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Author Topic: Have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis  (Read 2822 times)


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Have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis
« on: January 26, 2019, 11:22:44 AM »

So on top of everything else I've had to deal with over the last two years went for my DEXA scan which shows I now have osteoporosis.

They did the scan twice, apparently normally they just do the left side which was pretty bad but then decided because of my Spina Bifida and the way I walk (ie I tend to have more load baring on the right side) that they would do the right side as well. Then had a discussion with the nurse so basically my left hip and spine have osteoporosis and my right hip is showing osteopenia which if I'm understanding her correctly is between normal and osteoporosis. It was a bit of a shock and I'm still pretty devastated mum died at 68 from complications exacerbated by osteoporosis admittedly she was a very heavy smoker and had COPD she went in to hospital with severe back pain and they thought it was her chest and eventually after a scan discovered she had fractured the vertebrae in her spine she then basically took to her bed was put on a tablet to build bone density but I now understand that she was obviously terrified of having another fall anyway she ended up back in hospital fell when she was in there fractured her hip and that was it as her chest was too bad for an op to repair it so now I'm wondering is that going to be my future.

The nurse has advised all the info will go to my GP in a couple of weeks and I actually have an appointment with him where I was going to discuss my low mood and the fact that my last kidney scan had come back ok but that a benign growth/ tumour on my right kidney had increased slightly and they would scan me in a year a growth I had no idea I even had!

The nurse advised she thinks I will go on a calcium/Vit D supplement and she was recommending a tablet that is taken once a week on a full glass of water and you have to stay upright for 30 mins but she wants to discuss the results with the consultant first honestly I feel like going in to a dark cupboard and just staying there! I'm now terrified to bend or move in case I fracture my spine but know that you do have to keep moving and weight bearing. I'm sure this has all probably come about from me getting less mobile from the menopause which affected my muscles and me having to walk with a stick.

Just have to wait and see what my GP says when I see him.



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Re: Have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2019, 12:10:12 PM »

So sorry to hear of all your troubles.
My nephew in law has spina bifida and he is forever in and out of hospital with kidney and bladder issues,it certainly puts my own issues into perspective
Lots of love xx


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Re: Have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2019, 02:03:17 PM »

Hi I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis - must be something in the air - I was diagnosed last week too at age 46. All I have been told is to increase my estrogen and take 1000 of vitamin d.

I hope you are OK and good luck  - it is all quite overwhelming especially when you are dealing with the menopause tooxxx


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Re: Have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2019, 05:13:49 PM »

Thanks all  :) all your comments and encouragement really helped

I will of course take the medication as I don't want to worsen things and from what I can read about it, it does seem to make a difference I will also have to look at my diet the nurse was recommending a calcium supplement as I'm not a great dairy person on the whole, for example I don't like milk so don't have it in tea or anything and tend to skip breakfast that will have to change and I need to get a better balanced diet I'm not an unhealthy eater, I don't really eat rubbish I would say I was more veg based I don't eat red meat at all have salmon maybe once a week and chicken say about three times a week so I need to brush up on calcium-rich foods and plan my meals around that, I really think as well that my mobility getting worse with my Spina Bifida and the menopause has probably contributed to this as well I was still pretty active before the menopause starting causing me issues and of course working in a call centre where I'm sitting on average 7 hours a day probably isn't helping either.

I guess I just have to try and be positive but it's hard sometimes with everything as I'm sure you're all experiencing as well with all your issues. I think GP's or maybe even the government should be more proactive regarding all these potential issues with the menopause when you reach average menopause age you should get called in for a discussion, get the scan, discuss your options if there are any issues BEFORE anything happens instead of what feels like firefighting after a diagnosis. It's the same with my condition Spina Bifida when you are a child the care is superb you have a urologist, neurologist and orthopaedic surgeon whom you see on a yearly basis or more often if required when you reach adulthood it's basically you're on your own no joined up care and often if anything happens your seen by someone who is not farmiliar with your condition and you are more knowledgeable than they are and they try a one size fits all which often isn't successful.


