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Author Topic: Is it time for antidepressants or do I need to change hrt .Please help  (Read 2939 times)

Fruit loop

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I've posted previously but now am at the end of my tether and in need of advice. Briefly I have had 18 months of hrt hell.Quick recap - My symptoms were mainly physical- VA,night sweats,insomnia,increasing migraines,nausea and stomach problems and crashing fatigue. I started on elleste duet initially great then became v depressed ,then I was on everol50patches and uterogestan for 25 days a month. I became extremely anxious and had several severe episodes. GP increased to  everol75 no better. Stopped hrt and became extremely depressed and anxious started femoston 1/10 last October depression went but still felt anxious. Then had a sudden episode of depression.Increased to femoston 2/10 3 weeks ago. I've actually had a few days where I felt like my normal self and hoped things were improving however the anxiety has returned it's especially bad in the early hours and I seem to wake at 3 am feeling wired and despite listening to meditation apps,breathing exercises etc it's impossible to get back to sleep and I am constantly tired anxious and unable to function. Both the depression and anxiety feel physical,it's like something has set off an adrenaline surge and I can't do anything about it. I have a normal happy life in other respects. My husband has been amazing,I have 2 grown up children who are coping with all this very well and have their own lives under control, I have no money worries and a good job ( not that I'm there at the moment I'm off sick again!). So I have absolutely nothing to be depressed or anxious about in fact as I said both conditions feel physical rather than emotional. Anyway I'm struggling to cope my GP isn't much help and she keeps mentioning ADs. I've resisted so far as I'm not sure that would be the right thing and I'm worried about side effects. My hubby thinks I should just take them as he just wants me back to normal. So what do I do,will the femoston help if I give it more time ( how much longer :'()or should I try ADs. BTW the physical symptoms do seem better and I use vagifem for the VA. Any words of wisdom?


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FIRST: print off 'hints for husbands' and hand over ;-)

What's to lose?  What ever is causing depression, maybe a course of appropriate medication for 6-8 months along with HRT will give the relief you seek.  Once you find an HRT - which won't kick in immediately as the body rarely gets where it is suddenly - and symptoms improve, you can wean off the ADs.  Some even help anxiety so discussion is important. You could visit your local Pharmacist, most have private rooms these days, to get a over-view of what is available so that you know what to ask your GP for .

This is The Change - it does what it says on the tin.  So you won't get back to how you were, any more than when you first had periods.  Each stage alters our bodies as we move forwards. 

Some find it useful to keep a mood/symptom/food diary to chart feelings.  Let us know how you get on!


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I started taking fluoxetine 4 weeks ago and is making a difference


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That's good Binks.  The brain needs support .......


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I started taking fluoxetine 4 weeks ago and is making a difference

That's what got me through the dark days too Binks.

Fruit loop

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Thanks for your replies ladies. I now have a plan so feeling a bit more positive. I have already given my hubby “hints for husbands” and to be honest he has been really supportive. Anyway I've rung the Drs to extend my sick note and made an appointment for next week to discuss ADs. Today I'm going to keep going doing some things round the house and go out for my daily walk later. I've decided to take something to help me sleep tonight. The GP gave me some a while ago for occasional use,not ideal but a good nights sleep will go some way to improving my mood.The problem is my husband and I are both health care professionals ( though in different fields) and sometimes a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing hence my reluctance to take any meds. It took me ages to decide I needed hrt,and with all the problem I've had I keep regretting that decision. Anyway onwards and upwards  :)
Birdy - Fluoxetine is a type of antidepressant known as an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). It is often used to treat depression, and also sometimes obsessive compulsive disorder and bulimia. Fluoxetine helps many people recover from depression, and it has fewer unwanted effects than older antidepressants.


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Fruit Loop, your symptoms are exactly the same as mine.
What is fluoxetine?

Prozac.  Fluoxetine is just the generic name.


