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Author Topic: Private Specialist in SouthWest - anyone tried Poundbury Clinic in Dorchester  (Read 3550 times)


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Hi ladies

I am fed up of my gp not knowing what to do next, so I have given up and decided to bite the bullet to get some answers from a specialist. Has anyone tried Dr Dooley in the Poundbury clinic in Dorchester?

Or can recommend anyone else in the SouthWest?

I have also found Elaine from AVogel very helpful with menopause questions.
Thanks lovelies... xx


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Sorry, haven't heard of Dr Dooley.

I can highly recommend Dr Sarah Gray - she trained up Dr Newson and used to head up the NHS Devon and Cornwall Menopause Clinic service (now defunct). She works privately in Plymouth (and possibly Truro) but was willing to conduct appointments by phone (and Skype) when I told her I was too exhausted to make the journey from Devon. She will prescribe privately if necessary (for testosterone, for example) and/or write to your GP for them to do so. I think she charges around £150 an hour (don't quote me, meno brain in full swing ATM!)
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 12:53:34 AM by Saffy »


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Thanks Saffy

Yes I did see Dr Gray coming up in my searches too, but the same as you, I couldn't face the drive to Plymouth. But if she is willing to skype, that is perfect. I presume you used her then and you are happy with her?

Meno brain is dreadful....although it's all dreadful isn't it?... Hope you're finding your way through with Dr Gray's help though... xx


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Oh yes, the meno brain is driving me bonkers ATM and seems to be resistant to the HRT in my case :(.

Sorry, I should've said that I am actually seeing Dr Gray (and I still can't remember how much she charges - possibly that's for the best  ;D ). She's really nice, very thorough, listens to everything you say, answers all your questions and explains all her reasoning, which I really like. I'm also lucky to have a helpful but not overly well-informed (menopausal!) GP who will do pretty much whatever Dr Gray tells her, even the seemingly never-ending blood tests, which has helped a lot!

Hope you manage to get some relief yourself, it's a long old slog but we'll get there in the end  :).


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Thanks Saffy

In all honesty, are you finding it helpful seeing Dr Gray? Or is she telling you basically what your GP has told you to do? That is my concern in that I'll pay all of that money and she tells me the same thing.

Do you feel better since you have been seeing her? Would you recommend her being worth all the money you're having to pay? I know she is a GP as well but would you rate her as a menopause specialist too?

Do you go to Plymouth or do it all over skype?

I have had lots and lots of blood tests that I have access to, will she look at those or do you have to pay for more?

Sorry for all of the questions. I really hope you do get there soon is a long slog and it's hard without the correct info. xx


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Hi Ally, no problem with questions! OK, this might be long...

I'm a bit of a tricky one. I spent nearly 18 months with my GP gradually increasing my oestrogen dose - some symptoms resolved but I was still utterly exhausted, full of aches and pains and the cognitive issues/brain fog were just as bad. My GP had been pretty much led by me as to products and dosages and was getting really twitchy about raising my dose again (to 100 patch) so I suggested the gel which I tried for nearly 3 months with no improvement (even at 4 pumps which is roughly equivalent to 100 patch).

I decided to contact Dr Gray as I felt I wasn't absorbing and knew that were women on much higher doses as a result (but GP's computer said NO! and she was clearly getting out of her depth). GP implied that she could override the practice/CCG restrictions with a specialist's recommendations.

I have only spoken to Dr Gray by phone as my laptop is old and the webcam is kaput! Dr Gray asked me to fill in a very detailed online questionnaire, scan/attach/input results of any recent blood tests, was completely unfazed by my situation and suggested trying a different patch (Evorel) at 75mcg for 3 months, increasing to 100mcg if necessary after another 3 months, calmed my GP down about the progesterone levels required and asked for blood tests after 3 months on 100 patches which my GP was happy to do. I was allergic to Evorel so switched back to Estradot after a month.

