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Author Topic: Femoston Conti-Bleed and Update  (Read 1801 times)


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Femoston Conti-Bleed and Update
« on: March 17, 2019, 07:58:43 PM »

So a tiny bit of my history,  begging my doc for hrt for 2 yeas plus, he said I can't have it as I have arthritis, my specialist said I could so doc tried me on 2 HRT's, I cannot remember the names of them but I did post about them but cannot find my posts.
I didn't get on with the 2 HRT's plus had a 5 week bleed, doc took me off HRT saying it doesn't suit me, and of course I will get bleeds putting all those hormones back into my body. I asked for a different one he said ‘Well you tried the top two and some women just cannot get on with HRT' after me saying I cannot cope with nothing he reluctantly referred me to a gynaecologist.
Following brilliant advice on here I wouldn't give up and got an appointment with a nurse practioner at the same surgery,when I knew my own doc was away,  I basically begged her for some HRT as I could not cope with the symptoms. She got me in with a marvellous lady doctor there and then who read through my notes, said I had been offered a coil by my doc but refused it, which is totally not true. I would have tried anything.
She said I don't tolerate progesterone well, so took the time to look into a new HRT and put me on Femoston Conti 0.5mg/2.5mg.
So since last October I have been on the Femeston, my gynaecology appointment came through, he was quite happy, no bleeding, feeling good.
But last Friday after 5 months on it I started to bleed, still bleeding, it's the same as a full blown period-cramps, very heavy.
I know some bleeding can happen in the first 6 months so am a bit worried as I have been on it for 5 months and first bleed.
If I tell my doctor I have a bleed he will take me off it straight away.
Should I wait and see if I get anymore bleeds after 6 months or stop taking it?
Any advice much appreciated, my doctor is not supportive at all.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2019, 08:00:15 PM by Pixielilac »


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Re: Femoston Conti-Bleed and Update
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2019, 08:22:28 PM »

Hi Pixielilac.
As you know any bleeding in the first 6 months can be expected, however,
as you're post meno, any bleeding should be investigated. But I can see your dilemma,
If it were me, I'd wait and see if it stops, if it doesn't you really should get checked out.
Sometimes they stop pretty quick, sometimes they can last weeks and weeks.
Your doctor should know this, it's on the patient leaflet, I think, have a look, if it is and you go back to the doctor, show it to him, and say you know it could be normal, because it says here, but thought you'd report to him in case you need to have investigations done.
I've had bleeding too, I went for a scan, everything was ok, thankfully, I'm on Femoston Conti too.

Also, (personal question,) hope you don't mind, are you in a sexual relationship?
I only ask because I started to bleed after sex, and found out it was through dryness, and nothing to do with my hrt, I now use vaginal creams, and it's resolved itself, no more bleeding....sorry to ask, but it's a fact... xxxx


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Re: Femoston Conti-Bleed and Update
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2019, 09:39:53 PM »

Thankyou for your reply. I am married and have no bleeding after sex, I have atrophic vagina but was given Estriol cream which helped a lot with dryness.
I think I will see how long this bleed lasts for, last time I had the 5 week bleed on the previous HRT my doc just said to stop taking it, no scans or anything.



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Re: Femoston Conti-Bleed and Update
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2019, 10:06:22 PM »

Can you not go back to the doctor who originally prescribed it, or was she a locum?


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Re: Femoston Conti-Bleed and Update
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2019, 11:09:00 PM »

She was another doctor in my doctos surgery.  I asked to see her again but I have to see the doctor I am registered with who is very unhelpful.
I only saw this other doctor as my own doc was away and I got an appointment with a nurse practioner who booked me in there and then with the lady doctor, only because my own doc was away.


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Re: Femoston Conti-Bleed and Update
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2019, 01:34:10 PM »

Ah, I see.  That is unfortunate.  Most surgeries these days let you see the doctor you want/the one who is available.

My registered GP* (the one I was registered to by the surgery when my female GP left) 'does not deal with women's issues'  >:(  so I really can't see the point in him TBH.  I will  have to see either the other doctor, or ring up and fight the receptionists to see one of the part time employed doctors who they do not let you book online.

I am currently working out whether it is worth my while to change surgery.  There is limited choice because of 'catchments' and one does not want to jump from the frying pan into the fire.


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Re: Femoston Conti-Bleed and Update
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2019, 01:47:35 PM »

It is what he told a friend when she asked for HRT and told her to see the other doctor (now left).  I have never actually seen him, and don't want to ever.  I didn't think you got doctors like that either, these days.

The trouble is, even if he is not au fait with gynae, that if you are a woman, all your issues can be connected with 'women's issues'.  Your hormones, lack of etc are part of your whole.


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Re: Femoston Conti-Bleed and Update
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2019, 07:05:07 PM »

She was another doctor in my doctos surgery.  I asked to see her again but I have to see the doctor I am registered with who is very unhelpful.
I only saw this other doctor as my own doc was away and I got an appointment with a nurse practioner who booked me in there and then with the lady doctor, only because my own doc was away.

As dahliagirl says - you should be able to see whichever doctor you choose irresepctive of who you are registered with. Our practice is like this and so are a random few I looked at online so I would strongly suspect yours is the same - after all you might for example want to see a female GP, when your named one is male, or you might want to discuss something particularly personal with a doc who is different from your usual one.

Also if you current doc does not have expertise in HRT and menopause - and sounds like he doesn't if he thinks that arthritis is a contra-indication - then it is your right to see someone who does. There should be someone in your practice who does specialise and have the letters after their name (DRCOG I think it is). If they have this qual and are advising against HRT incorrectly you should defo see someone else.

So that's the first thing - I would really push this or look up the policies of your practice online, and if possible insist on an appoitmenet with the GP of your choice within your practice.

Re the bleeding - as jillydoll says - this should be investigated if you are post-menopausal and have been bleed-free on a conti HRT for 5 months - even though the cut off date is 6 months - as it's a new bleed and you say a "proper" one rather than spotting - best to be checked out just to be on the safe sdie. Could it be fibroids, or a polyp or have you had endometriosis in the past? Don't be bullied into stopping HRT and don't let the fear of the doc forcing you to stop mean that you don't get this checked out. If you have to stop HRT it should be for a reason resulting from investigation, diagnosis and treatment and one that you should agree with!

You should not need to stop HRT pending investigation - after all you are also taking HRT for a reason and it's up to your doc ( in discussion with you) to make sure you can take it safely and to work out a regime that enables you to feel better without bleeding.

By the way that is a very low dose HRT preparation anyway.

How do you feel on it overall?

Let us know how you get on...

Hurdity x