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Author Topic: I'm a lost cause  (Read 1655 times)


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I'm a lost cause
« on: May 26, 2019, 08:24:23 PM »

Seriously cant take anymore of this...had patches on sinse Thursday.. but anxiety been terrible...last night I halfed it n didnt feel so bad today but tonight I just ripped it off because the anxiety is making me feel like I'm going to snap. Even the noise of the girls eating was hurting my ears..I dont even know if it's the patch or just me..
I have major stomach issues so I'm limited to medication... been given baclofen to take for this but I'm scared to take it incase it adds to my horrendous fatigue.
The doctor had suggested I try caltiropam but I'm scared stiff of anti depressants...i dont know what doctors can do for me as everything they try the side effects are to much to tolerate when there not getting rid of the problem. I'm hiding from my girls just now so they dont see there mum crying again...feel like I'm ruining there wee lives..feel useless mum...wife.. daughter my poor mum is worried sick 😭😭😭


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2019, 08:50:12 PM »

I can't help with any advice patch wise or meds wise, but I just wanted to say you are not useless in any way shape or form - I haven't read any of your other posts so I don't know your story but just wanted to reach out and give you a virtual hug xx


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2019, 09:06:13 PM »

Aww thank you so much xxx


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2019, 09:18:11 PM »

I dreaded taking medication in case it made me feel worse.  I avoided food in case it made me feel worse  :'( but in fact, my body was hungry.  It has taken over 50 years to recognise hunger. 

Little steps.  Eat little and often to keep energy levels up and it does help to avoid anxiety spikes.  Keep hydrated and exercise gently.

I take the sister AD which helps.  Some ease anxiety, there are specific anti-anxiety medications as well as 'rescue remedy', yoga, walking .....

You are lost.  HORMONES  >:( ..........


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2019, 09:39:23 PM »

Hi Lisa-w.
You are NOT useless! You are suffering!
You don't say what patch you are on, but there are other options for you.
There are other h.r.t.'s for you to try out. It's not easy, but keep going, until you find one.
I know what you mean about the side effects, and antidepressants scare me to death, after suffering side effects from them, and I'd never try them again, but if they get you some relief, then they're worth it....can you ask your doc to refer you off to a meno clinic?
Or ask for another regime, like I say, it's not easy finding the best hrt that's going to suite you, but it's trial and error, which I and many others of us on here have been through.
Are you peri or post meno?
Have a look at the options in the search bar at the top of the page, it lists the hrt for peri or post meno.
Hang on in there honey, you will get there....
Good luck, let us know how your getting on...
Jd xx


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2019, 08:14:00 AM »

Thank you so much for replys..sorry I was in a state again last night.
I'm on everol sequi...started in Thursday then Saturday I changed to half a patch. My anxiety has been so high..that I ended up taking it off last night so will see if my anxiety builds today or not to see if it's the patch or just me I'm on day 4 of my cycle.
Although I have had bloods done a few times suggesting I'm in perri (I'm 43) it's hard to tell for sure. This has been going on for a few years now and I have loads of health issues that have no explanation other than my stomach conditions.
My youngest children are 7 and 8 and I feel they deserve more than I'm managing to give them, my poor husband works away and I have hardly been intimate with him for a long time as I have no sex drive what's so ever...he is very understanding but it's hard on him. I barely see my older kids or mum because I have no energy to do anything ...its all just a mess.
I've never been able to tolerate the pill I'm scared I'm going to be the same with HRT treatments
Sorry I just keep rambling but thank you all so much for your replies xxx


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2019, 08:58:59 AM »

Hi Lisa W sorry you're feeling so bad.  I well remember the hell of peri menopause when hormones are all over the place and the horrible symptoms that come with it. The good news is it does settle down with time as hormone levels drop off and stabilise. 

