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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Blood tests  (Read 1731 times)


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Blood tests
« on: February 20, 2019, 06:14:11 PM »

Hi all,
Went for anual blood test on Friday morning, fasting one was there for 7.30 still had to wait an hour lol,
Sat here yesterday morning had phone call from gp surgery telling me my dr had left blood forms for my test,
Told her I already had them on friday, to which she replied, oh dr wants you to have another for re check  :o :o :o :o
Within seconds my anxiety went through the roof omg wot is wrong
As you can imagine I had everything in 15 minutes
Luckily my hubby was here and fetched the for me straight away so I could go get it done asap
New form none fasting, it was for b12, folic, and full count again,
Now I have been back and forth to gp saying  Im  tried, aching, head aches, heavy periods etc as usual he put it down to my age and the change with a smug grin, that grin really pees me right off, could punch the little thing ( seriously had to hold my tongue then, breath lol)
Not once did he say let's do bloods early see if there is anything else,
So went for second test at 1.30 yesterday afternoon now got to wait till either Friday or early next week for results,
Anyone else have b12 deficiency or folic acid problems, where you given anything for it what were your symptoms, did you have to wait long to notice a difference, are there any side effects to any meds.
Sorry a few questions there just feel like I'm at the end of my tether, felt like this for over 6 months now, oh aching joints and muscles too, crying for no reason, need to get back to hopefully being a bit more like me and not wanting to go to sleep as soon as I get up in the morning lol.



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Re: Blood tests
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2019, 08:57:46 PM »

Hi  Karen :)

I'm the worlds worst when it comes to blood tests I've just had some done today as well to check things as part of my diagnosis of osteoporosis my doc has ordered the full works!

The thing I always tell myself is to remember that when you have these tests done it's a snapshot of your system at that particular time so for example if you're running a low grade virus with no actual symptoms or haven't been eating properly etc then things might show up but not necessarily be of concern. A few times I have had borderline white blood cell counts but when the test has been repeated it's been fine there can also be differences in labs as well that do the tests. My understanding is B12/Folic acid  is not that uncommon I have a few friends who at certain times in their lives  have had these show up and if necessary have been put on a supplement and things have gone back to normal. Remember that some medications can interfere or affect blood tests as well, I suspect that some of the results have been borderline or not clear but not of a significant clinical concern and they just want to repeat them to see if they give the same result.

I know it's easy to say but try not to worry, but  if it's causing you great stress can you call your surgery and see if you can get a telephone appointment where your GP could go through the tests with you in more detail and explain why he/she wants to repeat them.

Try not to worry!



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Re: Blood tests
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2019, 12:46:39 PM »

Thx for reply hun,
I know what you are saying is so true, I was put on folic acid last year I think July time but was never told why or asked for repeat bloods after the course, I guess I have a problem with iron, going to ring surgery today to see if they have had results and get in to see go either this evening or early tomorrow morning the sooner I get it all sorted the better and I might be able to relax for a little while.



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Re: Blood tests
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2019, 10:57:12 AM »

Thank you countrygirl,
Called surgery yesterday they got results back on Tuesday evening, made app for this afternoon so will soon find out.


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Re: Blood tests
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2019, 09:01:13 AM »

kazy68 How did you get on with your blood test results hopefully everything was ok  :)


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Re: Blood tests
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2019, 02:37:02 PM »

Sorry for late reply,
Went to drs for results, all was great no problems at all, 1 great thing is that my cholesterol came down to 2.8 so lowered my pills from 40mg to 20mg well chuffed with that,
Cant understand how I can still feel like poo, back still aching so bad even went and brought new mattress the weekend to see if that will help so far no it doesn't, got to give my body chance to get used to it I guess, then there is my light-headed feeling it is not going away at all wake up with it and go to bed with it not good, I have just come out the back end of a very long very heavy ( at times ) long period lasting 35 days, I'm hoping as my hormones begin to settle again I will start to feel a bit more like me.
At least I don't have some kind of incurable disease lol, my anxiety has been through the roof even after results came back clear, still thinking there was something wrong with my head even tho I have had it before, but not as long, been crying for days all day some days but got to pull myself together, we will all get through this.



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Re: Blood tests
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2019, 11:06:15 PM »

Hi Karen That's great to hear especially with your cholesterol! So that's a positive thing to build on and all the health benefits you will get from that result  :) so you can rest a bit easier I hope, when I bought a new mattress I felt the same like it was worse but I think the mattress has to ‘bed in' as after a few weeks it was great, also having such a long period it's going to have an impact, plus  your hormones must surely be all over the place with your HRT until everything evens out and finds its balance our hormones play such a big part in not only our physical wellbeing but also our mental well being as well. I was recommended  this App for my phone called ‘Calm' which has really helped me it's a free trial for 7 days and then you pay a yearly fee if you want to go ahead it has lots of really good stuff on it from how to start mindlefulness to ease stress etc and then it has loads of content you can listen to depending on what your issue is anxiety, stress, relationships, etc  to stories you can listen to at night to wind down read by famous celebrities and actors. You will get thought everything  x