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Author Topic: Hi everyone-help!  (Read 2019 times)


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Hi everyone-help!
« on: May 13, 2019, 07:27:31 PM »

Hi, Just turned 50 & feel dreadful! I've had very irregular periods for last 4 years & very heavy at times.Also had problems with insomnia-however for the past 6 weeks I have had severe panic attacks & anxiety, depressed thinking about the future.i have had this before during both pregnancies & at other times but have been well for 5 years . GP prescribed anti depressants & has referred me to a psych as I had said I had felt at times suicidal due to the anxiety. However I am wondering if the peri menopause is adding to all of this-as well as big life events-kids getting older & elderly mother in latter stages of dementia! If anyone has any advice I would be grateful.


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2019, 07:56:07 PM »

Yep.  Sounds the mix to upset any anxiety experienced in the past.  Anxiety almost killed me and I now have an emergency as-necessary drug.  Some find exercise helps, deep breathing - I have also used 'rescue remedy' mouth spray with success.  Diet too, as well as keeping hydrated.  It's The Change - does what it says on the tin.

Even if it's hormonally caused, I would take the medication for 6-8 months.  Not worth waiting to see if HRT would help. It will allow you to discuss the various methods of HRT and make an informed decision.  Did you need medication after your children?

Some find it helpful to keep a mood/food/symptom diary.  Periods do alter, fortunately might went lighter - some find they have heavier bleeds for which there is a drug that eases it.   Browse round, make notes ;-). 

What support do you have for your Mum?  There are agencies that can help, i.e. the various dementia charities. 


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2019, 08:28:11 PM »

Thank you so much for replying. Yes I had medication before-on and off. I know you are right to keep taking it but like most Mental Health problems you want it to work yesterday. I live quite a distance from my mum and my dad cares for her. They are both in their 80's and have support from a couple of relatives and a daily carer. I have tried to arrange respite but my dad has been extremely stubborn and to be honest this has added to the anxiety. I think realising I am 50 was a big thing as well. I think it has been a combination of events. I have been exercising and that does help-however the anxiety has destroyed my appetite and the weight is falling off. My PT thinks its her diet plan and training regime!!


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2019, 04:47:52 PM »

Birdy - this member has suffered and required appropriate medication in the past, not HRT.  Also, it's known that anxiety and anti-depressant medication may help quicker than trawling through various HRT suggestions, particularly if the GP is arsey ;-)

So getting anxiety etc. sorted is important to enable someone to make an informed choice.

Anxiety can take over.  To the point that nothing works.  I would always sort anxiety with proper meds and then consider HRT if necessary.  It depends on which symptom the person needs to ease first.

Anxiety takes away my appetite immediately  :'(.  Not good!  Have a  :bighug: Livvy69.


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2019, 05:24:00 PM »

I'd be more surprised if peri wasn't adding to it though of course it may not be the only cause. Could you start hrt then review with your gp after 3 months and reduce ads if she thinks it's appropriate? My anxiety and insomnia only went after 3 months on HRT but mine was hormone induced as I hadn't had it before. I don't think there's any reason why you can't take hrt alongside ads is there?
  Anxiety about things like aging parents is normal but not when it takes over your life.


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2019, 06:20:17 PM »

Hi Livvy69- you've got a lot going on there. I'm not a big fan of AD's but I would certainly consider taking them to start with to try and get on a more even keel. Once you've done that, you could possibly consider HRT as it sounds as if you've suffered from hormonal related depression over the years. Have a look at the articles on hormonal depression on professor John studds website.

Finding the right HRT regime can be a bit of a challenge but we're here to offer support on this and anything else for that matter.

Good luck x


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2019, 07:03:48 PM »

Livvy, I lost an ovary (how careless of me !!) at the end of Jan this year. I'm 46 and didn't think I had any peri symptoms before. I got the aching muscles and cold flushes within days of the surgery. Then the anxiety kicked in. I've been depressed before, but this was completely different.
When I spoke to my GP, she asked what issues I wanted to resolve first. I said the anxiety. So I got ADs. About 6 weeks later, I then started HRT. I'm 10 weeks into the ADs and 4 weeks into the HRT now. I think ADs have a place for some of us ... they help us get onto an even keel, so that we can take our time to get onto the right HRT (if that's where you want to go). If your other symptoms are manageable at the moment, then maybe ADs will be enough. But, I do think ADs will work quicker than HRT.
I'm hoping that my HRT choice works, so that I can come off the ADs at some point in the future. But I am a lot less anxious, so I'm not getting stressed about the HRT working or not working. If you see what I mean.
I hope you are feeling better. And remember, this is a personal decision and no one will judge you for your choice.  xx
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 07:07:18 PM by pants46 »


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2019, 08:11:08 AM »

Hi Livvy, sorry to hear of your woes.  Been there, done that, especially with teenagers and elderly parents (my Mum too had dementia), not an easy time.  I was offered ADs by a GP, but decided to first take matters into my own hands:  started walking 3-5 miles daily, swimming, eating super-healthy and, most important to me, gardening!  Several hours outside and problems disappear and I only have a tiny patio!  I know not everyone's the same and my lifestyle changes won't help everyone, but it's something to think about.  I still get anxiety (mainly health and worries about my kids), but it does get easier and I sincerely hope things get better for you.  Keep us posted!


