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Author Topic: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?  (Read 34633 times)


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #120 on: May 12, 2019, 11:01:45 AM »

Hi Jillm, you're very welcome  :)  Can you get immersed in practical things in the run up to the holiday, to distract from the feelings of panic?  I'm sure you probably already do breathing exercises, but if not, these can also really help. 

Just having you there with them will be enough for your husband & daughter, so try not to put pressure on yourself to perform.  Could you perhaps talk to them about how you're feeling before you go, to reduce the worry of expectations you're afraid you may not be able to meet?  It's no-one's fault that menopause can affect us in this way & we all need understanding, support & reassurance at this time. 

You're certainly not nuts to be anxious about going away.  I imagine many, many women feel that way at this time of our lives, so hats off to you for having the guts to go regardless.  We stopped going to Greece during the worst years of menopause as I couldn't tolerate the heat & was not on HRT to moderate things. 

Maybe get yourself a book on mindfulness if it's new to you to read on the plane, or listen to guided meditations, relaxation exercises etc?  These strategies practised regularly can really help damp down the anxiety response so that challenging situations don't elicit the full-on fight or flight reaction any more.  I found if I could shut myself away in a quiet room for 20 mins relaxation/mindfulness meditation every day, that over time I became calmer & this really helped get me through the worst. 

Exercise can be great for anxiety too, but for me at least, not to the point of exhaustion, as that seems to stress the body too much when it's already coping with hormonal chaos.  If you already have other ways of coping, so much the better - do whatever you need to feel your best & before you know it you'll be in Greece, with all you love about it to fill your mind with far more pleasant things than thoughts of the havoc menopause is wreaking.



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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #121 on: May 12, 2019, 01:04:54 PM »

Oh Wrensong you have made me feel so much better, although I could actually have a good cry at the moment.
I thought things were getting better in the last few weeks, then the UTI and antibiotics seem to have set me back.
The horrible feeling in my legs has ramped up, buzzing and feeling like the skin on lower legs is burning especially left leg, bubble popping feeling and ache in calve. Now scared I have a clot and I've not even reached the plane yet.
I am a grown up and know I am doing this to myself with anxiety🤪, but find it really hard to control this.
I have nortriptyline 10mg from GP to damp down the nerve feeling in legs, but now have palpitations which seems to be a side effect, so a bit scared to continue with them, but can't stand the leg nonsense.
I have had palps in the past, last Sept had 24 hour trace and was told all ok, GP thought memo related, I need to calm down, have started packing and think I'll go sit in the sun for a while🌞 that always helps.
Again thank so much for taking the time to help me, it's so nice to know there is support from everyone❤️


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #122 on: May 12, 2019, 01:07:43 PM »

Hi everyone, sorry I seem to have gone off on a tangent, I did start by connection to vagifem and UTI and have spun off in another direction😏🥴


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #123 on: May 12, 2019, 03:39:19 PM »

Bless you Jillm, so easy to take the original post off course - I'm guilty of that again & again, but when other things come up within a thread we all just want to help with those there & then, so I'm sure we'll be forgiven!

UTIs & antibiotics can both really take it out of you & on top of everything else that's going on at meno, it can make a major production out of a small crisis we would have dealt with easily in earlier years.  Anything extra can feel like the last straw.  It can be a really, really trying time & the toll it takes is enough to send the sanest person batty.  We have all been there in so many ways & this forum is a Godsend - lots of lovely women full of empathy, wisdom, knowledge & experience.  Someone always seems to have had whatever it is we are currently struggling with & can either give advice or hold a hand & that alone can be so reassuring.

Even nearly 7 years postmeno I still get the burning legs - arms too.  Unnerving & not nice is it?  It can just be due to menopause, but have they checked your B12, as when that's low it can sometimes cause burning legs & feet?  I would think they've checked that out if you've been given meds for the sensation.  If not, don't worry about it before you go on hols, but maybe ask your GP when you get back whether they think it worth checking serum B12. 

The palpitations are very common in menopause, but a really horrible symptom.  Like you, I had the 24hr Holter monitor plus other tests & mine were just ectopics.  Lots of other women on here have been there too.  Mine came in lengthy episodes day & night for several years & I found those & the night sweats that so wreck sleep, the hardest symptoms to bear.  A Gynae specialising in menopause later told me she had previously worked in Cardiology & over time many women had come in with palpitations, been thoroughly checked out & nothing abnormal could be found, BUT they were all menopausal.  It's hard to accept that they're nothing to worry about I know, but you are doing the right things in carrying on with life regardless, taking a little time out when you need to - you know what helps you cope & that's half the battle. 

I can't stress enough how important rest & relaxation are at this time - before meno we carry on, pushing ourselves when we have to & the body somehow copes, but at meno we really need to start taking more care of ourselves.  It's not selfish to do that, we can't be our best for others if we get run down through neglecting our own needs.  Get your hubby to help when things are tough - tell him the MM ladies say this will help you have as smooth a ride as possible & if he doesn't we will be round there to sort him out!