Blood tests showed oestrogen (and testosterone) very low and SHBG high (prevents absorption). Dr Gray upped my dose to 2x100, reassured GP about progesterone again and asked for more bloods after 3 months. GP complied again, still prescribing this on the NHS. After 3 months oestrogen levels raised a bit but Dr Gray thought I wouldn't be able to get much higher due to breast pain so suggested testosterone could be beneficial for existing symptoms (can also help lower the sky high SHBG). I knew my GP wouldn't prescribe that (had asked previously) so Dr Gray gave me a private prescription for nearly a year's worth (£30 for writing prescription, £35 at the chemist). GP continues to prescribe the patches and progesterone on the NHS.

That's pretty much where I am now, still exhausted, achey and brain foggy but only 8 weeks in (can take 6 months to work). GP has agreed to another blood test next week to see if I'm absorbing/what levels are. I doubt I would ever have been able to get all these blood tests from my GP without Dr Gray's input (and my GP's respect for her).

Now, has it been helpful...well, I really like Dr Gray, she is very much a menopause specialist (it's all she has done for many years), she listens and we properly discuss options and she is enabling me to get the doses/products I need/want and the blood tests at each stage on the NHS. If your GP will not follow recommendations however, this would mean possibly having to obtain the HRT/blood tests privately so I am lucky in having a helpful (if not very informed) GP.

Sorry, that was very long! Can you give me an indication of where you are on your meno journey, symptoms and what you have tried so far? This might help in determining if it would be worth speaking to a specialist or whether this is basic stuff that the GP should be able to help with. Is your GP willing but ill-informed? Would they prescribe what you want if you wave guidelines/options under their nose?

It's a really tricky decision I know, as specialist's are so expensive and often women end up consulting them in desperation when their GP's should be the ones to help if only they were better informed/trained  ::). xx


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Oh my word Saffy - thank you for that. You are obviously far more patient than I....

In February I went down with a tummy/diarrhoea bug - or so that's what I thought it was - still not sure if it was meno related or just bug. It knocked me for 6 like they do. I went to the GP on my knees as I thought I must be peri or meno, due to not sleeping, brain fog, hot flushes, anxiety etc. So straight away she put me on Evorel patches - 25mg, as I have the mirena coil.

I requested a blood test to check my vit d levels, plus other things, as I have been low in this before. It showed that I was b12 deficient and needed injections. Being b12 deficient mimics meno symptoms. So I didn't know whether to stop patches, but I carried on. I had more blood tests to check various things and found that my iron reserves were low too.

I upped to 50 patch after 4 weeks on 25 but felt worse and really jittery and anxious. So went back to 25. After 8 weeks a not very good GP told me to try the gel, I tried for 4 days as my anxiety was through the roof and so were the hot flushes. The GP I normally see is very good but she's only part time and I can't always get to see her. I had my coil replaced in April and have had tummy ache/period pain ever since, so I'm due a scan to check that all is ok. So my progesterone would have increased massively...I wish I had never started this process as I feel worse than I did before, but too afraid to stop it all.

I've been taking so many vitamins/ natural herbs etc...but decided to stop them all and introduce one back in at a time, as they could be making me feel ill too. My sleep is worse as is my anxiety. I've started reflexology to try to improve my sleep as well as trying melatonin. I have tried dormeasan too for sleep. I can't usually get past 4am.  My FSH in March showed that I was peri....just waiting for another test. I have really good days where I think I've turned a corner and then really, really bad days.

Even considering acupuncture now.

The GP would be willing to listen to Dr Gray but it sounds like she may just say the same as the GP. I'll wait for my scan to see what's going on and then decide what to do....just really fed up now, especially trying to function whilst tired.

