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Author Topic: Anxiety (again)  (Read 2192 times)


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Anxiety (again)
« on: January 29, 2019, 07:18:05 PM »

I've just got back from my follow-up appointment at Poole Menopause Clinic; having followed the consultant's suggestion of taking 3 months off utrogestan completely, to see if it would relieve my acute anxiety, I didn't have high hopes as nothing has changed at all except that I'm bleeding slightly all the time.

However, I'm pretty gobsmacked to be told by a menopause specialist that this must mean that I have a pre-existing anxiety disorder, which has been exacerbated by the hormonal upheaval of sudden menopause. I never suffered a day of anxiety in my life before peri-menopause, this has hit me like a ton of bricks since meno. Plus what about all the numerous women on here who suffer from anxiety as a typical menopause symptom - we just seem to be invisible. Is it it because most end up on anti-depressants without a link ever actually being made with menopause? I feel like I've been put firmly into the box labelled 'pre-existing mental health problems', and that means that the hormonal factors will just be disregarding from this point on. What to do now? Really feeling that the whole Menopause Clinic thing was a waste of time....


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2019, 07:35:28 PM »

🤬 really is unbelievable isn't it? I've never suffered anxiety before either and the first thing I was offered was antidepressants,which I did try but they made me feel so sick, I just came off them,my dr not best pleased but surely with the number of women on here with anxiety there MUST be a link. I did come out the other side it omg it was difficult,no help from anyone,you just feel alone.Hope you feel better soon xx


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2019, 08:41:21 PM »

You must feel so pissed off.
I am the same. I was not anxious before all this even when I had things to be anxious about!!!!
Yes, I worried about things and, yes, I was a bit OCD-y (whatever that means).
But I did not have this huge dollop of anxiety many mornings or at completely random times where I feel like I'm about to die with fear  :'(
I'm sorry, Racjen, that I've nothing constructive to add. Someone will come along soon.
Sending lots of love x


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2019, 10:02:03 PM »

So the consultant is basically linking Utrogestan with anxiety only. Maybe she's a gycnochologist (as opposed to an endocrinologist or neurologist) and doesn't understand the link between hormones and neurotransmitters.

Also, anxiety is much more likely to be caused by oestrogen than progesterone, although I know the potent Utrogestan is a problem for many women but I would suspect it caused more depression due to its sedating action.


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2019, 01:50:35 AM »

In short racjen, if you never had anxiety before meno - the consultant is talking s**t!  :-X  But meno clinic is not a waste of time. You now have someone, who you can bounce ideas off when you try something they suggest and it DOES'NT work.  You now know what happens without the Utrogestan and so you know that is probably not the culprit, but it is certainly not a waste especially if your GP can't even spell menopause!! ;).  I have learned loads here and basically just run it past my consultant but it means my doctor has to act on what they say!! ;)  You can use all this info under their supposed supervision to form a plan.  I'm sure someone will be along soon when they look at your post to suggest based on the fact that 3 months off utro hasn't made any difference to the anxiety what to try next.

It may look like you have "pre-existing mental health issues" but you know you don't.  So don't take on the label and let them wind you up.... me...I looked like I was certifiable but I'm not and I have years and years of mental health issues on my records - why heavens above do I feel quite a bit better than I have done in many many years (more than 15) now that my hormones are much more sorted - oh yes...I know I must be imagining it :-X :-\  Well I'm not, and neither are millions of women who find the right treatment! so there  :na: stick that in your pipe and smoke it is all I can say to the uneducated healthcare professionals who should know better!

Jaypo there is a link - if you searched the word "anxiety" on this website thousands of posts would come up - we can't all be wrong ::)

oh sorry people rant over - but sometimes experts are as much use as a chocolate teapot!  As AgathaC says someone will be along soon with some suggestions you can make to your consultant next time you go ;) ;D  they might learn something.


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2019, 07:35:15 AM »

No, I've been written off by the consultant - no continuing support, that's it. Right now I just want to die.