Enjoy that holiday & come back & tell us all how good it was.  We won't be jealous.  Honest ;)



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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #124 on: May 12, 2019, 03:57:52 PM »

Thanks again Wrensong for all the time you have taken to reassure me.
As this is a vagifem threat, might as well ask a question, I know I have asked this before, but has anyone using vagifem had problems with buzzing/fizzing in legs and vagina.
I ask again as I have increased the vagifem to four times this week and after I used it earlier today, my whole legs were fizzing and right up into vagina and buttocks. The fizzing legs only started Nov last year after I was prescribed vagifem.
GP is adamant it has nothing to do with vagifem I am not too sure.
Anyone had experience if this?
As always your help and advise us greatly appreciated👍❤️


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #125 on: May 12, 2019, 06:52:47 PM »

Thanks again Wrensong for all the time you have taken to reassure me.
As this is a vagifem threat, might as well ask a question, I know I have asked this before, but has anyone using vagifem had problems with buzzing/fizzing in legs and vagina.
I ask again as I have increased the vagifem to four times this week and after I used it earlier today, my whole legs were fizzing and right up into vagina and buttocks. The fizzing legs only started Nov last year after I was prescribed vagifem.
GP is adamant it has nothing to do with vagifem I am not too sure.
Anyone had experience if this?
As always your help and advise us greatly appreciated👍❤️
I haven't had anything like that.


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #126 on: May 12, 2019, 09:04:47 PM »

Thanks Katejo for your early reply. So glad you have not experienced this.
Chances are it has nothing to do with vagifem, but it all seems a bit of a coincidence it started after vagifem used😏 guess I will only find out if I stop it, but can't stand the thought of continuing UTI symptoms😡 ah well just have to continue.


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #127 on: May 13, 2019, 06:06:28 AM »

Not sure if theres a connection here  jillm but when I'm feeling very anxious I get a  tingling to trembling feeling in my legs, buttocks that sometimes went into a full panic attack and my legs would be shaking as if I was freezing cold.  You sound extremely anxious and worrying about taking Vagifem, there"s really no need.  I'm always very anxious before a holiday as we dont want to feel ill away from home but once there I'm fine.  I've been taking vagifem nearly 5 years now and it's been around a long time, so dont worry and enjoy your holiday.


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #128 on: May 13, 2019, 07:29:08 AM »

Thanks so much for your reply. I know deep down the way I'm feeling is down to anxiety and I am so angry with myself for allowing it to get to me.
Could not sleep last night had what I think were adrenaline rushes and palpitations.
I knew this would happen and I would have a hugh flare up of symptoms which again points clearly to anxiety.
I used to be such a together person, where has she gone? I hate this.
I am so angry with myself, now got it into my head the buzzing sore legs are down to vagifem, which as you said it's probably not, I will take my normal 2 per week with me and use as instructed.
Also think the flare up could be too much wine, was at friends for dinner on Friday and had more than I should. Sadly wine is no longer a friend.
In fact never feel good when I have a drink, answer just don't do it😡
Thanks again your help is very much appreciated.


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #129 on: May 13, 2019, 10:58:57 AM »

Hi jillm,  ditto me sleeping last night exactly as you describe, like electric surges for literally hours.  And brings on those pressure feelings and it's awful.  I've practically given up wine and alcohol for same reasons, I can't enjoy it thinking what it could trigger.  Also panicking about up coming holiday like you. I'm not going abroad but my anxiety builds and this VA , I hardly know how I will get out of the house.  I know just how you feel and it's horrible so all good thoughts to you.


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #130 on: May 13, 2019, 11:20:44 AM »

Anxiety for me is sudden.  Feeling of going to be sick, then my thighs followed by my calves go weak.  I have to sit down.  It's the Fight/flight response but knowing that does NOT stop it happening.

Keeping up with the 'vagifem' treatment is important.  The vagina needs TLC ;-) and plumping up tissues really helps.  Along with a pain relief if necessary: 1 x 3 times a day for 2 days ;-)

Someone told me to let the anxiety drift - yeah right  :-X


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #131 on: May 13, 2019, 11:46:54 AM »

My pharmasist accidentally gave me ovestin instead of my usual estriol for outside bits and I've got to say the difference is marked. Its stronger so I use less but it seems to work for longer. It's the most noticeable difference I've had in all these months of using vagifem and estriol. The first couple days was a bit itchy but that went away and I've been using it 2 weeks now. I even think I could go to every other night which I couldnt do on the estriol.

The only problem is now convincincing my doc who heavily favours "the weakest cream".


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #132 on: May 13, 2019, 02:00:56 PM »

That's not good though  :-\ even though you have benefitted. 


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #133 on: May 13, 2019, 02:31:24 PM »

Jillm, even if your GP didn't use the term, formication may be what they had in mind for the sensation in your legs.  Can be felt as crawling, itching or burning & surprise, surprise - often starts at menopause.   Not sure whether that sounds possible to you.  I doubt it is being caused by the Vagifem, but may just have coincided with your starting to use it because the hormonal chaos is causing various symptoms to manifest at once.  Another possibility is restless legs, which again many of us start to suffer from at this time.


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Re: Vagifem...whats the word on the street/here?
« Reply #134 on: May 13, 2019, 03:21:50 PM »

Hi Wrensong,
Thanks for your reply, yup sounds just like that, along with tight calve and thigh muscle in left leg. It's really getting me down, I suppose I am just searching for a reason why and my hope is that it will stop one day.
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