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Author Topic: High dose of Estradot..achy, HUGE boobs and water retention in legs...connected?  (Read 6058 times)


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I have another private theory that if you initially respond well to an increase in oestrogen only to then slip back two weeks later - then you probably just need a consistent, high dose of oestrogen + as little progesterone that you can get away with.

Your body obviously welcomes the increased dose but it isn't enough to buffer you against the progesterone attack.


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You are probably right gypsy about some women having higher levels to begin with. I wasnt in meno so the sudden drop has hit hard.

I do think blood testsc have a place in showing absorption. What's the point in taking something if you are not getting any of it into your bloodstream. It's a waste of time.
Last time my levels were as though I wasnt on HRT at all. I m not chasing some pre menopausal high level of oestrogen.  Just enough to feel normal  and to ward off the more serious effects of low eastrogen.
And i have read there are minimum levels for offsetting certain side effects of meno like osteoporosis among others so . What's the point in taking it if you are not meeting those levels. You might as well be on nothing.


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Actually, yes I agree very much that levels need checking if you want to see if your heart/bones are being properly protected.

I meant more that levels shouldn't be used as a gauge of how you are feeling i.e. being told your levels are 'within normal limits' therefore you should *feel* normal.


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Oh yes. I agree totally. Symptoms are paramount.  It's like a doctor saying well you shouldn't be feeling like that. Because I've got a piece of paper here that says you are fine.  I hope you do not think I was directing frustration at you. wasnt directing my frustration at you. It was realy what I want to say to the doctor and I probably will next time lol.

I find your theory on progesteron masking the effects of eastrogen  interesting. I've been taking it continuously. I didnt want to. but my gynae would not hear of a post meno bleed. She was quite angry. She said bleeding post meno is a red flag. How are we supposed to know if somethings wrong if you are inducing a bleed.
I realy think the fact that my gynae is an oncologist effects her views on HRT.  I know it does as it's all you ever hear from her. Fair enough. Her priority is cancer. But I think I would be better at a meno clinic.


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Oh your gynaecologist needs a damned shake. Of course you can have regular bleeds post menopause. Loads of women on here take sequential HRT even after menopause because they simply can't tolerate daily progesterone. You can have a yearly private scan (Mothercare do them for £80) to check your uterus and ovaries are fine.

You really need to see a menopause specialist and get informed advice on this. I believe too many women give up on HRT because the balance between oestrogen & progesterone is wrong.


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Interestingly during pregnancy oestrogen levels are extremely high as are progesterone. OK we feel tired (due to do the prog) but also elated due to the oestrogen. Not that I'm suggesting anyone takes a high dose of prog, but without the high dose of oestrogen we would probably all have our head under a blanket and be in despair!!

Hurdity x


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That's interesting Hurdity. Prof Studd told me that women who suffer with reproductive depression often feel fantastic when pregnant because oestrogen levels are consistently high enough to balance the high progesterone.

I must admit that since starting my high dose of Oestrogel I do feel very, very slightly stoned much of the time. I feel quite serene and calm/centered - makes me realise what a slave to hormonal fluctuations I have been all my life (used to have a reputation for being quite firey and volatile).

I thought this serenity was due to the AD I also take, but when I have a dip (like now) that slightly stoned feeling disappears and the agitated anxiety comes back, despite the AD.


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I had that calm for first 2 weeks on estradot. It was bliss. But then wham!!
It makes sense that if I'm not absorbing eastrogen and on  continous progesterone I might well be p dominant. I keep thinking I need more e (,and my levels are low and I'm getting symptoms of low e )but maybe I need less p. As well.
 Is it that the p stops the e from being effective on all symptoms or does it just override e where the mood is concerned?

This gynae has tried to scare the life out of me.  she is always going on about cancer. She said "I've seen women post meno with <10 E and that's fine it's normal. You dont need all this eastrogen post meno it's not normal and its dangerous.  As I said she is an oncologist. It's not the right place for me to be getting my HRT.  She is very anti.


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Hi Ladies
Another Gp appt today with someone different from the practice .. however he refused to let me try any Estrogen patches even though he agreed my Estrogen was absolutely rock bottom and very worrying.. he said an nhs referral for a gynae would be 6 plus months so my only option was to pay private so he is sending a letter off for that.. so still none the wiser x think I may just up my Estrogen myself to 4 pumps .. as 3 made no difference.. although with a result of <100 I wonder if I'm absorbing at all x  :(


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Herty. Why is he so against patches?


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I was prescribed 2 x 100 mcg Estradot patches, three times weekly by the Menopause Clinic.

When I developed breast tenderness after six months, I asked if I could reduce the dose a little and I was told to snip a bit off the patch.

This worked really well  :)


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Interesting salad. That's two ladies I know on 2x100.
I am not scared to go up to 200 if it helps me At the end of the day it's what ends up in your bloodstream that's important. I get the feeling I'm going to need that amount to raise to even 300pmol. Which isnt excessive by any means.
I wonder if only starting after ovary removal makes getting the levels up more difficult than for someone who has been on HRT through peri and into post.
How often do you change your patches salad if its 3 times week. That sounds like a stupid question. I mean how many days leave them on for.


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Interesting salad. That's two ladies I know on 2x100.
I am not scared to go up to 200 if it helps me At the end of the day it's what ends up in your bloodstream that's important. I get the feeling I'm going to need that amount to raise to even 300pmol. Which isnt excessive by any means.
I wonder if only starting after ovary removal makes getting the levels up more difficult than for someone who has been on HRT through peri and into post.
How often do you change your patches salad if its 3 times week. That sounds like a stupid question. I mean how many days leave them on for.

Morning - I was told to focus on the symptom control :)
The Clinic said to change the patches Monday/Wednesday/Friday. It was to ensure the Oestrogen level stayed 'stable' plus I could feel the effects wear off before changing to 3 x a week.

*Touching wood* Now my symptoms have been stable for over a year - in the last 6 months I have gradually reduced the size of one patch to a third  (?33.3 mcg) and last month swapped one of the 100 mcg patches to a 25 mcg patch so my current dose is 125 mcg - still changing 3 x a week though.

Good luck.
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