I don't blame you for not wanting to take anti/depressants (I wouldn't either). Also, NICE guidelines state hrt should be first line approach for meno symptoms not anti-d's!  That said it is recommended to stick with any hrt for 3 months before you know whether it's suitable or not, so my advice would be to persevere. Hope this helps x


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2019, 09:41:35 AM »

Children are more adaptable than you give them credit for.  This is your guilt, not theres!  They are in school most of the time?

How do you feel this morning?


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2019, 10:04:28 AM »

I was EXACTLY where you were at 44 too.
I remember sitting in tear with my girls (5 and 6) looking at me. I was convinced I was going
mad or dying.  My only other symptom was mid cycle discharge which I got checked out
and told I was in Peri.  My anxiety was sky high. But it WILL PASS. Put a note int eh calendar and tell yourself
in a week it was be gone - because it does come and go.  I had a bad time on patches and also tried two types of
sequential HRT but to be honest for my anxiety it was awful - through the roof. I saw a Meno specialist GP and she
said your hormones are too high and the HRT is pushing them higher which in some people (not everyone I know)
can hike up the anxiety.   

You are not mad or ill. It is just hormones. Do try and get out in the fresh air , watch a film with your girls. Buy some ice cream and popcorn. You have to make yourself do these things I know. I was so close to calling off my kids Harry Potter party on the day because I felt I could just not get out of bed. But I made myself do it and I am glad I did. Fight it.
Tell your girls it is just silly hormones and mummy is fine.

But do make a GP appointment or even a phone back for today and then try and park everything for just 24 hours.

Much love. I have felt so similar so many times but it will pass.


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2019, 10:16:04 AM »

Hi Lisa W

Yes I understand completely how you feel.
I was the same with the pill. Gave me high blood pressure, so couldn't go on it.And I thought
the same about hrt, but I've had no problem at all, in regards to that.
You won't know until you try, it might be ok, if it's not, change for something else.
Anything is better than feeling like you do, in my opinion anyway.
You can always stop it, like you already have with the everol.
Most women do suffer a bit at first, with any hrt, but it's recommended you stay on it for at least 3 months to see if things settle down, that's of course, if you can manage.
It's really hard to get things right, but don't give up. Things will eventually settle down, post on here, someone's always on to help.
I went through four attempts to get the hrt that was right for me.
Hope you feel a bit better today...xxxx


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2019, 11:38:24 AM »

Thank you all so much for replies it's very much appreciated and at least I feel I'm not the only one going through this.
This morning my anxiety it's still I dont know if it's the patch or my my cycle.
It's just such a difficult process to get right I guess. I think my biggest issue is I just manage and no more...adding side effects top me over the edge!
Honestly at my worst i 5hink the girls would be better off with someone else but I know I dont mean that.
I'm so sorry for you all that's going / been through this.
Reading alot and trying to take things in this forum...and I'm forgetting to reply individually to people but I will when my brain functions properly
So far the bank holiday and I've just managed to girls dressed lol! Seems like such a task !
Were going on a summer holiday in just over 6 weeks and I'm scared I ruin it 😭😭
Grrrrr .... I wanna run away but everyone realys on me ! Xxx


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2019, 11:59:44 AM »

lisa _w . Please believe me when I say it will pass. Your anxiety is fuelling itself.
Can you go out for a walk? Ice cream shop? Put a video on ? You need to get your
head out of the negative place and everything will slowly calm down a bit.

I was very anti any kind of medication ( I always have high blood pressure anyways)
but the GP gave me propranonol to take for panic / anxiety. I only use it very occasionally
to calm me down in the very bad times. I has very few side effects for me and can be used
'as and when'. Or even Calms over the counter from Boots.  I don't like to tell people what to
take - only what works for me - but everyone is different.

You are a FANTASTIC MUM for sure because your girls are top of your mind. This is a blip.

Try and write a list of a few things that may help and be determine to do a few of them today.

Many hugs....I know completely where you are. I was there last week! You will get through it.


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Re: I'm a lost cause
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2019, 02:18:21 PM »

Does the thought of a holiday make this worse for you?  Are you all able to do different stuff whilst away ........ ?