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Author Topic: Oestrogel Dosage Advice Please  (Read 1605 times)


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Oestrogel Dosage Advice Please
« on: February 17, 2019, 02:22:27 PM »

Hi all

Thank you all for the extremely helpful advice you post, I've learned so much from you ladies. Hurdity, you are my hero!

I have a few queries which I hope you may be able to help with. I'll post each day so that they don't dominate the forum, I can then easily refer back to your words of wisdom.

I'll include an overview of me at the bottom of each just in case you need it.

My question is:

After my hysterectomy in April I'm going to start Oestrogel. Dr Newson has recommended 1-4 pumps of gel depending on severity of symptoms.

My current cycle is anything from 23-28 days. Obviously  the bleeds will stop after the hysterectomy and I won't know when I'm post menopause.

I was wondering if I should dose the Oestrogel according to the oestrogen lows and highs of a 'normal' menstrual cycle? I don't know how they will know when I'm post meno when I assume I should take a higher consistent dose?

Also, I am a healthy weight and active but have chunkier thighs, will this effect absorption on the inner thighs?

Do you have any general tips with using Oestrogel?

Thanks in advance.

Overview of me:

Age 44. Started periods age 12. Took CCP continuously from age 18 to 30. Melasma patches developed. Cervical dysplasia (CIN2) from age 30 to 35 which then disappeared. Cystic breasts. Heavy clotty painful periods from 37 to present due to egg sized fibroid in uterus muscle wall and polyps, resulting in horrible anaemia on and off. Due to have a total laparoscopic and vaginal hysterectomy leaving the ovaries in April 2019.


In addition to heavy periods (with varying 23-28 day cycle)... reflux and swallowing problems for 4 years; 18 months ago started with areas of numbness including face, muscle and joint aches, eye pain and dryness, increased cystic breast pain, dizziness, brain fog and forgetfulness, chest flutters, shortness of breath, adrenaline rushes, weird 'sausage fingers' feeling in hands with stingy raised veins, pins and needles / 'buzzing' and heat in hands and feet, tinnitus, difficulty with cooling down with sweats or getting warm with shivers. (I've included my coping tips for these in a previous post).

Had blood tests, barium swallow, nerve conduction tests, brain, spine and neck MRIs (paid privately), eye tests etc which all came back negative.

I'm active, don't drink alcohol or caffeine, don't smoke and I supplement a healthy diet with a multivit, Vit D3, B complex, Omega 3, Ester C and the dreaded iron tablets!!


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Re: Oestrogel Dosage Advice Please
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2019, 05:12:17 PM »

Hi Bobidy


Thanks for your kind words about members of the forum - there are lots of us here who like to share our experiences and information to help others in the same boat!

I am just wondering why you are definitely starting oestrogel only after your hysterectomy? If you are keeping your ovaries then you won't hit menopause straight away (although you are likely to reach menopause earlier than if you hadn't had a hysterectomy). If you are still having regular periods with shortened cycle then you may not be "officially" peri-menopausal as you are still ovulating regularly. This is known as the Late Reproductive Stage according to the latest medical definitions. However some women do start to experience some menopausal symptoms (in addition to classic worsening pms) at this stage when hormones begin to go awry despite ovulation.

If you have been experiencing symptoms already even though still having frequent periods I am wondering why you haven't started either on a trial of HRT (to see if it sorts out some of your symptoms) or on one of the gentler CCP types which contain the same oestrogen as in HRT. Has a Mirena coil been suggested as a trial (along with low dose oestrogen) before deciding on a hysterectomy as this delivers high doses of progestogen directly to the uterus and is recommended for mild fibroids I gather?

Oestrogen as part of HRT is given as a constant dose - which can be problematic for some women at high doses although if very high it will suppress the natural cycle and avoid the highs and lows. That's right you won't know when you are post-meno so you just have to go by symptoms. Now and again some docs will do blood tests if there is a question mark over absorption eg hot flushes returning despite a high dose of oestrogen.

I can't comment on the actual application site but a reservoir of gel builds up and to some extent is stored temporarily in the layers of the skin and is absorbed into the blood stream from  there. As long as you are consistent with the application site (ie alternating left and right whichever part of the body you decide) then you will work out what the right dose is for you.

Hopefully experienced gel users will be along - I only used Sandrena for a little while and didn;t get on with it, although I do use testosterone gel daily.

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Oestrogel Dosage Advice Please
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2019, 04:35:36 PM »

I uses three pumps of estrogel, two at night and one in the morning, I usually apply it onto my shoulders but more towards my back.


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Re: Oestrogel Dosage Advice Please
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2019, 06:06:45 PM »

Is Dr Newson recommending a hysterectomy, rather than the query I made in my earlier post as to whether other treatments have been suggested before having this operation?

Yes she sounds fab and providing lots of information and education about menopause. However I think she now is only in private practice as far as I can gather - and is expanding this so I have mixed feelings as all of this treatment shoiuld be available to all and not only to those who can afford it (or even can't and still spend or borrow in order to get it). That isn't meant as a criticism of your choices by the way! I completely understand why you felt the need to go privately with uninformed GPs - it is just a reflection on the situation that we are in as women and in the country as a whole - that menopausal services on NHS are totally inadequate!

As I said before - are you not able to have a trial of oestrogel (perhaps along with a Mirena) or other treatment to see whether it will help your menopausal symptoms, but without causing your fibroid to grow - I know very little about this....?

I hope you're feeling better today...

Hurdity x


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Re: Oestrogel Dosage Advice Please
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2019, 09:05:48 AM »

Good luck with your operation and ongoing treatment Bobody and keep us posted! :)

Hurdity x