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2019, 09:25:19 AM »

 ladybt,sorry, I worded it wrongly😏 I meant there must be a link between menopause & anxiety
Don't drs have to have refresher courses etc?birdy is right,with my gp at least,flushes and sweats yes,everything else no🙁
« Last Edit: January 30, 2019, 02:31:24 PM by jaypo »


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2019, 09:34:20 AM »

You are so so right Birdy,you go in so optimistic & leave worse than before,not good is it


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2019, 10:17:55 AM »

Racjen, it's a real concern to all your virtual friends on here to hear you say that you just want to die right now. Those words are a testament to how devastating the effects of menopause (in your specific case, chemical menopause) are. Your experiences also show just how hard it is to get any help and how lucky one is to find a health professional who has a real understanding of the menopause. There are just so many stories on this forum of women who have spent months and years working and fighting to get the right combination of drugs and lifestyle for them.  And then just when they think it's working something changes in their body and they are back to square one.  I have upmost respect for health professionals and the NHS but it seems that real menopause experts are few and far between.  My experience of help is limited (my female GP: “ I have no time for the menopause”)  and my non-HRT journey has been solely down to me.  Even though you feel like it,  you can't give up now, Racjen.  As I said earlier I just can't offer any constructive help but I can send encouraging words  Xxx


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2019, 11:39:30 AM »

I'm with AgathaC - please don't give up racjen - and boy do I know how you feel!  You will know from my posts I have been there (more than once!) but I didn't give up and now things are better - the last 15 years nearly oh so very nearly did me in altogether.
Maybe start a new post putting down all the stuff as if you were a new person here and recap on what you have tried and how it worked etc and maybe we can evaluate it all again and put our suggestions?  You have been posting for quite a while and it is easy for us to "lose the thread" :) of people's stories.  Maybe a total re-evaluation is the place to start...again...but I bet you know more now than you did when you first came to the forum  :)

It was the ladies here who helped me more than the experts which is very sad to say - and yes "your virtual friends are worried about you".   :foryou:


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2019, 12:19:07 PM »

Hello racjen,

I'm sorry you're still struggling with anxiety (and your doctors).

I think this article abstract is very interesting. It's about chemically induced perimenopause in rats and anxiety. The results show a decrease in progesterone, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, but not in estradiol and corticosterone.

Conolly X


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2019, 12:58:47 PM »

Thanks everyone, sadly today has become an official staying in bed day, because I feel so exhausted after yesterday and I just can't face the world - feel like everyone out there is very sympathetic but really hasn't got a clue, you're the only people who understand what a complete nightmare this is. And then getting the 'mental health condition' label, which feels so patronising and disempowering when I know how many of you suffer in the same way....I just don't know where to turn next, or whether to just give up and accept that somehow I have to find a way of coping with this incredibly debilitating and miserable condition for as long as it takes  :'(. I'll do what's been suggested and start from scratch in a new thread, see if anyone has any lightbulb moments xxx


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2019, 01:40:50 PM »

hey racjen - the duvet day is just fine - one of my favourite phrases used to be "today is cancelled due to lack of interest"!! don't beat yourself up, you need the rest, depression, anxiety, MENO GENERALLY is exhausting!!  Tomorrow is another day...oh and by the way - we ladies on the forum don't really DO giving up do we girls - although we say we do sometimes because we feel so defeated  :( - that's why we are here posting away!!  :) and by saying you are going to start from scratch and "see if any of us have lightbulb moments"...  deep down you are not really prepared to "see if you can cope with it"!! … so hide today, get up tomorrow, take loads of deep breaths and start again!...or whenever you feel you can face writing your story again for us.  I'm off to find a stash of lightbulbs so I am ready!! ;) ;) ;D ::) :bighug:


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2019, 02:00:12 PM »

Yep Dr Currie is brill idea although you need to be clear what you are asking as it is done by email which needs to be quite concise so she can evaluate - I have replied to the new Thread about your story which you have started. :)


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Re: Anxiety (again)
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2019, 02:28:31 PM »

Hello ladies,

I think she has already contacted D. Currie,38754.msg613767.html#msg613767

Conolly X
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