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Author Topic: Provera  (Read 14566 times)


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Re: Provera
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2019, 05:40:00 PM »

Just got back from GP appointment and although she's open to the idea of me taking Provera continuously, she wasn't sure if it's licensed for that type of use. She also said something I really couldn't follow about how they normally change you over from sequential to continuous when your bleeding spontaneously starts to peter out; I wish I'd questioned her more now, because as far as I'm aware you could still be having 'periods' when you're 90 if you're on sequential HRT, the whole point is that it mimics the natural cycle. And since I've had this sudden menopause and am now decidedly post-menopause, I'd have thought there'd be no problem whatsoever with being on continuous HRT if it suits me better. Anyone on here taking Provera continuously?


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Re: Provera
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2019, 06:47:43 PM »

Good evening racjen

I despair of doctors if you go to the top of page and click on the Treatments section and then choose HRT preparations then post menopause it gives a list of treatment options Provera in 2.5 or 5 mgs dose
daily is shown there I can only suggest you print off the page and show it to your GP.

I'm not even going to comment on her comment on changing from sequential to continuous HRT   :bang:
I can't recall anyone on the forum who is using Provera continuously Dana (I think that's her name) was thinking of changing to continuous use I'm pretty sure there's a thread about it somewhere but I think she's in Australia and doesn't post that often you could try doing a search on the forum.

Lanzalover x

« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 06:55:12 PM by Lanzalover »


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Re: Provera
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2019, 09:04:26 PM »

I have been on continuous provera for 4 odd years taken with premarin. I have felt like hell those 4 years and often wondered if it was the hrt. Tried to stop ct a couple of times but it was nasty. Just recently been getting lots of migraines and also vision issues. I decided to eliminate the provera to see if it makes a difference and am at day 7 off it. So far I have had a lot of stomach issues, flushing badly and feeling flat. I hope it subsides. My vision is much improved so it could be the provera contributing to this. Another reason I am experimenting is I have started having a bleed every couple of weeks. I guess I am perimenopausal still been on this rollercoaster 4 years. If I feel better off the provera I then have to find an alternative and therein lies the problem so many have. Anyway I didnt want to hijack your thread but let you know that I have taken provera 4 years straight and have felt terrible on it but was too scared to change it. X


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Re: Provera
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2019, 09:31:02 PM »

We're all so different aren't we - I've been taking Utrogestan on and off for 18 months and felt absolutely terrible on it, tried Provera last month and felt 100 times better. And yet others on here swear by Utrogestan. You can only know by trying...


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Re: Provera
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2019, 09:33:16 PM »

Good evening racjen

I despair of doctors if you go to the top of page and click on the Treatments section and then choose HRT preparations then post menopause it gives a list of treatment options Provera in 2.5 or 5 mgs dose
daily is shown there I can only suggest you print off the page and show it to your GP.

I'm not even going to comment on her comment on changing from sequential to continuous HRT   :bang:
I can't recall anyone on the forum who is using Provera continuously Dana (I think that's her name) was thinking of changing to continuous use I'm pretty sure there's a thread about it somewhere but I think she's in Australia and doesn't post that often you could try doing a search on the forum.

Lanzalover x

Thanks Lanzalover

by now I should know to check on here first and go in armed with the facts, but I'll email the link to that page to her - she's already recommended this website to me, not knowing I was already using it, so she can hardly argue (but we'll see!)


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Re: Provera
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2019, 05:49:58 AM »

Good morning racjen

Your welcome hopefully she'll be agreeable now,
Good luck.

Lanzalover x

Karen max

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Re: Provera
« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2019, 01:59:20 AM »

Hi folks
Just a wee update today I stopped my last 12 day provera still no bleed , but guess it will arrive in s few days as tummy is crappy feeling
Provera has caused bad acid reflux and the sickness feeling
Don't know if I posted about phoning hrt clinic last week and doc from the clinic got back to me he's happy enough for me to use the provera every other month instead of every month , he said because my surgery for bladder bowel womb prolapse shoukd ve to much longer , so fingers crossed I get surgey soon then I can stop the provera altogether , as womb is being removed

The symptoms I was having before hrt seem to have died down and things are a lot better using the gel instead of the patch

Kaz xx


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Re: Provera
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2019, 06:22:37 AM »

Good morning Karen max

Thanks for the update hopefully the surgery won't be to long now.
Pleased to hear the gel is working well for you.

