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Author Topic: Grombre  (Read 4141 times)


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2019, 01:14:31 PM »

I'm not sure there but here (in the US) grey has become a popular color even among the younger women. I'm not sure why.
I know a few women that have not dyed their greys and I love the look! I am not going grey yet. Still got my blonde hair but if mine goes the way of my mother's, it'll turn white. People think she just added highlights to her blonde hair.
I stopped coloring my hair several years ago. Too many bad experiences and too much cost! I will throw in some temporary colors every now and then when I'm bored but they wash out. So when the grey comes....I won't be coloring it.

Hi bluebutterfly

Thanks for the reply.  Most of the women I see on Instagram are in the US.  They seem to have embraced their greys more, perhaps it will catch on over here too.  My hair feels in way better condition now it's not been coloured for months, and it's exciting seeing the different colours coming through.



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Re: Grombre
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2019, 01:18:18 PM »

I've left my hair natural for over 10 years.  I had very long hair which was cut to shoulder length when I was about 15; followed by a perm, looked like Crystal Tips  ;D - then it came short.  I used all-over dyes several times: looked like someone had committed murder in our bathroom  ;D.

I had hi lights for a few years by a professional who visited here, the scalp would itch and burn a bit so I did wonder.  I let it grow out for about 9-12 months between each treatment.  Gradually my colour faded to quite a nice effect so haven't had a colour since.

If all else fails, wear a hat  ;)


Thanks for your reply.  I too had itching and burning most of the time when I had the colour put on, and it did concern me, but you sort of get to thinking that's normal, when really it's not.

I have two daughters (grown up and left home now) who also coloured their hair at home.  It can splatter a long way and ruin floors/towels/paintwork.  One of them is getting married in June this year, so I may just need a hat  ::)


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2019, 01:20:24 PM »

I've let mine go grey and I love it didn't think I'd ever be saying that  ;D

Lanzalover x

Hi Lanzalover

Thanks for your reply.  That's exactly how I feel and mine's nowhere near grown out yet.  I don't even mind the contrasting colours that it is at the moment, about one third silver/steel grey and two thirds dark brown. ;D


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2019, 01:22:34 PM »

Yes I've just grown out all my hi lights.  It's taken me 18 months . x

Hi Dotty

Thanks for your reply.  I've got a way to go then I think, as mine is only nearly five months grown out.  I'm enjoying the process though.


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2019, 01:26:43 PM »

Nope  :-\ - absolutely not and I have no plans to either, just wouldn't be me.  It's a red, mahogany brown (lending towards more red!!).   My beloved husband "Vidal Campbell" is ace with rubber gloves and curl comb! so it costs me a fiver every 6 weeks but shades of grey are all the rage at the moment with the 20 somethings dying it grey!  If you stop you would defo be in fashion!

Hi Ladbybt28

Thanks for your reply.  That's exactly how I felt until I was forced into it.  Although people have suggested natural dyes, once I'd made my mind up that was it.  You sound like you 'own' your red hair.  That's what I want to do with my silvers  :-*


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2019, 01:30:06 PM »

I have embraced my grey for the last 11 months. Currently a grombre effect going on. I never thought I would like it but I do.  I feel more confident. And the grey hair community on Instagram is wonderful.

Hi Pricey

Thanks for your reply.  I am actually loving my grombre too.  I thought I may have to use WOW powder to blend in the edges, but it's not a problem at all.  The silver sisters on Instagram are really inspirational and have made me feel that it's 'normal' not weird to grow your greys out.  Although I do find most of them are in the US.


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2019, 01:32:26 PM »

Hi there.
I embraced my grey hair about 10 years ago at 46, I got my first grey hair at 19 and by 36 was pepper and salt.
I get so many compliments about my hair colour it was so the decision to make.
Go girlies
Woodlands x

Hi Woodlands

Thanks for your reply.  That's great to hear.  I haven't got a clue how long my hair has been white/grey as it has been coloured for so long with no gaps.  Although I vaguely remember seeing some grey in my early 30's.  It was probably having kids that did that  ;D  I find most people don't actually say anything at the moment, because they're probably not sure if I'm growing it out or just missed my salon appointment.


