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Author Topic: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno  (Read 22206 times)


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2019, 03:23:16 PM »

Absolutely. There is evidence that poor gut microbes have a role to play in depression and weight gain. We ignore them at our peril.


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2019, 04:25:06 PM »

Since my anxiety was terrible at Christmas I have porridge almost every day for breakfast which I can almost feel doing my mood/stomach good vs toast/croissants etc.  Ditto green/chamomile tea vs caffeinated.   (Caffeine stay in your blood for 6-10 hours ; longer than alcohol).
Chocolate seems to hype up my system too nowadays.

People I know with diabetes are told to eat porridge now as a beneficial food stuff. Maybe we are the first generation of guinea pigs who have had processed foods/wine/treats etc for most of our adult lives. All those additives talking their toll!

Trouble is I do crave sweet treats when I feel a bit down...


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2019, 04:38:48 PM »

Yes I think all that processed food is causing more problems than we realize. I know they try to make it healthy but I do believe there is a reason we are seeing an increase in gut issues as well as anxiety/depression.
I still think that loaf of homemade bread is better than store bought, even if both are white flour.

Still trying to transition over to gluten free again. I know I need to, it's just so hard especially with the family thinking it's crazy to do so. Preparing different meals is a pain.


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2019, 05:36:56 PM »

Hi ladies

I've already posted a couple of times with my back story and some tips that have helped me so far (if you search my name I think you will find them if you are interested, both posts are v long sorry) and one of the other lovely ladies said all my symptoms were peri. I won't bore you with my details here.

I'm reassured again by your posts thank you. The heat but no flush, tinnitus!!!! and buzzy feet in particular I had no idea were 'change' related, I only suspected. It goes without saying that my doctors definitely didn't recognise any of my multitude of symptoms ;) and still won't concede that I'm peri. Thank god for Dr Newson!

I have no stress or anxiety just weird rushes, which of course are adrenal related. One of the other ladies had something similar and I had a bit of a theory (not sure about the accuracy of course) about it being our bodies desperately trying to get the oestrogen from the adrenalin glands and causing over stimulation.

I'm wondering if Hurdity may know if this is feasible?

Best wishes xx


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2019, 06:57:49 AM »

Symptoms really bad again :( the tinnitus is unbearable, pins and needles in hands and arms, and waking up feeling I ve spent the night in a washing machine. I feel like I'm buzzing all around and it's horrible. It is also very depressing as there are no obvious reasons for it. I have no stress at all, perfect sleeping routine, bath, reading then meditation. I could feel my legs being restless whilst doing it though. I feel asleep OK at 9am as I always do but then wake up like this at 6am, feeling like I had no sleep at all.

Worse is I've just started Ashwagandha and licorice roots! It really does feel like I'm being floded with Cortisol but I really don't know what else I can do except accept these really crap days and pray that it will get better soon.


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #35 on: February 05, 2019, 07:07:28 AM »

One question to the experts  :) my symptoms actually seem to be worse with what I feel are oestrogen surges. I am judging these on vaginal secretions, the signs I remember from ttc! It doesn't seem to make sense though as I thought oestrogen was supposed to make you feel good, not terrible?


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #36 on: February 05, 2019, 11:59:50 AM »

Hi Birdy, yes have been taking it regularly for months, I use Floradix, just reading it's magnesium gluconate but also citrate, what are the differences? Just been informed by GP that I was low on vit d (not massively) , which came as a surprise as never been before (tested same time last year and was all fine) and I've ne er been more outdoors as I started walking outside everyday for at least 30 mns.

GP agreed to do cortisol blood test.


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #37 on: February 05, 2019, 12:44:20 PM »

One question to the experts  :) my symptoms actually seem to be worse with what I feel are oestrogen surges. I am judging these on vaginal secretions, the signs I remember from ttc! It doesn't seem to make sense though as I thought oestrogen was supposed to make you feel good, not terrible?

Not an expert but the oestrogen surges is my problem as well.
Too much oestrogen can make you feel anxious so not shocking since during Peri oestrogen levels can surge very high at times.

Some magnesiums are easier on digestion and more easily absorbed.


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #38 on: February 06, 2019, 05:39:12 AM »

1/3rd body 40mms everyday? Surely that would mean the entire population of the UK would be deficient in that case? I  can't say I expose that much every day but I do swim outside (heated pool of course) once a week in addition to walking on average 1h 1/2 a day so would have thought I was getting much more than the average.

Sparke, I've suspected b12 deficiency for a year as I've all the typical symptoms associated with it. I was tested and results were deemed normal however, I read that this test was not reliable if the issue was absorption. I ended up injecting myself following the nhs regime anf felt  much better afterwards, but the symptoms come back and fatigue and poor sleep is still an issue.

I've now read that poor absorption of vit b12 and d can be a sign of celiac disease along with a number of the symptoms I suffer from (insomnia and hyper ess being one too) so am going to ask to be tested for that too.