Lanzalover x

Karen max

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Re: Provera
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2019, 10:56:32 AM »


Thank you abd I hope my surgery will be with in next few months ,waiting list here is just unreal

Kaz xx

Karen max

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Re: Provera
« Reply #39 on: May 22, 2019, 10:08:25 AM »

Hi ladies
Just me looking some advice

I stopped the provera Sunday was the last of the 12 days and still I've had no bleed ???
Could this just be a start up thing ?
Or can it take this long for a bleed to come ?
Hrt clinic told me after 3-5 of starting the provera I'd have a bleed but I know a few of yous said some times the bleed don't come to after you stop provera

I'm even wondering did they tell me to stop the gel while using the provera for the 12 days but surely they didn't ? I'd of remembered that (I think )

Gel is definitely helping me as I've had no hit flushes plus me head seems much clearer no mushy mixed up head feelings , still tearful at times but I can cope with that

Kaz x


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Re: Provera
« Reply #40 on: May 22, 2019, 01:44:16 PM »

Could be its a start up thing.  You still keep using your gel when you stop the provera.
You should be due to start bleeding today or tomorrow. Mine starts with a bit of mucky coloured discharge which gives me a clue but then it comes on real quick after that on the Utrogestan.

glad the gel's helping - its still early days yet, the tearfulness should subside after a bit longer use.
You're getting there Kaz x

Karen max

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Re: Provera
« Reply #41 on: May 22, 2019, 02:24:55 PM »

Hi ladybt

Thank you for getting back to me , yes I had wrote everything down that day at hrt clinic as my head remember nothing so it clearly said used 4 pumps gel every day then add the provera fir 12 days and the bleed will arrive 3-5 days into the provera
But you had said it could come after the provera so I've been waiting still nothing ,  so hopefully with in next few days it will arrive as I go on my hols start of June and I'd honestly not want to be bleeding but nothing can be down

Yes the gel seems to be agreeing with me up to now and the muzzy crazy feeling in my head has gone so that's alone is a plus also I've nit had hot flush in weeks now thankfully

Thank you for all you good advice ladybt xx


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Re: Provera
« Reply #42 on: May 22, 2019, 05:48:56 PM »

Is it possible you could've written it down wrong and they actually said 3 - 5 days after you'd stopped the Provera? You wouldn't normally expect to get a bleed until you've finished the progesterone, whatever type it is - it's the withdrawal of progesterone that causes the bleed. I find it normally starts within 3 days of finishing progesterone.

Karen max

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Re: Provera
« Reply #43 on: May 22, 2019, 07:51:11 PM »

Hi racjen

No the nurse wrote the notes out for me regarding the way provera works , she said the bleed would start 3-5 days after I started provera , I just wrote dates out , but up until now no bleeding tho I have like tiny cramp in lower tummy so maybe it's on it's way ??

I'm honestly not sure as I was on hrt patch then when I went to hrt clinic they swapped me to the gel and provera so I had a few days I'd staining when I swapped over so maybe that's what is holding it back ?

Oh flip I give up i confuse myself with this bloody hrt .
Just don't want the bleed while on my hols at end of the month

Are you feeling any better ?

Kaz x


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Re: Provera
« Reply #44 on: May 23, 2019, 05:30:45 AM »

I think she has written the wrong thing down (getting started and stopped confused)I have checked and all info I can find and it all states bleed will start between 3-7 days after taking the course I usually start a bleed between day 5-7 after finishing the course hopefully it will start in the next few days and be over before you go away.

Lanzalover x
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 05:33:08 AM by Lanzalover »
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