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Author Topic: Hi, I'm new to this Peri Hell!  (Read 2323 times)


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Hi, I'm new to this Peri Hell!
« on: April 08, 2019, 04:25:38 AM »

Hi all, I'm PeriPagan, 42, and I'm from Essex.

I Realised that I was peri last year, but didn't realise the depth of this rabbit hole of hormonal hell until November when my mental health took a serious dive and added intrusive thoughts and an OCD compulsion that feeds off my peri symptoms to my lifelong anxiety and depression.

I was prescribed CBT (a refresher for me) and as I was already on Tricyclic anti-D's pretty much left to my own devices....

I finally brought that under better control only to find that underneath the mental illness my Oestrogen levels had hit the floor! Went to the GP who did a full blood workup (all clear) & prescribed Elleste 1mg Solo (I'm already on Cerazette POP and have been for 10 years). I'm discovering that the chronic pruritus. pompholyx, inability to control my body temperature, joint pain, crippling depression, anxiety & bouts of rage, hair loss & bladder pain that i thought was interstitial cystitis linked to my IBS is actually all perimenopause!

So now i'm kinda in shock, I've been on the HRT for just under a month and I'm on edge as to whats coming, My cycle has lengthened from 2 weeks (and a ghost period) to 20 days with PMT from hell (I ate half a chocolate gateau earlier!). 

I'm currently running around appointments with Ultrasound (grrr, don't get me started) so they can eliminate PCOS etc. I'm also seeking help in the private sector for my pruritus (its driving me insane everytime the weather changes) and I'm also seeking a woman menopause specialist in my local area so any suggestions welcome. My GP is surprisingly lovely but as I have hormone-related mental health issues I want someone with a little more knowledge on my side.

Anyway, well done If you managed to get this far, I tend to rattle on when i'm anxious!

Oh, one thing I think its worth mentioning: VA is the least of my worries (yes, I've been lurking around reading and i notice you mention it A LOT). I'm an Asexual (if you don't know what this is, google it!). Yes, you are reading a post from someone who really would choose cake over sex EVERY TIME! Hell, I'd rather do the washing up!

I'll shut up and let y'all say hi now!


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Re: Hi, I'm new to this Peri Hell!
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2019, 07:27:23 AM »

Will you do my ironing too  ;)

You'll fit right in.  Good that your GP is on board! some have such struggles getting any understanding.   >:(  ::)


HORMONES  >:(.  Glad you're already browsing round.  Let us know how you get on.  Maybe have a look at the National Assocition for Pre-menstrual Syndrome too, set up by Dr Kath Dalton in the 1970s who recognised how hormones impact on mental health issues.


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Re: Hi, I'm new to this Peri Hell!
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2019, 08:17:43 AM »


Sorry, I don't do ironing, I consider that an exercise in pointlessness at any time  ;)

Thanks for the info regarding the PMS doc. I'll have a look at it. It's only become this bad since last November and has really started becoming a problem since I started HRT.

Hell, I'm currently trying to work out how much is PMS and how much is side effects. I had a really bad experience when a student gp over prescribed Microgynon (a POP) & I spent 3 months in an incandescent, unbreakable rage. I also gained 10kg in those 3 months from vast amounts of chocolate etc. I was putting away. I dont want anything like that occuring again  :o

I came across a meno specialist who claimed that most women dx'd with bipolar are actually just out of hormonal balance. That made me lift an eyebrow. I know a fair few women with bipolar and it runs a lot deeper than that in thier cases.


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Re: Hi, I'm new to this Peri Hell!
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2019, 09:13:27 AM »

Hello PeriPagen

I am post meno but also suffer with anxiety/depression, I have a mirena and use 3 pumps of estrogel each day, I did notice it helped with the mental health a bit but doing CBT also helped, I think I should have started HRT in peri as I think (not 100% sure) that for anxiety/depression it helps with this if taking in peri and isn't as effective once you reach post like me, there is lots of ladies on here that say it has helped a great deal with mood so fingers crossed for you.
The HRT will take time to settle in, some say 3-6 months and some try different forms of HRT until they find the right combination for them.

I know there is a ot of research to suggest that mental health issues are often hormonal. Sorry I can't help with anything else and maybe not even this but just thought I would reply.

Enjoy the chocolate!




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Re: Hi, I'm new to this Peri Hell!
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2019, 07:52:08 PM »

Hi Peripagan

 :welcomemm: from me too!

In fact what your doc has prescribed you is off licence as the progestogen in Cerazette is not licensed for the progestogen part of HRT, so unless they are a specialist, should not be prescribing the Elletse Solo along with that unless they are prepared to monitor you re womb thickness etc.

