot of weight due to mental illness and stress (being dealt with medically) but my breasts have gone down to what I would say is about an AA cup.

I am worried about the pain, as women with small breasts have more painful mammograms.
Also, while the slight soreness of the prog in the breasts is not a problem, that together with the fact that my breasts are much smaller is making me worried that i will faint during the mammogram or throw up, as I have read other experiences of this happening with women with small breasts.
I've been told I can sit down during the exam, but a woman said she even fainted while seated.
I wonder if anyone with situations like mine or similar can share their experiences, or offer any suggestions to help me cope with the pain so i don't feel nauseous or faint during the exam as I hate that feeling.
Thanks for reading.


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Hi Dandelion,  I am hoping I can put your mind at ease...
I just had my mammogram in April.  I have dense tissue and I am short.  I did not have much breast pain, however, my neck was in agony afterwards because I was bent like a pretzel and had to hold still.  I have a vestibular issue which means I am perpetually nauseous, dizzy and faint on a good day.  I made it through!!  Luckily too, they got good images and I did not get called to do an ultrasound.  I think you'll be fine.  Seriously, if I didn't one will  :D
« Last Edit: June 04, 2019, 11:07:28 AM by Rosie77 »


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I have very small breasts and have always been OK. I would describe the experience as slightly uncomfortable, certainly not painful. Hope this reassures you a bit.

JP x


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thanks for answers, wondering if any small breasted women on utro
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2019, 05:27:03 PM »

Hi Rosie and Joaniepat
It's great to hear your input, I will take it on board, was wondering if there are any small breasted women out there on utrogestan who have had mammograms and what was their experiences like.
Also eager to hear from other women, the more input the better.
Thanks appreciated.


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I also have very small breasts (actually only one now after a mastectomy 3 years ago). Ironically the cancer wasn't found by mammogram but by me self-examining, so I can't stress the importance of that enough. But I also wanted reassure you - I had a mammogram last week and although pretty uncomfortable, I wouldn't describe it as painful, and the radiographer was so efficient it was over within minutes. I'm extremely squeamish and have been known to faint for no reason whatsoever, but this was fine. Mind you, one of  the few perks of having a mastectomy is that you only have one breast to mammogram... :D


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Hi Dandelion - I know only too well the very small boob situation at mammogram & I sympathise.  Can you take some paracetamol an hour beforehand if this is not contraindicated with any other meds?  Also tell the mammographer when you go in that you are anxious about pain & they will take it slowly, be as gentle as they can & allow you to have some control.  Lots of ladies feel that way so they will not think anything of it & will want you to be comfortable.  This has helped me always to get through it without ever fainting, though already small boobs got smaller postmenopause & that can take a little while to get the position right.  If I can do it, you will be fine.


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I also have very small breasts (actually only one now after a mastectomy 3 years ago). Ironically the cancer wasn't found by mammogram but by me self-examining, so I can't stress the importance of that enough. But I also wanted reassure you - I had a mammogram last week and although pretty uncomfortable, I wouldn't describe it as painful, and the radiographer was so efficient it was over within minutes. I'm extremely squeamish and have been known to faint for no reason whatsoever, but this was fine. Mind you, one of  the few perks of having a mastectomy is that you only have one breast to mammogram... :D
Hi Racjen
Sorry to hear you had breast cancer.
Hope you don't mind me asking, how long after the mammogram did you find the breast cancer lump?
My breasts feel lumpy but I am so paranoid I would end up phoning nhs every five minutes.
Thanks for the reassurance.
It is not good to hear you faint easily but it reassures me that you didnt faint at mammogram.
Do you take progesterone?
If so, does it make your breasts sore?
Sorry for the questions


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Hi Dandelion - I know only too well the very small boob situation at mammogram & I sympathise.  Can you take some paracetamol an hour beforehand if this is not contraindicated with any other meds?  Also tell the mammographer when you go in that you are anxious about pain & they will take it slowly, be as gentle as they can & allow you to have some control.  Lots of ladies feel that way so they will not think anything of it & will want you to be comfortable.  This has helped me always to get through it without ever fainting, though already small boobs got smaller postmenopause & that can take a little while to get the position right.  If I can do it, you will be fine.
Hi Wrensong
Thanks for your sympathetic reply.
I thought about paracetamol and might take some before hand.
They will let me sit down thankfully.
Do you take progesterone?
If so, does it make your breasts a bit sore?


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Hi Dandelion, I didn't have a mammogram at all, as I hadn't at that point reached 50 when they become routine. So it was entirely down to me finding what wasn't really a lump, just an area that felt like it had more tissue in it than it should do (which at least with small breasts is fairly obvious).


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Not any more Dandelion.


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Re: Mammogram-small breasts-utrogestan sore breasts query/experiences pls
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2019, 06:49:32 PM »

Hi Rensong and Racjen
Thanks for answering my questions so quickly.