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Author Topic: hair loss cause by low iron despite being in 'normal' range  (Read 5689 times)


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Re: hair loss cause by low iron despite being in 'normal' range
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2019, 09:01:15 PM »

Thanks for the replies ladies.

Michele. That's very interesting. I have just been diagnosed with IBS and was told that iron tablets are a bit of a no no. I will check out the spray.
I have to take omprazole for GERD and that lowers B12.too.  I'm taking some b12 I I bought recently.
Mine is overall hair loss too although it's definitely thinner at the front and parting. And it doesnt seem to grow even though I havent had it cut for 2 years.

I am on utrogestan. I'm struggeling to get my eastrogen up on patches after ovaries removed.

I guess it all adds up  incidentally I have been using testogel for 8 weeks. I dont know if this is having an impact on hair loss but my hair is more greasy since I've been on it.

Are you on testosterone?

Good luck with the treatments and your trycologist. It sounds promising.  Please let me know how you get on.



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Re: hair loss cause by low iron despite being in 'normal' range
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2019, 11:45:31 AM »


I'm coming onto this thread, as I didn't realise one had started and I started my own yesterday.

I also am experiencing hair shedding. It's not the first time - I had a bad bout about two years ago. After endless research and ANGUISH (as I'm sure fellow hair shedders appreciate), I insisted on a ferritin test. I can't remember the range now, but it was huge - something like 8-145 and I was at about 10 and my doctor insisted I was fine. Interestingly, that surgery was closed down by the CQC!

I went to a dermatologist who ripped apart the doctor's response, said I was basically malnourished. He said I should eat red meat (I'm vegetarian...) and said I should take ferrous fumerate 2 x a day. Gave me a timescale of 3 months to stop, 6 months to properly start growing again and he was pretty spot on.

Since then, I've had two bouts. But I've also gone through meno, am post meno and am now on HRT. I've had two bouts since last December when it was found I was basically not absorbing any estrogen from the gel. I'm now on a patch.

I still am not sure where the hair shedding is coming from. But, I've immediately started taking Ferrous fumerate and Vit C again. I already take VIt D. I think I might get my checks done on Medichecks bloods, not through current doc.

It's all so frustrating and crap. Nothing like Hoovering up loads of hair, only to see more... :'(


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Re: hair loss cause by low iron despite being in 'normal' range
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2019, 12:37:03 PM »

No heroics.
 it realy is upsetting.  Isnt it. . Mine seems to go in cycles. It will   come out in handfuls all over my pillow etc for a few weeks or months and then stop shedding but not grow either. So even when  its not shedding as bad, no new hair is growing to replace it. So the overall appearance is just getting thinner and thinner.over time.

Sorry you had the same issue with doc refusing treatment on such a low level. Even if mine drops into the red which it has done a couple of times since all this started, they will only prescribe a 3 month course. It doesn't make sense to me.

But its encouraging that the treatment you used  before worked. I hope it works for you again.

I think,forgive me if I'm wrong, we have spoken about  both having non absorption.issues. I didnt absorb gel at all. I've been on 200 patch for ages and my  eastrogen level is very low still and I'm also thinking  this might be a factor. 

Have you found the patch has helped your other symptoms. Do you think you are absorbing it better than the gel?.


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Re: hair loss cause by low iron despite being in 'normal' range
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2019, 01:15:35 PM »

Can't believe a dermatologist told you to eat red meat when you're veggie!!!
I've been veggie for over 25 years,if you eat a balanced diet you DO NOT need red meat.
My daughter has an ibd and suffers hair loss she takes ferrous sulphate and magnesium,seemed to do the trick for her(also veggie)


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Re: hair loss cause by low iron despite being in 'normal' range
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2019, 01:43:12 PM »

Jay. I've never eaten red meat except on occasion since a child. And I've never had a low ferratin test until I cant put it down to red meat either. My diet has become quite poor in recent times though and I hardly eat any  green vedge or salad  where I used to eat loads of both on a daily basis. . Obviously for me the iron rich vedge I used to eat so much of made up for the lack of red meat. I need to get some back into my diet but also....

I dont think id be in danger of having too much if I supplemented as well. )Ferratin is 36 and the range is 30 to 400!!) . But recent diagnosis with IBS has put me off the pills.

I cant see the iron spray online. Where did you get yours Michele if I may ask?



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Re: hair loss cause by low iron despite being in 'normal' range
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2019, 04:19:18 PM »

Hi Tc - iron spray is Better You daily oral spray from Holland and Barrett. You can also buy gentle iron tablets but I decided to try the spray as prefer them to big bloody horse tranquillisers.

No heroics - the Vitamin B -100 tablets are also from Holland and Barrett but they're disgusting and huge.

Funny enough,trichologist did mention that he's seeing more and more vegans and vegetarians with hair problems and quite often it's just a case of proper supplementation as the diet is providing insufficient nutrients. He did also say that normal for health isn't not the same as optimal for hair health but they would generally dismiss this. X


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Re: hair loss cause by low iron despite being in 'normal' range
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2019, 10:06:49 PM »

Thank you Michele x


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Re: hair loss cause by low iron despite being in 'normal' range
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2019, 06:51:56 AM »

Thing with vegetarianism and veganism is that it becomes a fad for most,oh,it's the “in” thing let's do it,then they have got a clue how to eat properly and subsidise the things they've it out and it can lead to many health issues including hair loss.
The only time I've been anaemic was when I had fibroids & all blood tests have come back normal so when a dermatologist tells someone to eat meat it's the only way they're talking a load of phooey 😊
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