I could be wrong but my gut feeling tells me that the way I feel is not just down to the menopause. The fact that being on hrt didn't help much at all is steering me in that direction but the menopause is such an obscur and individual phenomenon, who knows!


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2019, 12:54:39 PM »

I didn't use to be Vit D deficient even in winter but the last few years it has gotten worse. Maybe something with getting older? I don't know. Getting 1/3rd of my body in the sun though....not happening when it's below freezing and windy. I do wish I had that chance though as I find I do better with sunshine than with supplementing with vit D. I do take some supplements but it's just not the same for me. They help some though.

Yes I agree, I feel the same. Hormones are playing their part with how I feel but something else is definitely going on. I know changing my diet helps (cutting out gluten and sugar) but it is very hard to eat that way when the family doesn't. Trying to come up with strategies to deal with that. But I really do feel better when I cut those out, focus on rest/relaxing and really just try the adrenal fatigue approach. I'm not very active and I am working on that but very slowly. I hurt myself just walking...I believe it's alignment/back issues causing it so I need to some light weight lifting right now. When all this started and the anxiety kicked off, I lost so much weight and I know a lot of that was muscle so I believe I need to remedy that to fix some of my new aches and pains. It's a fun balancing act between everything these days.

Oh a plus, I had a much better myself in bed before 10pm, did some guided meditation...was very relaxed and 80% asleep and hubby came in the room and snapped me out of it, not on purpose but even with headphones I was aware he came in and of course, him climbing into bed stirred me....  why I don't go to bed before the family.  But luckily, I was so relaxed it didn't take much for me to fall into a decent sleep.


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #40 on: February 06, 2019, 02:30:08 PM »

Conolly shared an article about magnesium and vit D. Might be something to look into.,42119.0.html

Years ago I remember having my B12 checked..  it was WAY over the range. I didn't feel great at the time but there were other issues. I was not supplementing. This last time I was right in the middle and taking a supplement. Not sure if I was able to get that any better yet. I probably need to be at the higher end to be optimal.


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2019, 02:57:04 PM »

I know that feeling...totally makes sense to me but getting it out in words...  ::)

But I understand what you are saying as well.



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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2019, 05:15:22 PM »

How much sunshine we need to get enough vitamin D depends on where we live and our skin colour.  That's not right Birdy  - having to expose yourself that much for that long! ;D (well it might be for certain skin colours in certain zones?). We have evolved to be able to get the right amount from sunlight if we stay in that area - but we have all moved about globally so this is not guaranteed. White north Europeans or whatever the term is living in N Europe, with fair skin should be able to get enough in the spring-autumn months if you spend some time outside without sunscreen. I had read that it was hands/forearms and face but not sure how long and obviously doesn't need to be every day as it is cumulative. The instructions seem to vary somewhat depending on where you read!  The liver stores vitamin D so stores built up in the summer should last some (most?) of the winter but needs supplementing by diet especially at this time of year when stores will be running low. However vitamin D is so vital that anyone who does not get outside, and depending on your skin colour or if you cover up for cultural reasons - supplementing must be considered - these are NHS Guidelines. Those in high risk groups should supplement anyway - these are listed on NHS website.

Letmein, as you probably know the 'normal' range for B12 is huge so it may be that you need to be near the top to feel ok.  I think absorption is key and also the body's ability to break down and utilise all the vitamins, etc that we take in.  Sorry not very technical am I!!  I'm on lansoprazole for reflux and that inhibits absorption which is why I take supplements but interestingly my mum and daughter were also found to be low in vitamin d so I do think there's more to it than just relying on being outside in the hope it maintains a good level.  How would we know unless it's checked! 

Sparkle if you have absorption problems doesn't this also mean you might have problems absorbing vitamin etc from supplements - and are you tested to check you are OK?

Hurdity x


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2019, 06:05:39 PM »

Haha really like this thread :)

I know exactly what you mean Sparkle. The test count the total level of b12 in the blood but if it is not sbsorbed properly, it is doing what it should. INteresting article on Magnesium. I've been taking it for many months now but haven't noticed much of an improvement. I ordered a home test for celiac disease that came in just one day and showed to be totally negative, which is good news but back to scare one. One day I'll look back and think 'gosh that menopause, it was a real pest, so glad it's all behind me and I can know really appreciate what living to the full really means'

Butterfly, glad you got a good night sleep, even with OH disturbing you. Sadly I have slowly made my way to the spare room. OH is not the most discreet person, and then there's the wiggling, figetting and snoring, I couldn't keep on hating him every morning!


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #44 on: February 06, 2019, 06:12:59 PM »

I'm none of the at risk groups for vit d deficiency, very light skin, not obese, spent many hours in the sun over the summer and even one full week in a very warm and sunny place in November, and out 1 hour every day through the winter so really don't know why I would have low vit d. Of all the things I've looked into, that's one I didn't feel I needed testing for!
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