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Author Topic: Evorel Conti Options, Weight Gain & Testosterone  (Read 5012 times)


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Evorel Conti Options, Weight Gain & Testosterone
« on: February 04, 2019, 12:17:52 PM »

Hi everyone - I'm new to the site, although I've been reading your comments for a few years.
I'll summarise my meno history as swiftly as I can:
I'm aged 54 and about 4 years post meno.  I was originally given the wrong HRT treatment by my GP and having researched various options via the internet, decided to go to a private menopause clinic.  This was a complete revelation to me and made me realise just how uneducated our GP's are with regard to the whole menopause topic.   
I was originally on Evorel 25 and then 50, 75 for a year or so, even though I haven't had a hysterectomy.  Having originally tried Ultrogesten orally, it made me depressed and like many women, didn't suit me.
My doctor at the clinic told me that I'd be fine taking just the Evorel/oestrogen and I could have an annual scan instead to make sure the lining of my womb was okay.  I did this for a while and continued to get my prescriptions from my local GP who was happy to go along with the advice I'd received at the clinic.
That was until my last prescription review and I saw a different GP.  She was very concerned that I was not taking any progesterone and I am now on Evorel Conti.
As I really didn't want to take the norethisterone due to side effects, my main bug bear being weight gain, I initially cut the patches in half, even though I knew the dosage would probably be far too low.  I've since realised that this was making no difference to my weight and I had no energy.  I think too much estradiol without the balance of progesterone can probably cause weight gain, which may have been my problem.  I have now gone back to wearing the full patch and feel so much better and more energised after just a few days.  The norethisterone isn't adversely affecting my mood and I'm not continually hungry which is a plus!
I even tried to wean my self off altogether before starting the Conti but having been transformed in to a hysterical basket case over the course of a few days decided that it was probably a bad idea..
I'm due to go back to the clinic soon and will discuss my local GP's concerns with the doctor at the clinic.  I realise my local GP isn't as clued up with regard to treatments but understand her concerns.
The first blood test results at the clinic also revealed that my testosterone levels were very low (hence very low libido before HRT).  I was prescribed Testim testosterone, which although only manufactured for men, I find to be brilliant.  I don't use as much as I've been advised to but don't feel that I need to.   
The initial effects of the Testim and my testosterone levels hitting the roof were great fun for a while ;) but I now only have pea size a few times a week and it seems adequate.
I'll be interested to see my my clinic visit will reveal next week but wonder if anyone else is avoiding Evorel Conti and using just the estradiol Evorel patch even though they haven't had a hysterectomy?
I also wonder if I just have to get used to the extra 10lb that I can't seem to shift and realise that I really do need to exercise more and eat very little!  ::)

« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 12:24:02 PM by Flakey64 »


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Re: Evorel Conti Options, Weight Gain & Testosterone
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2019, 12:55:56 PM »

Hello Flakey64,

Welcome to the forum!

Your current GP is absolutely correct. You can't be on Evorel estradiol only patches, without added progesterone. Estradiol stimulates cell growth (multiplication) in the endometrium and can cause hyperplasia and cancer if not opposed by progesterone. You can choose to use Utrogestan vaginally with fewer side effects, if you don't like the progestogen on Evorel Sequi or Conti.

The weight gain is common around menopause, with or without HRT. Ageing, decreased physical activity, decreased metabolism, shift in fat metabolism and deposition (belly) can account for it.

Glad to know testosterone is working for you!

Conolly X
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 01:10:13 PM by Conolly »


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Re: Evorel Conti Options, Weight Gain & Testosterone
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2019, 02:22:32 PM »

Thanks Connolly -
Yes, seems I'm stuck with the extra weight, regardless!
I am aware of the guidelines with regard to estrodiol/progesterone only etc but my GP at the menopause clinic also takes Everol without the progesterone but has regular scans to ascertain all is correct.
I just wondered if anyone else followed the same route although I'm beginning to think it's doubtful.


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Re: Evorel Conti Options, Weight Gain & Testosterone
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2019, 02:38:02 PM »

Hello again,

Well, how many scans are considered 'regular' for you and your doctor? In the long run, oestrogen will cause hyperplasia (which is easily seen on scans) but can also cause metaplasia and neoplasia (cancer) which is not seen on scans, so you have to choose another way to cope with progestins because, either way, you will have to resort to them if scans show a thickened lining.

Regarding weight gain, that's my current issue as well. Besides, my blood tests show elevated cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides... physical exercise and healthy diet seem to be the answers, but how to adhere to a new routine is the pits!

Conolly X


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Re: Evorel Conti Options, Weight Gain & Testosterone
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2019, 02:46:35 PM »

Yes, so I believe but she is a renowned menopause consultant and I trust her.  Thanks for replying though.


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Re: Evorel Conti Options, Weight Gain & Testosterone
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2019, 04:34:46 PM »


Don't get me wrong, but a renowned menopause consultant can certainly do whatever she likes with her own body, but certainly not treat a patient against medical common sense.

Who is she, if you don't mind me asking?

By the way, your thread will probably be moved by the forum admin, Emma, because you have posted in Forum Guide and News section. You could create a thread in New Members section, introducing yourself, and post your question on Evorel without progestins in All Things Menopause Section, so more members could be aware of your doubts and maybe help you in a more effective way.

Conolly X


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Re: Evorel Conti Options, Weight Gain & Testosterone
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2019, 05:56:38 PM »

Thanks for your concern and I'll take your advice on board re future postings.