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ProzacMade me angry  :worm: :cuss:  ;D

Leave your professional head behind!  What would you advise a patient?  ;)

Eating can be important too Fruit loop.  Low blood sugar can cause anxiety surges  :o, 4 me it was sudden, intense nausea so much so that I knew where every waste basket was in every store I shopped in.  One day I had to go into a chemist and ask for their loo as it was that sudden, she tried to send me to the loos across town  :o ....... I wasn't sick fortunately.  I found bananas daily eased those symptoms as well as eating B4 the body was hungry.

Cortisol; don't get me started  :'(

How can you deny your body's requirements regardless of your medical knowledge? 
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 11:45:38 AM by CLKD »


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The choice is yours.  What's the worst that could happen?  I found that it took a while for me to realise that I was actually benefitting ........  ::).  If one caused me nausea that stopped 2 days after not taking the AD  :-\

4 me I had to find something to ease depression and anxiety or I would be sitting here now.


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Been there  :'(.  Never want to feel that ill again  :-\

Maybe Yoga .......... brisk walking.  Cycling.  Something to get the wind through your hair?  I have never been able to divert my anxiety though ........ and depression sent me to my bed. 


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I think both Birdy and CLKD are right - anti-depressants need to be treated with caution because they can have alarming side-effects, I'm another one who's had suicidal reactions to certain ADs, particularly SSRIs. And if the depression and anxiety is essentially hormonal it should be treated for as long as possible with hormones. But unfortunately life isn't always that simple - 18 months down the line I've just had enough of trying to find a solution to this horrible situation with hormones, when nothing seems to be helping. So I'm trying an AD, and so far (10 days in) I'm doing OK, anxiety reduced and no bad reaction. In the end I think if HRT ain't working you just have to treat the symptoms, whatever that means for you...


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I've felt the same - I've taken AD's twice in my life, venlafaxine 15 years ago and currently I take duloxetine.

The start up effects for duloxetine were horrific and I too had ideas of suicide, but I was also in an awful place when I started them. Please be aware that they do make you worse for a while, and that's a daunting thought when you already feel rock bottom. I tried 3 Ad's in a short space of time which probably didn't help, my anxiety kicked in each time, telling me I didn't need them! So I really messed myself up.

I look at photos of myself of my AD only days and I look haunted....I'd lost 2 stone at this point. I can see the fear in my eyes - it's only when I started hrt did I start to get better.

Hope this helps.  If SSRI's don't suit you, mirtazapine is from a different class so would have different side effects.

Good luck


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The 1 side-effect that I had was nausea.  Which I was unable to tolerate more than 3 days  :'(. Until I was prescribed one which made me feel like if I put my feet down whilst walking, they would sting.  Has anyone jumped from a height and got that happen  :-\.  I had to put my feet down very carefully, probably looked like I was drunk when out walking the  :scottie:.  Also, I felt that I was wearing Elton John boots, those ones that he wore in Tommy!  I got to the gate into the field one morning 3 and thought "If I get over that I won't be able to get back on my way home".  So I didn't take any more.  This was the drug that my GP told me wouldn't have any side effects and I said as I left, "I'll find some!"  .......

It really does depend on how one can cope with the oddities of side effects.  Like Countrygirl, I feel 'down' each morning, in fact during sleep my brain feels depressed. I have to get out of bed and by the time I'm dressed and had breakfast that has gone, fortunately .......

Some anti-depressant medications help anxiety.  Others are purely reactive to the depression.  So an appropriate anti-anxiety medication is important to consider.  My GP prescribed a beta-blocka to take every night as well as an AD: 10mg at night and 5mg at breakfast.  Works for me.  As well as an emergency anti-anxiety drug as necessary.  For years I used Valium the night prior to events that I was uanble to avoid.  Knowing that I could take another during the day which I never required. 

Initially it was 10mg x 3, then 10mg as necessary dropped to 5mg.  For years.  Then it made me feel really 'odd' a couple of times so we swapped.  Can't remember the name and it was September, at the Pro-cycling men's arrival at Leamington Spa when I last required one.  Bugga - anxiety ruins many of my days out  :'(

In general I remain well.  When housebound in the 1990s I never believed I would feel this well, ever.   :foryou: