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Author Topic: Stupid questions re hormones & HRT  (Read 4479 times)


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Re: Stupid questions re hormones & HRT
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2019, 04:12:02 PM »


Thanks for the info Hurdity, :-)

Just thought I'd update this, following my gynae appointment.

So, Dr decided to do the hysteroscopy.  It was very, very painful, and it was all I could do not to scream at her to stop.  I think maybe I am quite sensitive, as I seem to remember almost fainting when having an IUD fitted many years ago.  Anyway, I am now recovering, with bad period type pains, which hopefully will go soon.

The dr showed me the picturres, and pointed to areas and said they were atrophy of the edometrium, which is almost certainly the cause of the bleeeding (2.8mm is quite thin).  She did also take a couple of biopsies, but said that she would not be surprised if they came back and said there was not enough there to do any testing on.  She said that in itself is a good thing.

she also reassured me about my cervix, she said she is a colposcolist (is that the word?  ), and she can tell by looking that the cervix is healthy, and would also know if the bleeding was coming from there.

She said that my meno dr is probably correct and that given the atrophy, I probably need the 3 pumps.  So its really a trade off?  Painful and even more lumpiness in my breasts or endometrial atrophy.  I will have to discuss with meno dr she said (I'm due to go back there in 2 months and will be getting my bloods done again).   So, that's the decision I now have to make.  I think she was happy with everything from her perspective.

I have also this week, recommenced the testosterone, hopefully, it wont send my anxiety back into orbit. 

I use the gel in the mornings , one pump on either inner thigh, and half a pump on outer/upper arm.  Androfeme outer thigh

Thanks again

Jeepers  xx



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Re: Stupid questions re hormones & HRT
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2019, 08:50:02 AM »

Sorry, its me again

I have been thinking about what the Endometrial atrophy means, and I am still confused.  If I were not on HRT, then my Oestrogen levels would be even lower, presumably, and  the atrophy would be bad, maybe worse.  So, would I get the PMB , which is a major red flag,especially if no HRT.

I am not due back to the Menopause clinic until May, so unsure what to do next

Does anyone understand all of this?  sorry to be a pain
Jeepers xx


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Re: Stupid questions re hormones & HRT
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2019, 10:37:21 AM »

Hiya jeepers I was wondering how you got on.
It sounds like reassuring news.

It sounds realy painful. No wonder you wanted to scream.

I must confess I realy dont understand the lining thing myself. I was told at my scan.that thin is good. I hope someone comes along to explain it for you. I dont know about you but that word "atrophy" is fast becoming my least favourite word in the dictionary!!

How is your pain today? sending love and hugs.and look after yourself. I know you have your colonoscopy next week..xx :foryou:

JEEPERS. I've just looked back at hurditys reply to your original question and she mentions endometrial atrophy in it.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2019, 10:47:20 AM by Tc »


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Re: Stupid questions re hormones & HRT
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2019, 09:55:49 AM »

Hi TC & Birdy

Thanks for your replies.  I'm feeling a lot better now, period type cramps have all but gone, and bleeding  (post procedure) has stopped.  Feeling relatively calm too, thankfully.

I don't understand it either, but I start to try to guess, and that's probably not good.  So, my guess is that because I am on the Oestrogen a tiny bit of blood builds up, which would not happen if I were not on HRT.  The picture the gynae showed me was patchy areas, which aer unstable as there is not enough Oestrogen to make it so?  I dunno.  Yes, I looked back at Hurditys reply, so now wondering if the Utrogestan is too much for me?  I feel so confused about it all.

I'm trying to just think of the positives.  Nothing sinister found, womb or cervix.  I've added back in the Testosterone, which I don't know if it will help? I don;t know if SHBG is all hormones or not. I may try going back up to 3 pumps, I'm still deliberating that one.

Yes, the colonoscopy is Weds.  It feels like soon there will be no orifice on my body that has not been probed... you have to laugh don't you?  Just hope i get the same result, nothing sinister found.  Birdy, yes, it IS literally all blood and guts for me! ;D.  Have you had a date for yours? 

Hope you are both good today..  :foryou:

Jeepers xx


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Re: Stupid questions re hormones & HRT
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2019, 02:34:12 PM »

Hiya. Lovely ladies.  Glad to hear you are feeling better. Jeepers.
I looked it up and it would seem that a predominance of P over E  can cause the lining to thin. But your eastrogen levels are now high so  maybe it started when your E was low and as your body adjusts to your new higher level it will stop. Thin lining is good post meno but obviously you had to get the bleeding checked out..  It was a lot of positive news though. At least you can adjust your levels with the gel.

I am feeling a little better today thank you. I whacked on a 100 and a 75 patch yesterday out of desperation. my mood is a little brighter today..dont know if it will last but the last couple of weeks have been awful. So   I've decided it's been a bit silly of me to hold back from adding Testogel  and changing how I take the utro whilst waiting for my E levels to rise. They havent and I need to throw everything I can at this depression now. So gonna add T and take utro vaginally instead.
Jeepers why did you stop using the T.?
Hope your o k birdy. Did you get a date?
Love to you bothxxx


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Re: Stupid questions re hormones & HRT
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2019, 06:41:40 AM »


I'm so glad to hear your mood was a little brighter yesterday, I really hope that it continues for you, keeping you in my thoughts :-)

I have PM'd you

Jeepers xx



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Re: Stupid questions re hormones & HRT
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2019, 12:05:46 PM »

Jeepers. I have replied to your PM XXXXX
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