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Author Topic: Enough is enough  (Read 12992 times)


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Enough is enough
« on: April 26, 2019, 10:31:40 AM »

I have to stop the utrogestan I simply cant take anymore.
I'm bone tired. Yesterday I went out and I had to come home and go to bed. I could barely stand up and nearly fell asleep at the wheel again during a 15 minute journey. I cant drive like this it's dangerous.. I had to hold onto the stair rail and literally drag myself up the 3 flights of stairs to my flat, I seriously could've just laid down on the stairs.
I slept from 5.00 pm yesterday  til now. Even when I woke up once in the early hours I couldn't rouse myself fully enough to even move a muscle.

It feels exactly like when I  had  ME after glandular fever in my 20s. The  same sort of  dog tiredness and muscle weakness which doesnt improve with sleep. It's awful. It started a few weeks ago and has got worse and worse.(I've been on continous utro for 5 months now.)

I still dont fully understand how continous progesterone works to be honest. I know that in sequi  it stimulates the womb to shed lining which keeps lining thin. But in continous how does it keep the lining thin without shedding. If it is simply opposing the effects of eastrogen in the womb then isnt it opposing the effects of eastrogen throughout the whole body?

I started testogel 3 days ago and I know this may help but it's going to take a while and I cant carry on like this.

I'm on 175 mcg estradot.
The worry is that I might be on too high an eastrogen dose to reduce P. My gynae has scared the daylights out of me about this. I dont want to end up with problems with womb which I might need a hysterectomy for. Right now I wish they'd just removed my womb at the same time as ovaries. I dont know what the reason was for leaving it.

So ladies, How should I proceed. I didnt take it last night as I fell asleep before I had the chance so I am thinking just stop it now for 14 days and then decide what to do from there. Will 14 days of no P be o.k on such high eastrogen?

If I cant sort out the progesterone I'm going to have to stop hrt altogether and i dont want to not have eastrogen as I'm still only 54.

Thank you in anticipation for any advice/experience xxxx


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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2019, 11:07:06 AM »

I gave up utrogestan after 8 days, it kept me awake all night so I couldn't function in the day, I didn't feel safe driving to do the school run as that was a 50 minute return run.
I changed to the Mirena and have been very happy with it.


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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2019, 11:26:34 AM »

Tc I don't know how you've managed to take it continuously for that long, I know I couldn't. I'm currently on day 4 and feeling good, but I know from past experience I very quickly hit a wall about day 7 when my body has had enough.

Birdy re the sleeping I always find I sleep well while on Utrogestan but as soon as I stop I have a few bad nights until my body readjusts. Sometimes I take something else just for a couple of nights to help.  Hope you get a good nights sleep soon x

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2019, 12:53:41 PM »

Hi TC,

Ive just put up a post about moving from oestrogel & 7 days a month of 200mg Utrogestan to a combi routine where i continue to apply oestrogel every day but also use 100mg Utrogestan  every day.

The reason I have posted is because I am concerned about what effets it will have on me. Things aren't great at the moment (too ill to work this week) so I have to try something.....

Can I ask why you are on the combi routine? The reason it's been suggested I try it is because I feel terrible on days 5-15 of my menstrual cycle.

I hope you feel better soon, I'm also worried about feeling drugged up to the eyeballs & unable to stay awake! Xx



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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2019, 01:15:56 PM »

Do you keep a diary Tc?


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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2019, 01:37:27 PM »

Thank you ladies. Clkd. I did keep one for about a month when I first started the estradot. I noticed that on the middle day of the 3 day patch I felt slightly better.
This drugged up tired feeling has only realy started recently and just getting worse.

I think birdy might be right about the E to P  ratio as the utrogestan has built up in my system over the last 5 months  but I'm on 175 patch.though which is pretty high so maybe not absorbing much of it. Causing the Progesterone to be dominant. I dont know whether to try yet a different patch, maybe sequi. The meno nurse said if I continue to poorly absorb transdermally I might have to resort to the HRT pill.

Hi blue kingfisher  I'm on continous as it's considered standard post meno and I'm in surgical menopause  maybe ias birdy says f your eastrogen levels are high enough it will counteract the effects of continous progesterone. Also if you are not post meno your own hormones will still be coming into play.

I guess I can only try a 14 day experiment of no utrogestan and see how it goes. It's just that my gynae scared me so much saying "we must protect your womb at all costs". I guess if I switch to 14 days at 200mg I will be getting the same amount in a month as 100 continous. But I am on a higher dose E than most ladies so I dont know if that increases risk to uterus.


