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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy  (Read 5237 times)


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Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« on: April 26, 2019, 08:55:24 AM »

Hi ladies,
Further to my post a couple of weeks ago regarding a sudden bleed after being on Femoston Conti 0.5/2.5 for 3 years I had my appointment at the hospital 'post meno bleed clinic' on Tuesday.
After the ultrasound scan and trans vaginal scan I saw the consultant who suggested/offered (didn't insist) a hysteroscopy and biopsy in order to determine the cause of the bleed and in case it wasn't a hormone/hrt related issue.
I was not exactly keen on having the procedure but I thought rather than the 'wait & see/come back in three months if it happens again' option, I agreed to go ahead and had the hysteroscopy and biopsy.
I was told to expect some spotting and/or bleeding for the next few days which began almost as soon as I got home (just light spotting) and by Wednesday night it had almost stopped. Then yesterday it began again, more like a light period (cramps not bad enough to warrant painkillers though), and this morning seems about the same if not slightly worse.
Reading on various websites I realise this can go on for a week or so, but I'm a little anxious about it - beginning to get quite upset actually.
Anyone had this procedure and can offer some advice or reassurance?
It will be at least a couple of weeks until I get the results of the investigations and I feel like I've been through enough this week without having to go back and be messed about with any more!
Love Spadger x


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2019, 02:55:10 PM »

Hi Spadger

Yes, I had this recently, and they gave me a leaflet saying that bleeding and or watery/bloody discharge could continue for up to a week.  I think mine lasted about 4 days. I wasn't expecting a lot, as I had a very thin lining, with some edometrial atrophy. 

Hope it helps?

Jeepers xx


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2019, 04:51:44 PM »

No experience of this but if it's worse than you've been told to expect you could ring the doctor's secretary for advice.


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2019, 10:15:47 PM »

Thank you both for your replies, it seems a bit better today - I will see how it goes over the next  few days, I just wasn't expecting it to get worse after a couple of days instead of better... feeling a bit sorry for myself if I'm honest ???
Spadger x


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2019, 10:51:00 PM »

Mine lasted 2 weeks. Bleeding and cramps. Results came back and apparently I have benign cysts. I'm still getting cramps but assume this is from the cysts rather than the procedure.

Keep the faith and be reassured you're not alone.



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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2019, 12:29:08 PM »

Don't apologise spadger.  Hysteroscopies are stressful and they certainly can make you feel sorry for yourself.  I was so scared I had mine under a general anaesthetic, though most places don't tell you you can do this. I found out on line.


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2019, 01:16:06 PM »

Hi I've started using sandrina gel 0.5 on my thighs every morning.  Ive developed candida orally which is a side effect and I feel dreadful.  Nausea, lack of appetite or no appetite tummy pains and generally feeling so unwell.  Im taking fluconozide which kills candida and im 4 days in, unsure if this is making me ill or the hrt.  Has anyone any tips please as im unsure whether to stick at it as ive been using the gel for 7 days only.  Would love to know how long side effects last and if you experienced any. Thank you x


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2019, 09:34:56 PM »

Thank you Jax2311 & Suzysunday for your replies - I felt very alone with this and it's reassuring to have support from others who have gone through it too. The pains seem to have subsided today thankfully, and I'm just hoping the bleeding will stop soon- it's a week tomorrow since the procedure.
Love Spadger x
P.S. Angie196543 I think you may have replied to my post accidentally, possibly meaning to begin a new thread? Sorry but I have never used the gel you mentioned so am unable to help, but I'm sure someone else on here will be able to offer advice xx


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2019, 12:25:58 AM »

A quick update. I've seen the gyne. He's confirmed I have simple cysts on my ovaries, and said he will review it in 3 months time. Advising me to keep a record of symptoms and if they become too much then he will consider a hysterectomy.

Regarding the fluid in my uterus. Even though I've not had a period in over 3 years, he confirmed that hormones present suggest in was a period I was having.  A last hurrah...

So chin up and carry on I guess.

I hope the information shows some hope for you.  The waiting is horrendous but hopefully you will be sorted soon.



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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2019, 07:16:45 AM »

Hi ladies I'm having the horrendous wait for results  pipelle biopsy last Tuesday TV/abdominal ultrasound this Monday for a small bit of bleeding .
The biopsy was bad enough and the scans were uncomfy as I have VA ,but my anxiety has gone through the roof I cant seem to breath properly I cant take in enough air  :'(  I'm sure you all know the feeling my irrational side of the brain is imagining the worst


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2019, 09:38:07 AM »

Hi FOF. Had biopsy and scan last August and the stress was horrendous.  I could hardly function a lot of the time for the fear and anxiety.   


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2019, 10:31:30 AM »

Hi FOF, Suzysunday & Jax2311
Thank you for your replies - it really is horrible going through this isn't it - my mother-in-law used to say it's no fun getting old, I know now what she was getting at!
Yes the waiting is the results from the scans/hysteroscopy/biopsy still might be another 2-3 week wait and it's awful.
FOF please know that you're not alone and although it's hard not to worry, no news is good news. I'm trying to bear in mind that whether I worry or not the outcome will be the same, so I'm doing mindfulness meditation and trying to get outside as much as possible.
Hugs to all, take care
Love Spadger x


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2019, 10:52:13 AM »

Thank you so much for taking the time to post ,I'm on my own alot and this is an ideal environment for irrational thoughts to esculate I'm wandering round in a trance I've just chucked a cup of tea in the bin instead of just the tea bag  :o

I'm so sore and feel battered as well as my Gp has told me to come of my ovestin while this is being investigated so with VA and now more trips to the loo plus all the rummaging around in there by different medics .
Sending you all a big hug fingers crossed for us all xxx


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2019, 11:32:22 AM »

Yes, I had to come off Ovestin too during this time and I have VA too. Then I got cystitis which turned into uti symptoms from VA cos off Ovestin for 3 months.  Been struggling with the wee  feeling for months, though back on Ovestin since late October.   I think I am just about getting on top of it but it's been awful since last July when the bleeding started. You feel really battered.   it must be awful for you to be on your own.  It's an awful time


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Re: Bleeding after hysteroscopy & biopsy
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2019, 08:11:03 AM »

Morning Ladies
Sorry suzysuday if I mislead you I'm not totally on my own ,I have a lovely supportive husband but he is away on business alot and a lovely son who's 28 and still at home (rolls eyes ) and  retreats to him room at any mention of lady bits .
Anyway had some feedback of the lovely very helpful secretary yesterday

Biopsy still not back but she assures me this is a good sign , she had permission from the consultant to tell me the scan results I have a small fribiod and a small cyst nothing to worry about as apparently these are very common .
My utrine lining is 7mm which as you know is over the guidelines this is what I'm now worring about as I was only on ovestin for 3 months admittedly every day (did try to drop it after 2 weeks but va and bladder symptoms came back ) everything I read and had reassured me vaginal estrogen is very safe no need for progesterone when it's used locally.
Going to see consultant next week ,the secretary did suggest that I might need hystroscope under GA (I'm presuming a D&C ) as a next step or just be monitored via scans depending on biopsy results .
Anyway last night I felt reassured that nothing terrible is going on ,now this morning I'm of again worring what if .
Anyway sorry for the long post it quite therapeutic to write it all down
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