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Author Topic: Help I'm really confused about menopause estrogel and side effects  (Read 1277 times)


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I'm 47, been having symptoms for years, pre menstrual migraines, regular  26 day cycles, insomnia, loss of libido, dry down there, irritability. Recently this has progressed to joint pain at night, numb hands that I only used to get before my period, my cycles have become late and only last 1 or 2 days instead of 5-7 days. My Dr gave me estrogen patches 25mg to use during my period to help migraines which it did, but slight migraine when stop them. Then asked Dr if I could try estrogel as patches didn't stay on too well, also asked for utrogestan. I started with just one pump and it gave me a migraine each day I used it, and felt so ill, I gave up after 3 days. I feel gutted as I thought this would be the start of a new me. Why did I get such bad migraines on estrogel which I thought was the kindest and most stable form of estrogen ?, do I try the patches again as they suited me fine, try femeston 1/10 or give up and just ride the symptoms out ?.  :'(
« Last Edit: April 15, 2019, 10:23:40 PM by lillith112 »


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Re: Help I'm really confused about menopause estrogel and side effects
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2019, 02:41:28 AM »

Hi lillith112

Unfortunately I also suffer with migraines/headaches and I had the same reaction with the gel. No matter what dose I used soon after bam I would get a migraine and feel awful,I persevered with it for 6 weeks until I decided I couldn't tolerate feeling this way and stopped. I have tried patches and tablets which were not as bad but again never felt great when I was on them. It is trial and error as to what hrt regime suits you so I would definitely go back to doctors and try something else.

Good luck x


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Re: Help I'm really confused about menopause estrogel and side effects
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2019, 07:39:00 AM »

Thankyou Catlover68, blimey did you try it for 6 weeks  :o, I was in bed for 3 days the pain was unbearable. I wonder if its the ethanol in the gel that we reacted to ?. I feel embarrassed to go back to the Dr so soon after using the gel for only 3 days but last night I didn't sleep, insomnia,  numb hands and a racing heart. I feel totally yuk !.  :'(.

Catlover68 are you on any hrt now ?.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 07:46:12 AM by lillith112 »


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Re: Help I'm really confused about menopause estrogel and side effects
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2019, 07:59:21 AM »

I have used the patch for a good few years but felt it wasent working so well I decided then to try gel like you it caused me to have bad headaches just couldent get on with it I only lasted a few weeks why don't you try a patch ? I have gone back to them.


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Re: Help I'm really confused about menopause estrogel and side effects
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2019, 08:10:28 AM »

Anja I had patches but only for 7 days a month to help with menstrual migraine, but I found Estroderm would peel at the edges, couldn't get them to stick very well. I can ask Dr for them. What dose patches work best to start with ?, and I presume I still need the utrogestan for 12 days as I still have a cycle ?.


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Re: Help I'm really confused about menopause estrogel and side effects
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2019, 08:23:38 AM »

Stellajane yes I think possibly the ethanol triggers the migraines off. I will have to make yet another Dr appointment. I don't know if patches or Femeston would be best. This is so frustrating,  I just want to feel normal again.  x


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Re: Help I'm really confused about menopause estrogel and side effects
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2019, 10:14:36 AM »

I use Estrodot 50mcg I was on 75 but dropped down and don't really want to go back up I don't need progesterone as I've had a hysterectomy I was fine on 50 to start.


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Re: Help I'm really confused about menopause estrogel and side effects
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2019, 10:25:56 AM »

Lilith112 I've come off hrt now much to my disappointment. I just never felt well on it. I'm now thinking that I'm still producing oestrogen and when I was using hrt I was having an overload if that makes sense. I only needed oestrogen as I have the mirena coil. Im now taking a low dose of citalopram which has helped with my mood quite a lot but I'm still getting migraines/headaches more often,terrible insomnia and hot flushes at night but they are manageable at the moment. I certainly wouldn't rule out taking hrt again in the future but other than the above symptoms I feel I can manage just about. I have been back and forth to the doctors so many times I'm sure she sees my name on her list and thinks god not her again lol!! I'm off there again later about these migraines and insomnia but doubt there is anything she can suggest. Let us know how you get on x


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Re: Help I'm really confused about menopause estrogel and side effects
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2019, 11:47:59 AM »

Insomnia and migraines are my main symptoms,  I've had it years but its even worse now, I'm absolutely exhausted every day. I'm sorry to hear you have come off the hrt and still suffering with migraines and insomnia. That made me laugh about the Drs lol, that's exactly how I think they feel about me, I'm currently waiting for a Dr to call me back today lol  ;D . All the best today, I hope your Dr helps you, let me know how you get on.


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Re: Help I'm really confused about menopause estrogel and side effects
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2019, 03:29:02 PM »

Well the Dr rang back and said I need to come in and discuss my options, 8th of May is the appointment  !, Lord knows how I'm gonna cope feeling like this until then, seems ages away.  :-\