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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: GP want to put me on Setraline  (Read 1610 times)


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GP want to put me on Setraline
« on: January 29, 2019, 09:01:25 PM »

Hi Peeps

As per my previous posts have been having a bit of a time of things over the last 2 years and with my last diagnosis recently that I have osteoporosis I'm getting worse I just keep thinking what's next and the worse thing that's going to happen my mind is constantly on the go worried about the future, being able to cope, losing my job etc I'm also causing immense worry and stress to my dad and my son whom live with me. Ended up at my GP over a panic over another symptom I thought I had and just broke down.

She was very nice and was very patient listening to everything I'm feeling and basically thinks that I need to be able to get some breathing space and thinks that going on an AD will help to stabilise things I did take ecitalopram for a year after my mum passed away in hospital (it was very traumatic) as similar things happened I became very fearful of the future as my wee boy was only 7 at the time and I was terrified something would happen to me and he would be left on his own.

It took a while for the ecitalopram to work and I have to admit it did help but I felt very detached on it like I wasn't really feeling anything also Im also really worried aboutt the side effects I know you shouldn't read these things I think it's the heart rhythm possible issues that scare me the most as I do suffer from palpitations which were investigated at the time and found to be benign SVT's and ‘possible' very short runs of AF I was put on Tildiem LA 300 by my cardiologist which I still take the palpitations did settle but started again when I hit menopause and I have good days and bad days with them probably stress related when I'm on high anxiety alert and dumping tons of cortisol in to my system.

It's just  I feel I can't go on like this it's not fair on my family I want to enjoy my life again instead of fearing what the future holds so I'm looking to see if anyone has taken this drug or these types of drugs and whether it helped them get back on an even keel

Thanks  :thankyou:


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Re: GP want to put me on Setraline
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2019, 04:54:31 PM »

What's to lose?  9-10 months of medication and review?  Maybe keep a mood diary too to judge actuality?

I have taken ADs since the 1980s.  It gave me and DH a Life again ;-)

Health anxiety is common and your GP is right to suggest giving yourself a break.


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Re: GP want to put me on Setraline
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2019, 08:44:35 AM »


If they helped you before then they are a consideration, you don't have to take them for longer than you and your GP feel you need them. They can often make you feel detached, but can get you over the hump.
 Perhaps also consider counselling through your GP as having someone to talk to really does help. It is proven that talking therapies should be used in conjunction with AD's.
It is not surprising you feel like this.  I know people who have found this book very helpful - Overcoming Worry and Generalised Anxiety Disorder, 2nd Edition by Mark Freeston .
Make sure you eat well. I do hope you find some relief soon.



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Re: GP want to put me on Setraline
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2019, 02:50:31 PM »

Thanks Ladies

It's seems everything just seems to be so black at the moment I'm constantly on the alert for the next crisis. I think it's just going from reasonably healthy ok I have Spina Bifida but on the whole I managed fine but since hitting the menopause it's been downhill all the way 😕 

CLKD it's encouraging that they have helped you so much thanks for that

I should give the medication a try everyone says so I'm just always worried about new medications cause I'm taking other stuff but that's the same with everyone

I got a letter this morning from a counsellor who works in mental health as part of the Scottish SAMHS So hopefully that will help as well and have an appointment for the middle of Feb.

peppermint, Thanks for the heads up on the book I'll check it out

Thanks again for your comments they really do help


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Re: GP want to put me on Setraline
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2019, 02:59:10 PM »

Let us know how you get on.   Sometimes ADs can make one feel hung over  ::) but I prefer that feeling to the deep depression.  Gradually that lessened and I am more aware of what my brain requires in order to remain well.


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Re: GP want to put me on Setraline
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2019, 04:36:36 PM »

Yes , it is a nightmare trying to navigate through. Sounds like you are taking control. It isn't easy. I do hope you feel a bit better soon .


ali 61

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Re: GP want to put me on Setraline
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2019, 04:39:44 PM »

My GP put me on Setraline. I started at just 25mg daily, as I always seem to get bad side effects from meds.
However, I still had a bad first 2 weeks.
I got anxiety, nausea and insomnia. After a panic attack too, my GP gave me a very low dose of Lorazepam, to take if I had another panic attack. I'm glad to say I only needed to take it once.
After 16 or 17 days I suddenly turned that proverbial corner and felt great.

I have stayed on just 25mg and havent felt this good in years.

Everybody is different, but I am so glad I rode the 1st 2 weeks out and persevered. I dont feel numb or hung-over or emotionless. I just feel "normal".
All I had to do was tweak the time of day that I took it, as it gave me insomnia. So I now take it in the morning.

Good luck...and give it a go. You never know, it may be great for you too. And just stay on it for a long as you and your GP think its needed. xx


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Re: GP want to put me on Setraline
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2019, 05:43:59 PM »

 :thankyou:   ali!