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Author Topic: When will I feel like me again  (Read 6553 times)


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When will I feel like me again
« on: October 10, 2012, 09:33:58 PM »

Hello everyone,
I am very new to forums so please forgive any errors. I'm also just getting used to the idea of menopause and struggling with it all.
I've been told that at 45 yrs, I am in the perimenopause phase, as my hormone levels are apparently not changed.

However, I am having most of the symptoms of menopause. I haven't had a period for 2 years, but when my daughter left for uni both last year and this, I had a small bleed in emotional response.
I am having bladder symptoms with increased stress incontinence, very poor sleep, weight gain, blemished skin, thinning hair, the occasional power surge, and worryingly my blood pressure has started to rise, etc etc.
But the worst symptoms for me are the emotional/psychological ones.
I cry at anything and everything but then swing to anger really quickly. I have lost all concentration, memory and organisational skills, which I desperately need for my job. It was also my "thing" in work to be the organiser, but now I am floundering in my own misery of ineptitude. It is starting to effect my work, but given the type of person I am I hate being seen as weak, but menopause is making me feel weak.
I have been to my GP. A lovely "young" lady, who I feel, does not understand what these feelings are like.
She won't discuss options with me yet (as she put it) as my hormone profile was ok. But I am suffering, that is the only way I can describe how I feel.
I have started taking St Johns Wart to help with my emotions, it appeared to be working for a while but now isn't.
Can anybody out there advise me what I should be arguing for with my GP. Am i in menopause, or should I just ride the storm as its not menopausal???????? Is there anything else that I could take that others have found helpful.
Will say I am nervous about HRT. I only took the pill for 6 mths as I felt it didn't agree with me, and evening primrose makes me like a raging bear with aggression, something that those who know me get terrified of as I am normally very mild mannered.
Any help anyone can give will be gratefully taken
Jo x


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Re: When will I feel like me again
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2012, 06:55:12 AM »

Hi Jo

Welcome to the forum  :welcomemm:
Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. Your symptoms certainly sound like peri. If I were you I would be asking my GP if I could try HRT. My symptoms started at age 45 and I only started to feel like myself again once my periods stopped at age 51. It can be a long ride!

You could start off on a low dose and see how you go. If it doesn't suit you can try a different brand; lots of women try a few before they find one that works. You can always stop if you find it's not right for you, but if you're suffering so badly with meno symptoms then I'd say it's definitely worth a shot.

As for hormone tests - they are notoriously unreliable during peri as hormones can fluctuate wildly by the hour never mind daily!

Have a good look round the site. There's loads of information and all the HRT preparations available in the UK are listed in the menu to the left of the screen.

You'll also find lots of new friends on this forum  :)

Catweazle x



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Re: When will I feel like me again
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2012, 07:22:12 AM »

Hi Jo
I'd say that it would definitely be worth considering HRT. As you've had a bleed within the last year, you are classed as peri-menopausal so should have a sequi HRT which means a monthly bleed; they're usually light and painless though. The different options are listed here:-
I started HRT 3 years ago at 49 and for me, it's been wonderful. I was still having periods and my hormone levels were "normal" but I managed to find a great meno and HRT-savvy gp which made all the difference, I have to say. Is there a different gp you could see?
Have a good browse through the menu on the left; there's lots of info there provided by Dr Currie, a meno expert who runs this site.
Ask any questons and join in with our chat; check out the "Funnies" too. The support and understanding here will help almost as much as any medication!  ;) ;D
Bette x


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Re: When will I feel like me again
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2012, 07:36:24 PM »

I joined the forum just over a week ago and this is my first post to someone else.  Unfortunately you sound just like me regarding your emotions and work situation.  I know how hard it is.  I was off sick for 3 weeks and forced myself to return on Thurs -earlier than I needed to- but I have done nothing but cry since. 
I started HRT 2 weeks ago so dont have any feed  back on it yet except that hot flushes have got less intense but still here.  I too was told I wasnt meno until Jan this year even though I had lots of symptoms beforehand.
I am also taking antidepressants to help over this initial period but still feel out on a limb so to speak.
Keep trying to speak to your Dr regarding your symptoms and dont let them get you down too far as I did and am now finding it difficult to get back up.
Your not alone and this site has been wonderful to visit on my most down days and the people have made me cry with their lovely replies to my first post.
best wishes ellen xxxx


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Re: When will I feel like me again
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2012, 08:34:46 PM »

Sometimes all we can all do listen and support.

