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Author Topic: New member seeking advice on HRT and morning sickness, the coil and patches  (Read 1456 times)


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I've been taking HRT tablets for nearly 9 years now since being diagnosed with an early menopause at 42.

Everything was fine until 4 years ago when I started feeling nauseous during the night and in the morning. I've seen various GPs who have tried me on anti-sickness medication, anti-depressants, IBS medication with no success. I've had a camera investigation which showed up nothing. When I suggested to them could it be my HRT they said no.

As you can imagine, 4 years of feeling morning sickness is rubbish! I can't eat first thing, strong smells make me feel worse and it disturbs my sleep.

Last summer I decided to come off the HRT to see where my body is in it's natural cycle. The hot flushes returned with a vengeance - over 30 a day in last year's heat! I stuck it out until November but one thing that was positive was that my morning sickness was better! That proved to me it must be the HRT because as soon as I went back on it it's come back worse than ever.

My GP has suggested trying the coil and patches as a different way of delivering the HRT and I was just wondering what other people's experience of this was.

I would love to be able to wake up and jump out of bed instead of curling up feeling sick. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Hi DebsH. Welcome.

HRT in patch or gel form is much less likely to cause digestive problems as it bypasses the liver. I think it would be worth trying a different one especially as you know it is the pill type which has made you feel so wretched each morning. I have only used combined patch HRT so can't comment on the mirena and gel regime but someone with more knowledge will be along soon I'm sure.

You'll find lots of support, advice and friendship on here.

Taz X  :welcomemm:


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Pills gave me nausea DebsH oh and acid reflux and the shakes so I use gel and utrogestan capsules (but not orally as they are prescribed but vaginally) so as to avoid the stomach and the liver.

It seems to be that transdermal is the way to go for some of us.  I have problems with progesterone and I have had 2 mirena's but I didn't have them long enough to comment properly because circumstance meant they needed to be removed not because they were not working or there were problems just a consultant thought they were related to another health problem and too them out before I could find out.  Turns out it wasn't the mirena either time just co-incidence!

Coil and patches works very well for quite a few of us but until you try you never know because we are all so different.  What is there to lose?


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 Thanks Ladybt28. I've had a lot of acid reflux as well and the shakes too! Been prescribed so many different anti acids but none helped. Definitely going back to the GP next week to see if they can offer me a different way of delivering the hormones. Not sure about the coil but if it's the only way to go then I'll give it a try.

Taz2 - thank-you. You say you use a combined patch, how do you find using that?


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I found the combined patch fine with no nausea or stomach problems. I have IBS(d) and an intolerance to soya so it's easily upset  :-\.

Since my hysterectomy I'm on the oestrogen only patches. I think the combined patch would be worth trying or the gel and separate progesterone. Have you had a look at the various options listed in the menu at the top of the Home page?

Taz x


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Thanks Taz2. I have had a good look through the pages and am now armed with more info and ideas to take to my GP next week! Last time I saw her she only suggested the Mirena coil but now I can go and see if she can offer me any of the other options. I'll keep you all updated.


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I found the Mirena with Oestrogel was the best HRT option I ever had. Utrogestan gave me too many side effects - facial rash, erratic bleeding and sedation. DG x