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Author Topic: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno  (Read 22207 times)


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2019, 01:45:09 AM »

I have read the saliva test is the way to go with it...especially the 24 hour one that takes it a few times throughout the day to not only show the level but the trend it follows.

Yes, gentle. Easier said than done some days.  ::)

I'm going to try the guided meditation when I wake in the nights, hopefully it doesn't happen often but that's got to be better than being away from 2 am forward.



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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2019, 05:51:10 PM »

I've read that Adrenal fatigue is highly disputed by experts. Personally, I font care what it is called, what I know is that something in my body has changed about 2 years ago that makes me feel physically hyper even when I feel perfectly calm.

I'm an example oh good practice :). I don't drink any alcohol and never have. I don't smoke, I've stopped all caffeine, no fizzy drinks. I eat healthily, am 8 1/2 stones. I take a walk every day even when it's freezing outside. I also run, cycle and swim. My life has never been so stressless.

And yet I buzz all the time and my sleep is atrocious. I would love to know why!

I have to say that I've downloaded the app Calm and find it wonderful. I've done the sleep meditation and have fallen in a very pleasant sleep each night since... but it hadn't stopped the waking up early. 3am today and however much I tried to apply the same techniques of meditation, my body refused to relax and I remain wide awake.


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2019, 04:15:55 PM »

Had terrible sleep last night. If you can call any of it really sleep. It was a very long night. I probably should have known. I was feeling off for sure.

How you guys described it....feeling calm but the body anything but relaxed. It's the perfect description that there is. I need to do something. I've tried ashwagandha before but it didn't agree with me at all. It could have been because I was already having digestive issues..I'm really not sure. I just got feeling so absolutely sick shortly after taking it. Felt like I was jumping back and forth between fevers and chills, nauseous..just an overall feeling of being unwell. So I have worries of trying it again.

I have chamomile tea and lavender I should try again before bed. It has helped in the past.

I see today not going well. I have started to notice that on days when I am so tired/sleep deprived, that I have more adrenaline surges....heart pounding, flushes...etc. Unfortunately, I am terrible at taking naps as well.

I am going to have to be better at getting regular gentle exercise and sticking to an evening routine so I can hopefully get my sleep in order. Diet and stress relief alone is not going to be enough if I keep having these sleep issues. 


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2019, 07:06:23 PM »

It's reassuring to read others experiencing the same symptoms. There is so much to read about the impact of hot flushes, low sex drive, anxiety but so little about high cortisol and the attached symptoms, tinnitus, pins and needles, diziness, and that ever racing brain.

I've had a fitbit for almost 2 years and my deep sleep is appauling. That's why I still wake up feeling totally jetlagged even when sleeping 8 hours.

Thank you for the herbal suggestion Birdy. Every treatment I've tried so far have made it worse!


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2019, 07:17:39 PM »

Butterfly, I totally relate to what you write. Like you, the more sleep deprived I am, the worse the symptoms, its a nightmarish vicious circle.

Like you, I'm totally unable to nap even if I had no sleep at all the night before. Its no new though, I was never one to nap before the menopause and I've always been quite a hyper person. I'm guessing the spike in oestrogen has just made it worse.

My evening routine helps to get me relaxed enough to fall asleep, but the hyperness rises in the night and there is then nothing I seem to be able to do to relax. The first hour waking up is the worse for me.



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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2019, 01:13:43 AM »

Holy Basil, liquorice root, ashwagandha, no sugar, nomstimulants, low carb, early nights, lots of magnesium, b vitamins and valerian at night.

yes I need to get back on this...especially the no sugar, stimulants and low carb.  :sigh: I also need to go back to gluten free or very little gluten...I'm having digestion issues start to come back and heaviness in my stomach. So hard to give up the pasta and breads.... :'(


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2019, 07:12:59 AM »

Thanks Birdy. I've ordered the ashwagandha and will give this a go. I've also significantly reduced my sugar intake, I say reduce because being conscious of it, I'm incredulous at the amount of sugar in just about everything, even instant vegetable soup!

This is all starting to make sense and I think I'm starting to put 2 and 2 together, ie. Why I always feel my absolute worse first thing in the morning. It seems that the higher the oestrogen levels, the worse I feel hence hrt not working for me, nor other menopausal supplements.

