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Author Topic: Dental night guard  (Read 6422 times)


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Dental night guard
« on: February 04, 2019, 05:52:05 PM »

Stress is making itself known yet again and I'm really hoping one of you lovely ladies may have experience of wearing a Dental Night Guard as I've been grinding my teeth in the night for months now and after going to the dentist have discovered I've already caused damage.

It's going to cost over £200 so thought I would ask your opinions as I don't know anyone who wears one x


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2019, 05:57:44 PM »

If it's one from the dentist they have better results, I believe.  Years ago I bought one from boots, that you have to mould to your mouth shape, in hot water, like a rugby gum shield. It was useless and uncomfortable but cheap. Like most things you get what you pay for.


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2019, 06:31:37 PM »

Yes, I wore one for ages,my jaw used to crack terribly,it certainly worked for me


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2019, 06:58:15 AM »

Yes i've had one from the dentist since November, like you I had no idea I had been doing it until the damage was done. I have been wearing it every night, although it doesn't stop the grinding it's no longer doing damage. I have noticed I do it sometimes when I am doing house work so I pop it in during the day as well.


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2019, 07:44:45 AM »

Stess ::). Who'd have thought it would damage your teeth.


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2019, 11:48:53 AM »

I've used one in the past - fitted properly by the dentist - as I was clenching my teeth at night and getting headaches as a result (who knew??)  Worked extremely well -
As an aside _ I have had to have some correction to my top teeth (or would have been in a terrible mess in years to come) so  have Smilalign brace on my top teeth (clear plastic and almost invisible) which I wear during the day and then at night I also have to put on a set on the lower teeth too to prevent damage to the top brace .  Sounds terrible but you do get used to it and again it stops the clenching (and grinding). In fact it feels a bt odd now if I don't have the brace in
I think I only paid around £50 for the mouth guard but it was lower teeth only and about 10 years ago but certainly worth it
Won't tell you how much the brace is costing !!!!!


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2019, 03:55:20 PM »

Hello there.
I had one too, used for a short time but not needed now.
Hope it works for you
Woodlands xx


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2019, 06:17:46 PM »

I don't have one but I'm pretty sure I need one - I am waking with jaw ache, ear ache in my right ear and a sore muscle that runs down the side of my face.  Must ask dentist next time I go if my teeth are getting smaller :)  It's not really terrible in the scheme of things but if it is doing damage I suppose I should have it looked at - I never really thought about it before!

hey annieb are the braces permanent fixtures or do you have to wear them for a period of time so they do their job.  I had a fixed on for some years when I was a teenager and the top teeth moved but over the years they seem to have slipped back to their original position.


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2019, 06:58:08 PM »

Yes, my son wears one.
He's been grinding his teeth for years, and when he was younger wouldn't wear one.
Now he's older, dentist told him his teeth have really worn down!
So he bought one from the dentist, had to wait about a week, but it's proper, no moulding yourself, it's all done done by them, and now he wears it every night. Not uncomfortable or anything. It cost him over £200. Too.
But we'll worth it...

Ladybt, yep, get it checked, dentist asked him if he woke with headaches and had aches n pains in neck, and jaw, ect.... and he did... so maybe worth it next time you go...xx


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2019, 07:05:06 PM »

I hate the dentist with a passion, not specifically my dentist, just any dentist - my husband escorts me there to ensure I don't have a panic attack between the door and reception.  Oh Jillydoll the thought of asking his opinion and the fact he could do something makes me quite queasy!!  I'll just put nurofen gel on the sore neck and jaw - save £200 and eat slops when I'm 70!
Won't I be a picture! ::)  Not a very reasoned reaction to such a reasonable suggestion is it!! :-X :-\ 

….I'll think about it  ;)...for a while... ;)


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2019, 07:23:22 PM »

Oh Countrygirl - all joking aside by me, meno has a way of making us quite vain when we weren't before! and there is nothing wrong with that!!  Its a womens worst nightmare, hair loss, acne, weight gain, puffy legs, sore and thinning bits and a host of other delightful things!
I use a caffeine stimulant on my hair 3 times a week especially at the temples which is to help the follicles especially as I have receding temples and it seems to work I have lots of downey hair growing back and I have taken to rubbing it into the back around the crown.  The idea is to liven up the follicles which start to die off in meno before they actually die and you cant do anything about it.  I was sceptical I can tell you but it has seemed to work for me.

acne I cant help with cos I dont have it, although I though I might when I started testosterone but I haven't - fingers crossed eh!


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2019, 07:31:58 PM »

Oh poor you countrygirl,you should have a look at funny side of menopause if you haven't already,things I've diagnosed myself with,it makes for a comedy read.
Oh ladybt,losing the hair on our heads but growing it on our faces,brilliant,just away for a shave of my chin and pluck my nasal hairs😏


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2019, 07:57:26 PM »

Don't get me started on excess hair!
I hate the stuff.....drives me insane!

Ladybt, I hate the dentist with a passion too, goes back to my younger days when my mom took me to the dental hospital in Birmingham when I was about 8.
She said I was kicking and throwing, throwing what I don't know, maybe a chair or something, or their drills,🤣😂 and I had to walk all the way back through town with blood all down my coat......don't remember anything else.....probably a blessing.
Then I had a root canal done, painful or what......and she didn't tell me she'd only put a dressing on it, so when I came out I was starving and took a bite out of a sandwich, and OMG, the language, 🤬🤬🤬  I threw the sandwich out the window of the car, in anger.
AND, I still, after all that, lost the bloody tooth!! 🤣😂🤣 unbelievable! just couldn't write it......😁


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2019, 08:42:46 PM »

Oh countrygirl. I know that feeling. Every time I look in the mirror lately I just pick myself apart. Not that i ever found looking at myself enjoyable!!

My hair started falling out through stress before meno but I have been scared to colour it the last 3 years and so it's now grey. Everyone else says it's a nice colour but when I look in the mirror I don't see me.

We probably see things others don't. But the changes of meno are hard to take. Especially if like me you didn't rate yourself very highly before. Something others who know you would disagree with I bet.
Why are we being so hard on ourselves eh?

I hope the dental gaurd helps you. Lots of positive responses on here.


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Re: Dental night guard
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2019, 11:40:27 PM »

Can't remember if you are as old as me... but when I was a child in the early 60's they used to put a mask over your face and give you gas when you had a filling and the dentist got paid by the number of fillings he did!  It smelt funny and made you woozy and they were always coming at you with a drill! - therefore pathological hate for dentists.

Then they stopped with the gas and gave you injections instead.... but also as a child I had blood taken by one of those huge nasty looking aggressive nurses that existed then, all no nonsense  >:( and I remember she actually strapped your arm to a wooden plate type thing on a metal chair to take the blood so you couldn't squirm.  I can still see her now!!!  Needless to say I was needle phobic so when the dentist went to give me an injection in my mouth every time he turned round there was no one in the chair! but the dental nurse had her back against the door trying to stop me from running  ;D ;D 

Childbirth cured me of having a needle phobia, oh and having any false modesty! (or any dignity!) :o

Why not give it a go and colour it Tc - sometimes colour makes it look thicker and if "you dont look like yourself" it might help next time you go past a mirror - something subtle maybe - no bleach.
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