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Re: Have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2019, 06:14:08 PM »

Thanks all  :) all your comments and encouragement really helped

I will of course take the medication as I don't want to worsen things and from what I can read about it, it does seem to make a difference I will also have to look at my diet the nurse was recommending a calcium supplement as I'm not a great dairy person on the whole, for example I don't like milk so don't have it in tea or anything and tend to skip breakfast that will have to change and I need to get a better balanced diet I'm not an unhealthy eater, I don't really eat rubbish I would say I was more veg based I don't eat red meat at all have salmon maybe once a week and chicken say about three times a week so I need to brush up on calcium-rich foods and plan my meals around that, I really think as well that my mobility getting worse with my Spina Bifida and the menopause has probably contributed to this as well I was still pretty active before the menopause starting causing me issues and of course working in a call centre where I'm sitting on average 7 hours a day probably isn't helping either.

I guess I just have to try and be positive but it's hard sometimes with everything as I'm sure you're all experiencing as well with all your issues. I think GP's or maybe even the government should be more proactive regarding all these potential issues with the menopause when you reach average menopause age you should get called in for a discussion, get the scan, discuss your options if there are any issues BEFORE anything happens instead of what feels like firefighting after a diagnosis. It's the same with my condition Spina Bifida when you are a child the care is superb you have a urologist, neurologist and orthopaedic surgeon whom you see on a yearly basis or more often if required when you reach adulthood it's basically you're on your own no joined up care and often if anything happens your seen by someone who is not farmiliar with your condition and you are more knowledgeable than they are and they try a one size fits all which often isn't successful.

 Really sorry to hear this. I agree absolutely with your suggestions about menopause. Having spina bifida as well must make things so  much harder. I asked for another Dexa bone scan in october as it was 3 years since my previous one. i only got the appt. letter this week. After reading this discussion, i decided  reluctantly to wait for my result before renewing travel insurance and booking a trip because i have a pending  scan.
I am hopefully being over cautious. I eat plenty of dairy and a fairly healthy diet. i have never smoked and I walk a lot. However my mum was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (a blood cancer which affects the bones) when she was a few months older than I am now. I want to eliminate that before I book anything. It hangs over me rather. i did have blood tests only 8 months ago after a scare which were clear.


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Re: Have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2019, 06:27:01 PM »

I nearly forgot - I mentioned that my density score had improved after taking the Alendronic acid. The other thing that I did change was to have cereal with milk every day now. Like you I don't like milk so had got out of the habit of having it. Another option for cereal is to have almond or coconut milk.
You don't like milk but manage to eat cereal with milk? My brother decided that he didn't like milk when he was very small. He has always eaten cereal dry with just a sprinkling of sugar!


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Re: Have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2019, 07:18:31 PM »

I nearly forgot - I mentioned that my density score had improved after taking the Alendronic acid. The other thing that I did change was to have cereal with milk every day now. Like you I don't like milk so had got out of the habit of having it. Another option for cereal is to have almond or coconut milk.
You don't like milk but manage to eat cereal with milk? My brother decided that he didn't like milk when he was very small. He has always eaten cereal dry with just a sprinkling of sugar!

Hadn't thought of that Katejo. What I do is have muesli (with dry fruit & nuts in it) with just enough semi skimmed milk to dampen it then leave for 20 mins or so till the milk is soaked up. It's then tolerable - I like your brother's idea of no milk but I suspect it's needed to boost the calcium level.  :)
I can't vouch for his current calcium levels but he has always refused to have milk or cheese. He never liked wet food so refused gravy on his roast dinner. Also avoided vegetables except lettuce.


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Re: Have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2019, 09:02:28 PM »

 ;D should have said I don't drink milk as a drink!  but can tolerate it in cereal I don't put very much in though just enough to get soaked up with either my weetabix or porridge  :)

Thanks again everyone!


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Re: Have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2019, 07:43:56 PM »

;D should have said I don't drink milk as a drink!  but can tolerate it in cereal I don't put very much in though just enough to get soaked up with either my weetabix or porridge  :)

Thanks again everyone!
I don't choose to have it as a drink either. Just on cereal and in tea.


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Re: Have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2019, 06:05:48 PM »

I just wanted to say I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I am 28 and was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis and have struggled to come to terms with it and it's implications. It's why I take HRT now as unfortunately alendronic acid and zoledronate did not help my bones and this is a safer option at my age. The osteoporosis society website has lots of helpful information on exercise and diet. Would you prefer milk alternatives? For example oat, coconut and rice milk which are fortified with calcium have the same calcium content as dairy milk if you might prefer the taste. Tofu set with calcium chloride is rich in calcium and quite a few foods aimed at children are fortified for example ready brek has nearly 400mg per serving from memory! I think horlicks or one of the malted drinks is also fortified and quite rich in calcium if you could stomach that?

Take care and all the very best.