I'm doing everything else, good quality magnesium and b vita, no caffeine nor alcohol, meditation, but these efforts, only seem to help a tiny bit, certsinly not manage the overall issue so that every day life still feels an ongoing battle.


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2019, 07:21:45 AM »

Something else I wanted to mention. I've read a link between high level of cortisol and corticosteroid use.

I have been using Beconase nasal spray for about 5 years now for severe dustmite allergies. It's been a god send as before had a blocked nose all the time. I'd read that it was safe for long use as not crossing the blood barrier. I'm now reading that it can have long term effects. I now ou need it about once a week, but I expect the levels are there and this might indeed contribute to the High cortisol.

It has been such a saviour, the prospect of stopping it feels be with dread :(


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #23 on: January 31, 2019, 08:49:12 AM »

yes I need to get back on this...especially the no sugar, stimulants and low carb.  :sigh: I also need to go back to gluten free or very little gluten...I'm having digestion issues start to come back and heaviness in my stomach. So hard to give up the pasta and breads.... :'(
Hi BB I find the gluten free pasta ok,I've ALWAYS stayed away from normal pasta because of the bloated feeling it left me with,so this week I tentatively tried the wheat free and with the sauce I made poured over it,it was nice and no sore tummy after yay 😊


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #24 on: January 31, 2019, 02:51:22 PM »

Yes, I haven't been too disappointed with the gluten free pasta...well, depends. Some are just okay. I'm a texture person and dealing with the different texture is harder than the different taste.
I have found some gluten free bread that's not too bad. Just need to get used to it. And I actually really like the cauliflower pizza crusts. It was better than the gluten free stuff.
I also did better on the lactose free milk.

The challenge- it really does cost so much more to eat like this. But I really do feel better.


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2019, 03:06:26 PM »

Oh I saw the cauliflower base pizza today & didn't take it as it didn't sound too nice,maybe give it a go though.Have you tried the Genius brand? I absolutely love their pitta bread much MUCH nicer than normal pitta but yes,it costs a fortune,I'm sure it shouldn't but yet again,companies cashing in on folks misery ☹️
My daughter has that texture issue,since she was small,you don't hear of it much,i'll have to tell her she's not alone 😊


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2019, 03:25:43 PM »

I really was quite surprised that I enjoyed the cauliflower crusts. But yes, I recommend.

Yes you can let your daughter know she's not alone!  ;D It really is odd with textures. I actually really like the flavor that mushrooms add to dishes but I cannot eat the mushrooms! They are fine in the dish, just not my mouth. Same with clams, shrimp...crab and most fish. It's very much a texture issue. I've started not liking the texture in hamburgers now as well...that one is newer. It's not the beef, just the form it is in.

My goal is to one day try to make gluten free homemade egg noodles. I enjoy making them every now and then. If that works, that would be great!


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2019, 03:43:05 PM »

Can't believe it BB she's the same with mushrooms 😄 she makes lots of soup but then blitz's it to within an inch of its soup life.
I'd love to make pasta,not sure if I have the patience,I'm away to try and make wf doughnuts and bread though


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2019, 05:40:54 PM »

I just had the mushrooms over to hubby...he loves them but can't understand how I like the flavor but can't actually eat them!  ;D My children haven't seemed to have the texture least, not that I have noticed.


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Re: Adrenal Fatigue & Peri/Meno
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2019, 03:02:30 PM »

Hi BlueButterfly. I have just read your post with interest as I can really related to many of the symptoms you describe, it had me for the last 2 years/Peri Meno down to a tee;  feeling hot but no sweats/flushes, face goes red easily (esp after any alcohol), veins big in hands,   feeling wide awake late at night, waking every 2-3 hours but being exhausted at 2-3pm.  Tingling in feet. I feel mentally better when my body is colder.   I too feel much better if I eat healthily; no gluten (bread/pastry/pizza very bad), no alcohol at all as only one glass can give me a bad nights sleep, I only have one cup of tea in the morning then switch to green, have just started Camomile for post 4pm times and feel much calmer for it. I also try and have dinner late as eating late (after 6pm) can mean I am not as rested by 11:00pm.   I have had many basic blood tests over the years so blood sugar/iron/minerals etc seem OK. I do take BP tabs for high blood pressure.   Wish I knew what was at play here; gut slow down/gut bacteria/endocrine system.  Good to know if seems to be an age related thing.
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