You sound as though you are getting somewhere though, which is great news. xxxx


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Hahaha, I can't say I'm known for my patience but I do have a need to be in control ;D. I did decide early on that I would try and approach this systematically as I had seen quite a lot on this forum and elsewhere where women and their GPs were chopping and changing doses and products without giving time for things to settle and a true picture to emerge. It seemed to be a good way to keep my GP on board as far as possible too ;). I have the luxury of working very part-time for my OH from home and have no kids so I could afford to be 'out of service' if necessary! I also had some counselling at the same time as starting HRT which was really helpful.

From what you say I would agree that it might be a little early to consider a specialist. The first thing is definitely to check the Mirena I would think as all other decisions will likely stem from whether you keep it or not. Also do you know if your iron, B12 and Vitamin D are at decent levels currently?

The diarroea is 'interesting' (!) as I suffered a lot in the early days of peri when my hormones were up and down like a yoyo and I was having lots of periods (every 12-18 days roughly). I made big changes to my diet and it seemed to go but it still returns the night before my withdrawal bleed without fail. That might be a red-herring in your case 'though? There are a lot of them in menopause, I've found  :D.

If you were still having pretty regular periods then it's possible that you really don't need much oestrogen at this stage but just enough to oppose the progesterone in the Mirena and add a small top up? I felt better with some extra progesterone at this stage until my periods were much further apart - I went 60 days, 90 days, 150 days then two in quick succession and at that point I was flushing a bit and waking early to extreme heat and adrenaline surges. That was the time I decided I wanted full HRT (anxiety, aches and pains, hair loss, brain fog etc. had been around for a while at that point). One of the first things to go for me (eventually...) were the early morning wakeups (although I'm still a bit short of sleep all the time). Melatonin, valerian etc didn't help this at all (although they can be good for getting off to sleep I found). Anything to help you relax and reduce anxiety is good. I found acupuncture very relaxing but it didn't help my sleep, unfortunately.

It's really tricky 'though as anxiety and jitteriness can be a sign of both low, high and fluctuating oestrogen and your early waking is a classic sign of low oestrogen! The problem is we are all so varied and respond so differently to HRT (and vary between types and doses too). Whatever you decide I would suggest start low, keep a diary and stick it out for 3 months unless you are having unbearable side effects. I think you probably tried to increase to 50 from 25 patches too soon. Easier said than done, I know, but it really can take that long for levels to rise and any benefits to be fully realised. If you have current stomach issues definitely use patches rather than tablets. If you need a progesterone Utrogestan is often better tolerated and can be used vaginally (your GP won't know this I suspect, and won't approve!). You could also try something like low dose Femeston sequi (tablets) which has one of the gentler progesterones. There are lots of different products to try so don't despair. There is no reason why you cannot try all of them - don't let your GP tell you that they're pretty much all the same as many women on here will tell you that's not their experience at all!

I have also been through the whole gamut of supplements but now I'm on HRT I only take the non-meno ones as they can muddy the waters a bit and some interact. So no sage, soy, black cohosh, red clover, St. Johns Wort or evening primrose/starflower. I would go back to basics with everything - a diet that is nourishing and as unprocessed as possible, Vit D/Iron/B12 if you are low otherwise a good multivitamin/mineral supplement with plenty of B vits included. Extra magnesium is also really good for anxiety, aches and pains, stiffness (and period pain) - don't take M. citrate 'though as it will give you the runs! I take high doses and use a body spray too. I also found Lemon Balm (Melissa) quite good for anxiety for a while.

I totally get the fed up bit and the overwhelming tiredness just feeds into everything else making it ten times worse  :(. There are days I feel OK and others where I despair at spending the rest of my life stuck in a fog of exhaustion. We will get there eventually 'though! Let me know how you get on with the Mirena appointment and perhaps we can come up with a plan for your GP  ;). xx



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Hi Ally19

I have a friend who sees Mr Dooley regularly, although in London - I didn't know he practised in Dorchester too? She swears by him and he does seem to be very good and thorough.

I'm also sending you a pm.

Hurdity x


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Thanks Hurdity

How do I pm you back? xx