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2019, 01:37:17 PM »

I only have a little grey and have had highlights for donkeys years.  Full hair dye would drive me mad.  Having to have the roots touched up all the time, especially as my hair grows so fast.  I have it cut every 5 weeks but should really do 4. 

Having highlights means there is much less contact of the dye with the scalp as my hairdresser pulls the hair through a plastic bag.  I remember seeing a TV programme, years ago which was all about hair dye being linked to some forms of cancer.  That put me right off.

Don't mind if I go grey.  Once I get a reasonable amount of grey through my hair I will stop highlighting.  I always think older people with full colour look a little odd.  You just know it's dye.  Just look a Paul McCartney. ::)

Hi shadyglade

Thanks for your reply.  I'm a bit obsessed at looking at people out and about at the colour of their hair.  The majority of girls/women over 16 up to about 70 seem to have their hair dyed, which didn't really surprise me, but is it because society thinks women should look young forever.  It's a different story for men though.  The majority don't dye their hair.

After my partner was diagnosed with bladder cancer this year, I am also trying to avoid chemicals, so that was another reason for me to stop.


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2019, 01:45:23 PM »

As long as your happy with it goldgalaxycat that's all that counts!  Yep I do own it, about 5 years ago I did used to go to my niece who was a hairdresser and I would have had it sort of "strippy" - red, brown blonde - thick cut!! but I cant be bothered to sit while she does it any more, so now it is all over red mahogany and I am very conscious that I don't want to be mutton dressed as lamb...but..

Its often been said "long hair doesnt suit after 45!" also, "heavily dyed hair is ageing" but who decides this???.. ???  and here where I live in NI there seems to be a "thing" going on with hair in older women.  After 50, they all seem to have very short spikey hair which is grey - my husband is very rude about it, he says its like some kind of uniform denoting "old" people who cant be bothered  :-X  Please don't be offended if you have short spikey hair which is grey... that's not what I mean sorry...but it is not just a few people that it suits that you see here - there are loads and loads - you can go through Belfast and sort of pick out a tribe! - if you see what I mean.  My sisters-in-law were/are the same - turn 50 and then you wake up with spikey grey hair, its like that's what you get for your birthday!  :lol: - it's very strange?

Also all teenage and 20 something girls have very long hair and they all look the same too!!  It's not my imagination - honest - its really obvious when you are walking about the place.  I know there are ladies on here from NI - I wonder whether I will be in trouble  ::)


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2019, 03:07:05 PM »

I know exactly what you mean.  Because I've been observing hair colour lately I have noticed many over 55/60's with grey spiky hair and also girls with long straight hair. This is not me though. I have shoulder length hair and I won't conform to style or colour any longer. I thought grey hair would be ageing. But after seeing hundreds of pics on instagram of all ages it's not hair colour that's ageing. Style, lucky genes and the way you carry yourself keeps you looking young. There are girls going naturally grey in their 20s and 30s and they don't look old. They just have a different hair colour to the norm. In the end we all have to do what's right for us but I don't like the idea that society can accept men going grey but not women.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2019, 03:09:00 PM by goldgalaxycat »


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2019, 03:13:08 PM »

I'm not sure there but here (in the US) grey has become a popular color even among the younger women. I'm not sure why.
I know a few women that have not dyed their greys and I love the look! I am not going grey yet. Still got my blonde hair but if mine goes the way of my mother's, it'll turn white. People think she just added highlights to her blonde hair.
I stopped coloring my hair several years ago. Too many bad experiences and too much cost! I will throw in some temporary colors every now and then when I'm bored but they wash out. So when the grey comes....I won't be coloring it.

