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Author Topic: Womens physio for bladder issues  (Read 6805 times)


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Womens physio for bladder issues
« on: March 29, 2019, 10:16:40 PM »

Hiya ladies. I had an appointment for womens physio at my local hospital and I thought it might be helpful to share my experience.

When I got to the appointment I was a bit shocked as they said the first appointment is a "class". I very nearly didnt go in but im glad I did.

Myself and about 10 other ladies with various bladder issues including bladder prolapse and rectocile  sat in a circle.  the head of  womens physio took the class. I will call her "sarah"  she was 20 years in the job.  straight talking and I'm glad to say  not in the least bit patronising.
What came out of the session was each and every woman there has been suffering in silence  and had to fight to get this far. Several had been told by their docs that "it happens with age"  to which Sarah said "that's utter rubbish, it makes me so mad".

She asked us all how it affects our lives and
the relief at being able to talk about it was palpable  Every woman in that circle  is having their life profoundly affected by it. As I know so many ladies on here are . The sense of shame and embarrassment and the feeling that nothing could be done was sad.
Almost all had been talked down to by unsympathetic doctors.Some of the things the ladies had been told  were truly shocking.
I told her of my struggle to get vagifem prescribed and she said "some doctors need a kick up the bum"

She said it's not just something you have to live with. We can do something about it and that's what were here for.

She said pelvic floor exercises are not always the answer depending on your issue but there are lots of things that can be done  including retraining the bladder amongst others. But she said it will be tailored to the individual needs in our one to one sessions.

She was so passionate about it. She said I dont promise miracles but I do promise we will work with each and every one of you until we see an improvement.
We had a bit of a laugh. Shared some stories but the loud and clear message was. It's not your " new  normal" it is important and it can be improved.

The class was a one off and  its individual therapy from now on  and  guess who I've booked mine with? I've got to wait 2 weeks as shes the head but she seemed knowledgeable about VA so I think its worth it.

I know a few ladies on here who have had physio but Just thought I'd share and if anyone would like to hear how I get on I will update.

Incidentally. She said under new guidelines in my borough  all women who might need a bladder/prolapse repair are now being referred first for physio.
I was referred by my gynae. But I believe GPs can also refer.
Best wishes all. TCx


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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2019, 12:17:54 AM »

It was about 8 weeks sparkle x


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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2019, 07:12:59 AM »

Women's health physios are

I gave  a talk to 20 the other week about VA.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2019, 09:15:32 AM by Maryjane »


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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2019, 07:59:10 AM »

That's great maryjane. You are doing so much for women like us and for future generations too. I will be mentioning your book to her,spread the word  maybe she already has it or knows of it.x


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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2019, 08:54:26 AM »

Thanks Tc my GP has recommended this to me too but I have been putting it off. You have given me the nudge to go and fill out the referral form. Please keep us posted


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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2019, 09:04:19 AM »

Go for it herdwick. We realy have nothing to lose.👍👍👍

Mrs Bennet

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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2019, 09:18:35 AM »

TC ......thank you so much .....i will make a stand with my doctor next week and then will hopefully be on a road to some relief from this quite debilitating condition xx

Mrs Bennet

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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2019, 09:40:10 AM »

TC......a bit forward of me and I won't be offended if you decline to answer but what are your symptoms......i have been searching through various threads on here in the hope someone will be presenting the same as me 😳......that's my health anxiety kicking in xx


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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2019, 09:54:20 AM »

Sounds like you've got a good one there Tc, I didn't need surgery for my prolapse, the physio worked along with local oestrogen and I'm sure it will make a huge difference for you too.


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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2019, 10:40:24 AM »

Thanks Deirdre.great to  hear you had good results. Very encouraging.

Mrs Bennett. I dont mind sharing at all.
I've always had stress incontinence and frequent cystitis since fairlt young but it's got worse since meno  the urge incontinence is new.
I assume you mean bladder rather than all VA symptoms although I'm happy to share that too.

I  constantly feel like I have cystitis. (Infection has been ruled out) Need to keep going every two minutes but very little output each time even though I've drunk loads of water. It's a daily battle to stop it turning into agony.    If I dont drink enough water even for a couple of hours then  i end up in agony. Low tummy pain. Chills. And can feel my urethra burning. But I  now have to drink so much water to stop it happening that it makes me feel sick and bloated and it doesnt always work anymore anyway.
At other times I don't get to the loo in time even in my small flat and. I fully wet myself even if my bladder isnt that full. In fact I dont think I know what a full bladder is anymore. I used to  be able to stop the flow when sitting on loo (something we were told to practice years ago which the womens physio said the other day we shouldn't be doing. )  but since meno. When I tried I cant stop the flow. I feel as though my urethra is  trying to stay "open" all the time if that makes sense and I cant clench it closed.

Hope that helps. Does it ring any bells with you?.



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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2019, 11:15:22 AM »

Thanks Deirdre.great to  hear you had good results. Very encouraging.

Mrs Bennett. I dont mind sharing at all.
I've always had stress incontinence and frequent cystitis since fairlt young but it's got worse since meno  the urge incontinence is new.
I assume you mean bladder rather than all VA symptoms although I'm happy to share that too.

I  constantly feel like I have cystitis. (Infection has been ruled out) Need to keep going every two minutes but very little output each time even though I've drunk loads of water. It's a daily battle to stop it turning into agony.    If I dont drink enough water even for a couple of hours then  i end up in agony. Low tummy pain. Chills. And can feel my urethra burning. But I  now have to drink so much water to stop it happening that it makes me feel sick and bloated and it doesnt always work anymore anyway.
At other times I don't get to the loo in time even in my small flat and. I fully wet myself even if my bladder isnt that full. In fact I dont think I know what a full bladder is anymore. I used to  be able to stop the flow when sitting on loo (something we were told to practice years ago which the womens physio said the other day we shouldn't be doing. )  but since meno. When I tried I cant stop the flow. I feel as though my urethra is  trying to stay "open" all the time if that makes sense and I cant clench it closed.

Hope that helps. Does it ring any bells with you?.
definitely does for me Tc thank you

Mrs Bennet

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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2019, 11:33:20 AM »

Oooo yes bells ringing for me too.....stopped the drinking of gallons of water in this past week as I'm sure that is agrivateing things more.....i have got  that constant staying open feeling......and niggly in the pubis area if that makes sense??
Just feel aware of all my bits constantly so very annoying......when this first started back in December the nurse  i saw said to do pulling up pelvic exercise now thinking i have the too tight muscles so doing that has now  made it worse too 🙄....hope you feel more comfortable soon and thank you again for your post 😘😘


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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2019, 11:47:15 AM »

 The womens physio will be able to tell if it's too tight pelvic muscles. Hope you get your referral. You too herdwick.


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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2019, 12:13:48 PM »

Your symptoms sound so distressing  I am so sorry, it sounds horrible. I hope you get some improvement.  Birdy has mentioned a few times about women's physio and reading your post has decided me to ask my gp for a referral.  I am glad you have got to see someone who knows what they are talking about and takes it seriously.  That it itself helps a bit I think.

Mrs Bennet

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Re: Womens physio for bladder issues
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2019, 12:48:22 PM »

Lets hope we can all get some relief from's in everybody's interest to get us sorted ......i will post again at the end of next week to let you know what the doctor says
Thank you again TC xx
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