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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: estrogen levels  (Read 1046 times)


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estrogen levels
« on: February 24, 2019, 06:10:22 PM »

Hi Ladies,

if you want to find out where your estrogen levels are when taking HRT , are tests although not accurate - at least a proximity as of whether you have a decent level? will a GP do them?

I know one is supposed to go by symptoms, but that is not always possible.




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Re: estrogen levels
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2019, 06:49:37 PM »

Hi pepperminty. As I recall I think you are peri. I'm sure I've read on here that some doctors won't do them in peri.due to fluctuations.
If a lady is on cyclical hrt in peri wouldn't a blood test show if she had now become post meno by  fsh levels? It sounds better than stopping hrt to see if she's gone over into post.
Youve got nothing to lose by asking your gp.



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Re: estrogen levels
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2019, 07:03:39 PM »

Thanks Tc,

yes perhps the FSh level may be  an idea.   But I would also like to know whether I have good store of estrogen, and whether I am absorbing well. I reckon I am in menopause although not sure.



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Re: estrogen levels
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2019, 09:06:52 AM »

Oestrogen tests ( estradiol ) are but a snapshot of that particualr moment since oestrogen levels vary throughout the day, from day to day, week to week, and if you are taking HRT - eg patches - then may depend when you last changed your patch or even the part of the body that the blood is drawn from.

FSH cannot tell you how far into menopause you are as apparently info on this site and in the scientific literature shows FSH can go into post-menopausal range when in peri. In fact the range on GP online only gives the stages of the menstrual cycle and post-menopause - not peri!

Why are you not able to go by symptoms pepperminty? The only reason I can think of off the top of my head, is for a woman who is experiencing no menopausal symptoms at all and is only taking HRT for osteoporosis - then it is important to measure, although going by the licensed doses (for osteo) is a start.

Hurdity x


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Re: estrogen levels
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2019, 03:37:11 PM »

Hi Hurdity,

I have never had hot flushes, so that doesn't help. My joint symptoms did not get any better with Femosten ( although they did with prempac, but I had to stop that as the progesterone made me insane /PMT symptoms). I suppose my symptoms seem to stay the same or infact increase if I up the estrogen. But that was last year.

I seem to be getting more foggy headed, tired - ( I have had all the other tests). I feel like I did before I started HRT- anxiety up etc.

I am trying to increase gradually by half a tablet a week of Zumenon- as I previously tried 2/10 a couple of years ago and felt worse. ( the meno nurse thought I had a dodgy pack od tablets as apparently you can't feel worse!  ::), and she is the expert!)

I am not sure whether the increase all be it small is making me worse or I just need to increase further?

I have developed head aches also, but I am not sure whether that is related to HRT -

I just wondered if my estrogen levels have plumeted . I suppose that the only way of finding out is to increase further?

The  last time I increased on advice after 2/10 gate  ::) was by 3 extra tablets of zumenon spread over the month and I had painful boobs and very painful periods, and didn't feel any better,  infact worse, so I went back to my normal 1/10 plus a half zumenon every other day. That was a year ago.

I just wish I knew whether I was absorbing or not.

I increased by 2 quarter tablets per week on top the last month and my period was shorter and lighter, apart from the first heavy day? So something is happening.

Quiet frankly I feel crap.

I would eventually like to go transdermal, but whilst I work it is a no go- If I go nuts/ feel ill/ anxiety etc I will loose my job. So while i am not at 100% more like 55% at least I can function to a degree.

I think I may try to up gradually further and see where i am in a couple of months?

What I need is a 6 month holiday twice a year!

Anyway, I have meno brain today, so I hope I make sense.


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Re: estrogen levels
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2019, 05:02:35 PM »

It's all so difficult isn't it - especially if you are not sure whether you are still peri-menopausal or not - sorry I can't remember your age and where you were at before starting HRT?

I would have suggested changing delivery to transdermal - but in view of what you say about your job maybe not - although if you are experimenting anyway, it might be worth a try.

Transdermal  HRT is also preferable for women who get migraines - although your headaches may be unrelated to  HRT as you say? If they persist do consult your doctor though...

Yes trial and error is often the only way, but do give each change sufficient time to bed in otherwise your poor bod will be confused!

I do hope you manage to settle onto a dose that works for you most of the time!

Hurdity x


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Re: estrogen levels
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2019, 05:36:53 PM »

Yes. Everyone is different. Lots of ladies get on well with eastrogel but I wasnt absorbing it. I knew I wasnt and my blood test backed that up. My levels which were very low hadn't increased at all on it
. I do think blood tests might be a bit more accurate for ladies like me me whose ovaries aren't coming into play.  .  although I  think my levels could go down as the day goes on with the gel. That's why I've switched back to the patch.
Each time I've had a hormone blood test I've been able to predict the results by how I'm feeling. It would seem we may be more in tune with our bodies than we think.


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Re: estrogen levels
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2019, 08:06:42 PM »

Thanks Hurdity and TC,

It is a mare! I am 52 and was peri when I started, still had periods regularly. I will aim to increase gradually and see where I get too? I have considered Testosterone for the aches and muscle weakness - but I haven't a clue whether my estrogen is high enough.

Still it great o ahve all you ovely ladies there for support and advice.