Hi bluebutterfly

Thanks for the reply.  Most of the women I see on Instagram are in the US.  They seem to have embraced their greys more, perhaps it will catch on over here too.  My hair feels in way better condition now it's not been coloured for months, and it's exciting seeing the different colours coming through.

I like the grey trend, I like that it is becoming fine for a woman to keep her grey. It is odd seeing a teenager walking around with grey hair though! I don't understand why you would want to do so much damage to your hair to turn it grey... must be the maturity talking.  ;D

I know several older women with long grey hair and I LOVE IT. I love cutting my hair short and letting it grow long but I can see keeping my hair longer as I get older to avoid the "old lady haircut". Sorry if that's offensive to anyone. I don't mean it that way but I guess it's similar to that spikey grey hair you mentioned Ladybt28. It's like the uniform of age or something that I don't want to ever get stuck with.

(Ladybt28, I was going to include a sarcastic, snarky remark about you getting in trouble but I don't want to get in trouble either.  ;D)


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2019, 03:22:28 PM »

I'm a natural blonde, and have only ever put dye on my hair once.
Unfortunately, it turned bright red instead of dark red, my dad went mad! Lol
I've got loads grey now, but have to look in the sun or a magnifying mirror to see them.
But my hairs a bit fly away, or at least the greys are...strong too.

I'm always looking at the dyes in supermarkets, but OH says nooooo don't do it. Lol
Sometimes I just want a change, maybe that's why I keep having a short cut, then letting it grow again then cut again......vicious circle.....
« Last Edit: February 06, 2019, 03:25:02 PM by jillydoll »


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2019, 03:25:14 PM »

I wasn't suggesting it was you goldgalaxycat and regarding my husband and his rudeness - he's hardly one to talk about tribes lol! He's short, very round, has short legs and has no hair (to colour) at all!! oh and if you had to look at him in terms of possible stereotypes, he fits "irishman" perfectly  ;D ;D ;D (oh dear now I am offending Irishmen! - must stop digging! - but you catch my drift). Oh and dont worry, he sits next to me in our office and often reads my posts!! ha ha. Our ladies in NI though was what I was trying to get at - it is something a bit more than current fashion - I noticed it around 2001 when we moved - I don't even think Instagram had been invented then!!
My sisters-inlaws faces have often been a picture regarding my hair - at 57 they think I should shall I put it...a little more conservative than I am at such great age!!  ::)  Nah...not doing that any time soon.. and you dont sound like you will be either!  :)



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Re: Grombre
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2019, 03:32:32 PM »

I'm a natural blonde, tried red highlights once....didn't go well....Lovely shade of pink though!  ;D Not sure if bright red would have been better or not!

Tried a beautiful brunette once as well. It looked great....for 3 days! My hair wouldn't keep it and went back to blonde.

Sometimes I just want a change, maybe that's why I keep having a short cut, then letting it grow again then cut again......vicious circle.....
same...short than long..ever few years I cut off quite a bit of hair. I like to donate it when I can. My hair grows rather quickly as well so keeping it short it a lot of work, I have to trim every 3-4 weeks....I usually trim my hair about once, maybe twice a year when it is long. Working on growing it out again right now.

Temporary hair colour is how I deal with my bit of crazy when I need it. I don't want all the work of dying it and the damage. A few weeks of some strange colour is usually enough for me anyways.


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Re: Grombre
« Reply #29 on: February 06, 2019, 03:36:18 PM »

Had my hair short only once - it doesn't grow very quickly and is also fine and flyaway.  It must be nice to be able to switch between Jillydoll
When I was much younger I always dyed it blond but the bleach is well known to make hair break so it never grew past my chin. Now cos I dye it darker and no bleach it is just past my shoulders.

My mum used to say that if you dyed your hair the chemicals took the natural colour out of your own hair - hence I never coloured my hair until after she died!! I was 33!! - heavens she must have been spinning in her grave a long time with y antics since then!! ;)
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