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2019, 03:29:34 PM »

Hi Livvy, welcome to the MM forum!

Your issues with severe panic attacks and anxiety suddenly kicking in and hitting you like a juggernaut was identical to mine! I'd noticed my lifelong GAD had developed a nasty edge last year but put it down to life changes (Father dx'd with Parkinsons who I live with, moving away for placements due to career change etc.). However it wasn't until November last year when my MH took a turn for the worse and I had a massive flare up complete with dark and intrusive thoughts.

I didn't know at the time that this was late stage perimenopause, there was nothing but the anxiety and the horrible thoughts. So it was off the the docs for a refresher CBT etc. It wasn't until February in my case that my anxiety was low enough for me to realise that my hormones levels were seriously out of whack!

It was then that i approached the docs for tests and HRT. They have helped but as CKLD said if I'd have gone for them sooner the Anxiety would've overidden the effects!

I personally take the view that regardless of cause, panic is still panic, anxiety is still anxiety etc. As others have already made excellent suggestions and this isn't your first time dealing with MH problems I'm guessing you already have an idea of what works for you,so go for it! You can get through this!

And don't forget, this too shall pass & we're always here ;)


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2019, 04:13:01 PM »

 :thankyou:  4 so much support regarding medication as well as HRT.  This is after all 'menopause matters'  ;).  4 me getting help for the anxiety was paramount - or I wouldn't be sitting here  :-\.

Often I do wonder if, in the 1990s when my anxiety was bad, if it was related to peri., but going through my medical history - not to the degree that hormonal upheaval was considered [now I need to think how old I actually was  ::)].  I have had anxiety since age 3.  This is different to the anxiety I suffered prior to each bleed.   There's an article in today's Telegraph re peri that slams the advice for anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds when it is 'hormones'.  However.

Let us know how you get on, you all!  Whether keeping a mood/food/symtpom diary is useful. 

Finding out what is available in your area regarding teens/elderly parents can be useful too 2 be pulled out of the drawer when it is appropriate.  Forewarned etc.  ;)


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2019, 01:07:41 PM »

Hi CLKD. I related to all your words. I feel the if I don't sort my Anxiety nothing will become right. I have resisted Antidepressants for years now but think I should maybe give them a go as my ' monthly' pre-period anxiety is now there 24/7.  I feel it consumes my life. :'( My husband and kids deserve better. I don't know if it is high hormone levels or no hormone levels that fuel it. Despite trips to over 6 GPs and a Meno clinic I am no further forward.


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2019, 08:15:49 AM »

Update: I have started taking the Clonidine today ; small dose twice a day) so will keep you posted.
The advice on here in the last 48 hours has really helped. I am going to try
a different approach and fight this. A tentative  :)


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2019, 10:24:40 AM »

P.S Update! just spoken to my GP and she has said go for Sertraline not the Colonidine
that the Meno clinic lady recommended!   She didn't think it suited my symptoms and said it was
rarely prescribed!   

Think I agree so tomorrow I will start the Sertraline with half doses and just see how it goes. Gulp. :o



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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2019, 04:06:32 PM »

Thank you Birdy and everyone.  I am finding that I can't just ' get on with me life' if you know what I mean without
micro analysing everything in a negative way. My husband will say ' You're fit and healthy, great kids, great holidays etc - what have you got to worry about'.   I don't worry about the ' big' stuff; it is very specific health/Meno related. 

e.g. After a weeks pretty bad sleep and one night with none at all I am now I am worried about if I should take a half or quarter sleeping tablet, at what time, what if it doesn't work, will the Sertraline make me more mad in the short term. I have spent the day doing breathing exercises, CBT tricks, reading sleep books, reciting positivity mantras. It is bonkers! I just can't stop this mental churn and get on with my life like I did all my 20s/30s and early 40s.  I hyper analyse everything and look for the doom and gloom. 

Does that make sense ? I need to chill out and relax . Have a laugh. (But booze makes my insomnia much worse unfortunately!)


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Re: Hi everyone-help!
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2019, 04:07:53 PM »

Sorry Livy59. I think I have hijacked your thread a bit. Still getting use to how these forum chats work!