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Author Topic: Hello! Newbie here  (Read 6159 times)


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Re: Hello! Newbie here
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2016, 10:39:13 AM »

CKLD - ADs/SRRIs are appropriate treatment if prescribed for the right reasons. If you read my posts, I often suggest to ladies suffering with terrible anxiety, that HRT alone is often not enough to control this and an SRRI alongside HRT may be appropriate.
Too many women go to their GPs in a terrible state due to lack of sleep, burst into tears and the GPs will often jump to the conclusion they are depressed without going through the proper diagnosis procedures. A 10 min appointment is not enough to really get to the bottom of why a women is feeling so anxious or possibly depressed but lack of sleep and constant flushes are highly likely to be the cause when meno symptoms hit.  If GPs were given a list of key questions to ascertain whether ADs and/or HRT are appropriate this might help matters. A history of anxiety or depression should also be taken into account, however, if a women says she cannot sleep because of night sweats and gets numerous flushes throughout the day that trigger anxious feelings, then setting out the clear options of HRT or possibly ADs/SRRIs should be offered, highlighting the benefits, side effects and risks of both treatments, then she can make a better informed choice.  The days of routinely offering ADs/SRRIs should be behind us now - these drugs should be offered with caution.

If you read the original post on this thread, Barefoot is getting some rather nasty side effects from the ADs she has been given. My response in suggesting she has been given the wrong treatment for her meno symptoms is based on the clear advice on the NICE guidelines.  Did Barefoot's GP tell her that there would be some nasty side effects that may effect her ability to function well and that coming off this AD would involve a slow withdrawal and possibly a return of symptoms?  Did the GP explain that meno symptoms should normally be treated with HRT unless there are medical reasons for not doing so? Also, if HRT doesn't suit you can easily stop it - whereas ADs should not be stopped cold turkey.
When I was prescribed ADs back in my 30s when I was peri meno and got very depressed due to problems in my life at the time, my lovely local pharmacist took time to print off the info on side effects and advised me to really think carefully about whether to take them - I had young children and he knew I needed to drive and be functioning at a reasonable level.  There have been many cases of people reacting very badly to ADs and in fact the side effects tipping them over the edge. I think I can actually give a very good example:
A man in my street became very anxious to a degree that his wife took him to casualty.  He was given something to help - I assume some AD of some sort and sent home.  In the middle of the night he woke, became extremely agitated, chased his wife around the house, grabbed a hammer and on the doorstep of their house struck her on the head and killed her. Now we will never truly know what tipped him over the edge - it had been a happy marriage and she was a calm and rational women, however, he got off with manslaughter on the basis that he was not of sound mind and I do wonder if he had had a bad reaction to the drug he had been given.
There was also a case on the news recently about a women who had just started an SRRI and suddenly went missing in the night, her husband and friends explaining this was completely out of character.

I feel very strongly that we should keep an open mind about any treatment and also keep in mind that GPs are under a great deal of pressure so simply cannot keep up to date on treatments or give the time to each patient to always give appropriate treatment.
CKLD - I know you are a great advocate of pharmacists; I went to see my favourite pharmacist yesterday for advice about the headaches I have been getting.  He took my blood pressure and gave me so much time to talk through my options. We were interrupted by a phone call from an elderly lady, he supplies her regular prescriptions so knows her well, and she was clearly questioning something the GP had given her - I heard him tell her to get back in the touch with the GPs as they had given her the wrong type of drugs.

We are hear to share our experiences and views, so we should all respect this.

Barefoot - I would seriously consider HRT - read up all the info on this site to get clued up.  The ADs you have been given may be OK for a short fix but they won't do any good for your bones and heart but HRT certainly can - HRT is not just for flushes and night sweats. The dry mouth and feeling of being ‘spaced out' can often linger with this AD which is not a good thing in the long term.
DG xxx


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Re: Hello! Newbie here
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2016, 05:17:43 PM »

Well said Dancinggirl  :thankyou:

I am so glad you are feeling better Barefoot - but I also stand by what I said - that unfortunately you have been given the wrong prescription by an ignorant doctor! As you yourself said you are not a drug-taker - and HRT -especially the types that are bio-identical to our own hormones (estradiol, progesterone - readily available) is not a drug - it is what it says - hormone replacement, the first line of treatment for menopausal symptoms. ADs should only be given (for menopausal symptoms) to women who are unable to take HRT for medical reasons or who are adamant they don't want to take it! Your doctor should not decide this for you nor try to persuade you not to due to their own prejudices or misinformation!!

