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Author Topic: I'm going crazy!! A rant about me and my doc and then one small question!  (Read 1465 times)


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I am absolutely at a loss as to what's happening with me. I'm 43. My mum went through the meno at 47. In the last three years I have been on such a crazy roller coaster. I had twins via ivf just before my 40th. It was a really tough, emotional pregnancy with lots of worries. Pretty certain I had PND. But since then, for two weeks of the month I've turned into a raging monster. It's cyclical, predictable and absolutely awful to live with.

Like many others on here, I can't tolerate progesterone - makes my mood swings worse and I feel sick. And I am super sensitive to anti-depressants - I feel as high as a kite, yawning and grinding teeth for the first two weeks and then become a lethargic mess rapidly gaining weight thereafter.

The doctor has told me I have PMS. She has offered me the pill or intermittent use of ADs. I cannot do either of these. My body is not made to tolerate these options.

I am pretty sure this is age related and I am about to enter peri. I still have periods, very heavy and very sore breasts for two weeks of the month. My periods used to be 28 days, thats kind of continued, but now 27 days.

I have decided to go private to see what alternatives there may be. I really need help. I'm honestly all over the place with rage, sadness, anxiety. Oh, and I have zilch libido. I mean nothing. For no one. Not even Brad Pitt.

I feel so lost and unconfident. It's awful and no way to live.

So my small question at the end of this.... Did going private help anyone find light at the end of this tunnel?

Thanks so much for reading.



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Hi Floodlights you are not going crazy although it may seem like it at times. Have you had a look at the NAPS website which is the association for PMS? I can't link from my phone.

You will find loads of support on here. I too suffered awful PMS in my forties (I'm 65 now) for 12 days each month and I appreciate how much it can impact on your life. I was just left to get on with it I'm afraid which was far from easy. Stupidly I didn't look for solutions so well done on asking for advice and help.

Taz X  :welcomemm:


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Thank you so much for replying! I will check out the NAPS website.

I hope posting on here was ok? I have felt like this is age related and getting worse, so figured it's the beginning of the beginning of the end (if that's makes sense?)... hence looking for menopause rather than PMS.

Your words "I too".... knowing you're not alone and not going crazy means so much.... Thanks again



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Thank you Taz... I just signed up t NAPS :-)


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National Association for Pre-menstrual Syndrome saved my Life in the 1990s.  I had awful, sudden nausea in the 10-14 days prior to my periods.  They advised me to eat every 3 hours, 24/7.  Puppy soon learned that when she went out to pee in the early hours that there were biscuits by our bed  ;D ........ my go to snacks are:

Dextrose tablets, recommended by the Ramblers Association
Otherwise I have found that:

dried fruits and nuts
porridge  :sick02:  :D
pancakes - these can be kept 2/3 days in the fridge, ready for instant cooking
ginger biscuits
when travelling - small packets of 'Kellogg' breakfast cereal which can be eaten dry

chicken curry with rice
hot Bovril with toast

Some find that eggs are useful but I can tolerate those in  :cupcake: otherwise  :-X

Let us know how you get on!   :welcomemm: (and if you need to throw anything, choose something that isn't expensive ;-) )

Yorkshire Girl

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Hi Floodlights It sounds like you are suffering severe PMS verging on PMDD definitely look through the NAPS site, it helped me. I suffered from PMDD and for me AD's didn't work and when my Dr put me on mini pill all it did was make me continuously bleed for 4 weeks heavy & painful at times. I would ask your GP to refer you to a gynaecologist who can advise the best treatment. I had a hysterectomy just over 2 years ago.


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Going private has been a real help for me.

You messed up your hormones with IVF I suppose and now with approaching Pemimenopause it's all thrown for a loop.  A private specialist should understand these things.  I suspect you won't regret it.

Meanwhile, read everything on the  Dr Louise Newson is very knowledgable and her web site is stuffed full of useful information for us.  I was lucky enough to become a patient of hers last year.  Going to see her is a treat. 


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this BBC broadcast may be of interest? I hope you find some answers.x



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Thank you soooooo much everyone. I don't think I've ever seen such a helpful forum xxxxx


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  • changes can be scary, even when we want them

Some ladies do pay for information, medication etc.; we shouldn't have to but it's often quicker than waiting for the NHS. 

Keeping a mood/food/symptom diary can be useful to chart progress.  Something to wave in front of the GP too  ;)