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Author Topic: Scared of Mirena  (Read 1818 times)


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Scared of Mirena
« on: January 18, 2019, 09:47:57 PM »

Hi! So glad to find this group. I'm 54 and had peri-menopausal symptoms since aged 45...night sweats, anxiety and really heavy periods. The combined pill helped but at age 50 my GP wouldn't prescribe this for me any more. I resisted the Mirena coil for a long time but had it fitted in May 2018. After 10 days of pain and bleeding my body expelled it along with the heaviest most awful period I ever had. My GP tried me on HRT for 6 months but still heavy irregular bleeding. So she referred me to a consultant who did an endometrial biopsy on Christmas eve and is pressurising me to try another Mirena, to have it fitted whilst on Norethisterone so that a heavy period wont push it out (?)
Thankfully the biopsy came back fine (stressful Christmas wait) but I'm so anxious about trying another Mirena...I feel traumatized by the last one.  All I want is a Hysterectomy to end this misery! My Consultant says I must try Mirena and then womb ablation first and that hysterectomy would be a last resort. Awaiting hysteroscopy appointment now and feeling so low 😭 Any advice would be great thanks xx



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Re: Scared of Mirena
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2019, 10:34:57 PM »

Hi there.
Try a Mirena again........ Its great no periods at all..... And a little oestrogen if needed too...... I have had now two womb biopsies for irregular bleeding both fine also have ovarian cysts so it can be done...
All the best
Woodlands x


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Re: Scared of Mirena
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2019, 08:42:19 AM »

Hi Suzzieb - you may simply have been unlucky the first time with the Mirena - over 90% of women do find the Mirena really good. To be honest, I found the Mirena the best option as part of HRT with Oestrogel alongside. I assume you are getting problematic bleeding anyway and this is why you are being adviced to give the Mirena another go? To have you on Norithesterone at the same time while the Mirena settles seems like a good plan - although do try to stop the Norithesterone as soon as possible after the Mirena is fitted as you don't want to be overloaded with progesterone for too long - hopefully 2-4 weeks would be enough.
Hysterectomy is a drastic option that should be a last resort. Do research some of the downsides of a hysterectomy.
I would stop all HRT for at least 2-4 weeks before the Mirena is fitted to allow the womb lining to calm down so you start fresh. Your womb lining may have been quite thickened already when you had the first one fitted and this would have caused the heavy bleeding. Also keep on a lowish dose of oestrogen at first to also prevent too much build up of the lining. Once the Mirena is controlling the womb lining then you can adjust the oestrogen dose to what you need.
Keep a hysterectomy as a very last resort. DG x


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Re: Scared of Mirena
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2019, 06:09:29 PM »

Thank you so much for your replies ladies, its great to hear other perspectives on all this! 

I'm still waiting for my hysteroscopy appointment, the Consultant didn't really explain what a hysteroscopy is other than its like a scan but using a camera to check my womb? He didn't mention an anaesthetic or anything. Not sure if he's planning to do a Mirena at the same time or at a later appointment. I would really like to discuss it with him first but have never been referred to a consultant before so not sure what to do apart from sit and wait! 

At least the Norethisterone is working a treat, 3 x 5mg tablets a day and not even any spotting, its a temporary relief for now!  thank you again for replying  :) xxxx


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Re: Scared of Mirena
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2019, 06:51:27 PM »

suzieb - when you go for the appointment for the hysteroscopy I would write all your concerns and questions down so you can refer to them when you see the consultant.  The hysteroscopy is a routine procedure, I believe they usually use some local anaesthetic, and it allows them to see inside your womb and take biopsies if need be.  I had one done and apart from a bit of discomfort it was fine.  Maybe take a couple of Ibuprofen half an hour before the appointment.

If you are doing OK with the Norithesterone, then continuing with this for a while after having the Mirena fitted may well be the answer to your problems - you could gradually start reducing the Norithesterone dose after 4-8 weeks to see if the the progesterone in the Mirena is doing it's job but you need to check with your consultant about whether you should do this or not.   There are good reasons why gynaes like to use the Mirena, particularly when excessive bleeding is a problem, as it often solves problematic bleeding, shrinks polyps and fibroids and allows oestrogen to be added to relieve menopause symptoms without triggering further excessive bleeding.

It sounds as though you are getting good advice.  DG x


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Re: Scared of Mirena
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2019, 08:28:07 PM »

Dancing Girl thank you so much, your reply is calming me down!

What a good idea to write down my concerns and take them with me to my next Consultant appointment.  I will def do that. 

At my initial appointment I was so anxious I didn't express myself very well. He did an endiometrial biopsy on that day (I wasn't expecting that and to add to it all it was Christmas eve and he was wearing a Christmas jumper with flashing lights!!  ;D :-\ all very surreal) he took swabs too, the biopsy was uncomfortable but not mega painful.  Also my first Mirena fitting last year did go OK (again uncomfortable but not agony)..... nothing compared to giving birth to my sons 20+ years ago, one was 8lb 3 oz and the other was over 9lb....its just that I've gone for many years now without being messed about with!! So the fear is huge in my mind. 

Thank you again for your reply, its much appreciated.  I will be brave!