Good luck with your GP appointment and if we can help answer any questions about HRT in advance of this or help you with any of the arguments in its favour then please use us as a sounding board :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello! Newbie here
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2016, 07:36:31 PM »

Does this particular AD need supervised withdrawal and why is there a problem with this?  It took me 9 weeks to withdraw from an AD years ago, still here >wave<.  Other ADs I've stopped without withdrawal and started a new drug within 24 hours.

We don't know whether all your comments were offered up by Barefoot's GP during consultations.  You will need to ask her directly.

These drugs remain offered with caution.  But when a patient presents with depression or anxiety, regardless of the cause, then there is no reason not to offer them.  Sorry, am repeating myself a bit  ::)


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Re: Hello! Newbie here
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2016, 01:08:31 PM »

Yikes! I did not realise this would provoke such controversy.

True that I did not properly discuss side effects, withdrawal or how long I might be taking the ADs. And no it was not made clear that HRT and not ADs should be used to treat menopausal symptoms. But I don't want to engage in GP bashing. I will go back to my GP and I hope to have a mature and informed discussion, which is possible now I'm not having a hot flush at the slightest bit of excitement.

I'm certainly not angry with her for giving me sertraline and she did not have to persuade me. I agreed to try it. I went into that consultation without much information and feeling desperate and was happy to try anything suggested.

The drug has done its job and the hot flushes are gone. The side effects are diminishing and no longer that bad although they were a shock at first. But I don't feel my personality is altered. 

Maybe I will change to another line of treatment in the future and I will consider HRT, but the ADs are doing the job for now. I eat well and workout regularly at the gym to keep bones and heart healthy. From what I can gather reading around, HRT is not side effect free either and not everyone gets on with it.

It has been good to have the NICE guidelines brought to my attention and I appreciate the views that have been shared.

Barefoot x


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Re: Hello! Newbie here
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2016, 01:42:10 PM »

Barefoot - I do hope the somewhat heated exchanges have not put you off posting on MM - these things happen occasionally when there are misunderstandings etc.
HRT is a personal choice - and the type of treatment you wish to use is a personal choice. We just tend to get a bit outraged that GPs don't offer the choice.

Most of us enter the menopause with little or no knowledge of what to expect and rarely have any idea of how to deal with the symptoms. If you are happy with the Sertraline and it's doing what you need then thats great. HRT doesn't suit everyone but it is worth giving it consideration in the future.  Do keep posting
All the best  DG x


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Re: Hello! Newbie here
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2016, 02:45:49 PM »

Dont worry you haven't caused controversy.

We're like a family here and as such we sometimes have occasional misunderstandings and little sqabbles !  ;)

Glad you seem to be getting good results. Its your choice what route you wish to choose ,at least you know more options now.


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Re: Hello! Newbie here
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2019, 03:44:50 PM »

This is a very old thread but I'm resurrecting it because I wanted to let people know how I got on with the (controversial) SSRI I had been prescribed...

I took it for about 12 months. It helped the hot flushes. It didn't help anything else. It made insomnia worse and I felt drugged and unmotivated. So I stopped.

Two weeks after stopping I felt much better emotionally, really much more energetic, got a great new job and went back to the gym but the hot flushes were still a problem. I decided to learn to live with it. So I did for around 12 months.

I tried everything. Sleep hygiene, sensible food, no drinking, no caffeine in the afternoon, exercise.  The only thing I hadn't tried was HRT. So last week I saw a doctor, got myself some patches and woah amazing what a difference!!!! Already. It is no exaggeration to say it has changed my life. Why on earth didn't I get this first time round?

You did try to tell me - I wish I'd listened.. I've since read the NICE guidelines and I should never have been given Sertraline. I should have been on HRT the last 2 years. It has taken me 3 attempts to get this HRT. First I was given a prescription for anti depressants, 2nd visit a pamphlet on alternative therapies. 3rd time I have to say I was not in the mood for discussing anything else and I went in and said I wanted hrt. I'm cross I lost out on 2 years of quality of life but at least I know now. And because this time it has been over 12 months since my last period, I can have the period free option.

Sadly I've been prescribed a patch which is discontinued (I've just read on another thread). I have only a 4 week supply. I nearly cried when the pharmacist told me they couldn't get any more. I've put up with these symptoms for 2 years and now the thing that has sorted them is unavailable. But I'm going to go back and get that sorted.

So if anyone is new, and wondering about trying HRT, I'd say go for it. Don't let them fob you off with alternatives. And to those who tried to tell me - you were right. The first GP was wrong. The second GP was wrong. You can't assume the GP knows what she's talking about. Do your homework and know what you want.

Barefoot x


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Re: Hello! Newbie here
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2019, 04:05:08 PM »

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