This forum made me realise I was not going mad.



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Re: When will I feel like me again
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2012, 07:49:31 PM »

Hi sweetie

So many of us feel like you do, no one talks about it and a lot of suffering goes on in secret, that is why this forum is so great. You really are not alone. I went on HRT at 45, not because of hot flushes but because of mood swings, panic, palpiations, etc etc. Try and get some help, and no you are not going nuts (I should listen to my own advice).

Mookie xx


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Re: When will I feel like me again
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2012, 10:24:41 AM »

hi. im new on here to. 47 and peri menopausal.  no friends to talk to. no family. im on antidepressants fluoxetine but doesnt help me much. i feel so rough aswell. hot sweats, depressed, anxious, so so tired all the time, my life seems to of come to a halt. just seem to be living hour to hour for last year. at least on here people understand . :)


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Re: When will I feel like me again
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2012, 07:07:59 PM »

Shellyj. Sorry you sound so alone but here your not and we are all sharing  your despair. It seems to me that the doctors and meno nurses leave some decisions to us as to what to do about the  meno and what we should try. I found that  but antidepressants are not the answer doctors always seem to put you on these because they don't, know what else to prescribe . Can you not try hrt it may be that you are lacking oestrogen which causes mood swings apparently. Go and talk to your doc or meno nurse you shouldn't have to suffer.



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Re: When will I feel like me again
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2012, 11:02:35 PM »

Hi Jo

Hello, Im fairly new to this forum, and I have to tell you that knowing that there are so many women like me out there, going through this gives me such great strength.

I too was ticking along great, raising my teenagers, running the home, holding down a very responsible job that people looked up to me.  But then meno hit me big time.  I sometimes think what happened to the confident, organised and reliable person?  I'm forgetful, moody, irrational, snappy, emotional, dippy etc etc ... I could go on (Those are just some of the emotional side, then there's the physical things).

This site covers everything and anything you ever wonder or question about the ups and downs of being 'female'.

Just keep fighting and talking.  Go back to your GP or change GP.  I know I don't feel me.  Listen to yourself and your body).

Anyway, work your way around this site its got some great links and guidance.  I was hesitant in joining the forum, but its really helped me and everyone is very supportive.

Wishing you all the best. And remember you are not alone. Be strong.

This is you fighting back ;)

purpleflower xx


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Re: When will I feel like me again
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2012, 11:01:48 AM »

I hope this isn't going to sound negative but you might not feel like the you that you used to be again as this is called the 'change' and it is a change in your life. I am not the person i was in my 30s or 40s but i am now feeling better on the whole than i was 10 years ago. If i kept wanting to be the old me again i would be feeling down and sad but i have tried to learn to accept who i am now and adjust my life to the me that i am in middle age. That way i can feel better about myself rather than missing the younger person i once was and, that way i also feel less anxious a lot of the time. Striving to be something you are not makes you feel bad but embracing the change can really help you like yourself again. Ewww that sounds cheesy but it is meant sincerely.


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Re: When will I feel like me again
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2012, 02:11:43 PM »

Good post Jane.

You are quite right.....its not called the change for nothing.

We can only embrace the changes and hope that things improve along the way.



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Re: When will I feel like me again
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2019, 09:00:47 PM »

Hi are you feeling? Youre post sounded familiar
Im.48.peri.etc...i new to hrt.  Can i ask what are.on? Xx