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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2019, 02:10:47 PM »

? listen to your body ?  :bighug:

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2019, 02:22:56 PM »

Hi TC, it's so frightening when you have to make all these decisions & when you have to make them when you feel so ill is inherently wrong! You just want someone to tell you what to take your symptoms away & give you a guarantee that you won't feel worse on a new régieme or just worse at different times! It's so frustrating and debilitating!

I totally sympathise with you & have everything crossed that your experiment brings relief xxx


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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2019, 03:15:06 PM »

Thanks CLKD and thanks blue. I hope you find your new regime works better for you and balances you out.
I just seem to realy struggle with eastrogen and that's realy at the heart of the problem. I'm beginning to think my receptors have shut down!!
I didnt absorb the gel. The estradot patches have left a rash all over my tummy. I'm struggeling to find a clear bit of skin to put them and it seems I'm still absorbing poorly.

 I realy would love to try the femseven sequi again TBH. I was only on 50 so it obviously wasnt a high enough dose but I didnt get a rash from it and didnt seem as bad on the progesterone phase as I am on utrogestan. I didnt get a chance to try an increase on it as it went out of manufacture and its not clear when or if it will be back.
We do seem to be left to our own devices to figure this all out. Thank goodness for this forum


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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2019, 03:25:16 PM »

You poor thing, Tc.  :(  FemSeven 50 is still available as an oestrogen only patch. It's the combined Conti patch which we can no longer get much to my anger and disappointment. Any way I am still using FemSeven 50 and am about to have a Mirena Coil fitted next week as I don't feel well on Utrogestan Conti. Is this an option for you? 💐


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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2019, 03:45:12 PM »

Hiya roseand thorn. Thank you for your reply.
I need a higher dose than 50. I wonder if it's available in higher dose? Do you know?
My doc seems very surprised at my utrogestan issue as she said it's the most body identical and  she seems to think  that if  I don't get on with that I wont get on with any other progesterone

But that might not be true. I seemed to get on better with the progesterone in the femseven.  Its "leveno" something or other,cant quite remember but I do remember it's in the contraceptive pill and I took that in my younger days with no problems.

Mirena might be an option. But my sister had issues with it. We both have a "retroverted" uterus. And they said that was the reason they perforated mine during my ovary removal, so that's put me off a bit but my fears may be unfounded. I know ladies on here have found it to be the answer. I hope it works well for you. Please let us know how you get on with it.



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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2019, 04:06:17 PM »

I believe FemSeven is available in higher doses, yes. 75 and 100. I also did ok on the pill with was Microgynon which I took for years when I needed contraception. By the way my Meno specialist who is absolutely great, has said that even though the pill isn't licensed for HRT it is occasionally prescribed when nothing else has worked. I'm not keen as the doses of hormone are so high but it's interesting that she mentioned it.
I think you're right meno specialist has also said that lots of women don't do well on utrogestan even though it's body identical.  Other women do really well with it. There's no one size fits all. I am nervous about the coil but I'm going for it with hope in my heart.


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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2019, 04:37:01 PM »

Yes roseandthorn. You should have hope. Lots of ladies seem to get the mirena and never look back.  I hope I havent made you worry about it, it's just me being extra anxious.the doc probably shouldnt have said what she did about my uterus if she hadn't I wouldnt have any hesitation about it  and I have no real basis for my reluctance so I shouldnt have repeated it.

Interesting about the pill. I wonder if they use it post meno tho.
Levengesterol that's it!!  I seemed to get on o.k with it too although lots dont.

The meno  nurse said I dont "fit into the box". But who does?  I wish they were more interested in finding solutions for those of us who dont fall into their preconceived "norms". It sounds like you've got a good one though.


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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2019, 04:44:45 PM »

I use utro 12 days per cycle and I'm also wiped out for those days, I can't imagine how you cope being on it continuously. Have you considered a long cycle? At least that way you might feel OK most of the time. The other option is a different prog. I started on everel patches and didn't get fatigue on the prog ones (had to change due to rash) so it's possible you would feel better on a different one.


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Re: Enough is enough
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2019, 04:53:05 PM »

Thank you sheila. I havent tried everol. The estradot are giving me a rash tho.
Is the everol patch 2 weeks E patch and 2 weeks combined E and P?
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