As you are probably not yet peri-menopausal (if your cycles were frequent and regular) - but in the last reproductive stage when hormonal changes begin to occur and in particular PMS often worsens, then at your age a better bet to control the cycle might be one of the gentler contraceptive pills. Desogestrel (Cerazette) in any case tends to reduce oestrogen, so I've read, so can come with associated symptoms.

A good one to try (combined pill) would be QLAIRA which only has two tablet free days and the oestrogen in it the same as our own and the same as in Elleste Solo. It acts as a contraceptive but has good levels of oestrogen (different doses throughout the cycle)  and controls the cycle therefore minimises PMS.

I presume what you decide to do next will depend on your scan re PCOS - what made medics think you had this?

Re menopause specialist - if you go to the menu at the very top where it says  "specialists" this will take you to the relevant page of the British Menopause Society and you can search via your postcode or the map.

Hurdity x



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Re: Hi, I'm new to this Peri Hell!
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2019, 08:17:41 PM »

Hello!  I will be 42 in a couple months.  Dealing with this crap since 40.  Whoever said 40 is the new 30 can stuff it!  I just started HRT mid March.


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Re: Hi, I'm new to this Peri Hell!
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2019, 10:20:24 AM »

Thank you all for your replies, its so nice to find people who understand.

Hurdity- the days of regular periods are gone for me, I've been cycling any time between 4 weeks to 10 days for at least 6 months and flow is anyone's guess- roll the dice and take your chance!. In last 4 months I've had heavy for me and my last one before HRT was a ghost (Cramps and nothing more).

As for the Elleste/Cerazette thing her thoughts were 'you're already on progesterone so ill prescribe the solo'' and 'I always prescribe Elleste in the first instance'  :o if I need to come off the cerazette I will. It stopped being effective at controlling my periods years ago, much the same as the combined pill. I swapped over before 35yrs old because they were utterly useless!
I think she's ordered the ultrasound purely to eliminate other causes. Like a lot of people she thinks I'm too young. This is also coupled with the fact that it's highly likely my sister has PCOS (she was showing signs when she luckily became pregnant with my niece 11yrs ago).

I've found a couple of specialists in my area, my doctor is lovely but clearly clueless!


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Re: Hi, I'm new to this Peri Hell!
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2019, 10:30:28 AM »

Regardless: if this regime is helping right now, don't alter anything  ;).  Your GP seems to be on board ......... hang onto her  ;D

National Association for Pre-menstrual Syndrome saved my Life by recommending that I eat every 3 hours.  That was in the 1990s when I would get a sudden lurch of nausea and have to look for a bucket/drain/loo  :-\. I was never sick but I felt so ill  :'(.  Slow release foods were suggested so I hit on bananas: which incidentally cured my restless leg syndrome : as well as dried fruits and nuts, Dextrose tablets and find that pancakes are useful.  Mixed and kept in the fridge for 2-3 days, they can be made immediately the body feels hungry ;-).

I suggest that you read our threads on vaginal atrophy  ;).  Forewarned is forearmed.  HRT is required to keep symptoms at bay and is delivered localised and really does help.

PMT for me was intense nausea, anxiety in the 10-14 days prior to a bleed.  Sobbing the night B4, even if a period wasn't due.  Hindsight: why did I put up with it all  :-\.  Bugga .........

We have a funny room too  ;)


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Re: Hi, I'm new to this Peri Hell!
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2019, 03:50:36 AM »


That's the thing, this regime is helping at the moment. My mood is lifting, the menopausal symptoms I get on a day to day basis are improving slowly (today, is intrusive thoughts, itch & joint pain) and my 1st cycle under HRT has lengthened to 21 days (and counting) from 14 days.

PMS is an absolute S**& pit from hell isn't it? I was on the Cerazette in the first place to help mitigate the effects of it. I remember the last  period I had without it, I was bent double and begging for a hysterectomy. I'm not one for tolerating any period related nonsense I adore cerazette when my hormones are balanced. 2 very light periods a year? I'll take that thanks very much!  ;)

My PMS on my last period before I started the HRT brought bouts of extreme irritability & depression complete with very dark thoughts. So far I've been down & narky but nothing close to that yet. The balance is returning.....

I tend to eat regularly any way as its better for my IBS. An empty IBS gut is a bad-tempered IBS gut! I've never been a fan of bananas, my current snack of choice is rice cakes. I tend to eat a high protein diet as its more slow release and helps my mood too.

I've booked my ultrasound so if they flag anything i'll address it then.

As for humour, I'm contemplating buying a 'menopausal- *run*' from redbubble, may as well give others fair warning  ;D