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Author Topic: Who should I go to?  (Read 8348 times)


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #45 on: January 18, 2019, 02:26:41 PM »

When diagnosed with deep depression I would spend hours laying on the settee: cats on my body, dog beside me : and would worry that I was wasting my time.  However, I was ill.  There was no option at that time.  I still take half a day at a time, try not to plan too far ahead as well as remembering that in the past it was OK and will be again.

Trying to treat hormonal upheavals might be the way to go Girls?  Make notes about how you feel to take to the GP/Consultant.  Have a treat every day: mine is a deep bubble bath, cuppa and good book or a long walk in fresh air. 

Hindsight tells me that each part of my Life has been split into 'rooms'.  Some good.  Others sad ......... never wasted ;-).


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #46 on: January 18, 2019, 02:45:03 PM »

I think the substance of the issues we have been discussing are to do with "hindsight" and "reflection" CKLD not necessarily our current or very recent circumstances.  My own have changed dramatically since August last year but before that it was same old same old.  So basically I can break my issues down from age 13 to August 2018 at age 56!  AD's spent 40 years making me numb with no relief whatsoever.  In that time I had a couple of periods of 6-9 months without them but couldn't cope (I now understand that wasn't enough time to come off and get my head sorted but in hindsight I think things would have stayed pretty much the same or gone downhill)  I had what I call the "mental time" for 12 years before August 18 where I was pretty certifiable because of peri.  But the underlying theme in hindsight was "hormonal" issues.


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #47 on: January 19, 2019, 01:30:21 PM »

Hiya ladies. How are you all?
I've just stopped patch and  started the gel and U regime 2 ays ago.

I'm supposed to be on 2 increasing to 3 pumps. But ive ignored that and started with 3.

The worst part is  I'm supposed to take the U (100mg) every night continously.

I'm realy questioning this. Especially after reading prof studds regime and with his speciality in the depression anxiety side of hormones. I realy don't think I should be taking progesterone continually. Especially as..

The week before I switched I had found my mood slightly better. Probably the most bearable week since my op but....

BOth nights on the U I had horrendous nightmares and panic attacks throughout the night .and after nearly a week of relatively good mornings I woke up in a terrible state after taking the U pill.

At least with the patch I had 2 weeks a month off the bloody progesterone. Now I've got to take it every day.

I'm thinking I'm gonna go off piste with this and take it for 12 days. Kind of following prof studds regime although i havent go the Testosterone - yet( trust me I'm gonna scream for it at my next consultant appt)
I've got a pelvic and trans v ultrasound in Feb so that should give an indication of thickening I would imagine.

Hope this Saturday finds you all as well as can be.

Im just about ready to get up from my bed I woke at 7.00 and 'm still in it.  Haven't been able to move.till about 10 minutes ago.

Anxiety . Experts talk about flight or fight  But no one talks about how paralyzing it can be. How it makes you narrow your world down to the house, then to 1 room, then to one piece of furniture in my case my bed. I guess it's a way of trying to feel safe when fear has got it's ugly claws in you.
 Anyway I think I can get up now. My sis is coming over in an hour so I won't be able to retreat back to bed which is a good thing. Just hope I can keep it together while she's here!!

Best wishes to you all.xx



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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2019, 02:36:29 PM »

Anxiety . Experts talk about flight or fight  But no one talks about how paralyzing it can be. How it makes you narrow your world down to the house, then to 1 room, then to one piece of furniture in my case my bed. I guess it's a way of trying to feel safe when fear has got it's ugly claws in you.
 Anyway I think I can get up now. My sis is coming over in an hour so I won't be able to retreat back to bed which is a good thing. Just hope I can keep it together while she's here!!

 :thankyou:  "Paralyzing" such a good description.  Hopefully you can cope when you sister visits.  At my worst I was unable to open the door.  Even being aware of the causation of anxiety and panic didn't stop those awful surges which within minutes make me suicidal.

Our history forges our future whether we remember issues or not. 


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2019, 08:26:11 PM »

I always describe it as paralysing too!

Tc did you take the Utro orally or vaginally? I have said before I am supposed to take it continuously and only take it 10 days ( dont even get to 12) it works fine by the way and I use it vaginally not orally to keep any side effects to a minimum.


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2019, 11:08:53 PM »

Thanks lady. My sister called the crisis team  tonight and they are gonna call back in morning she is staying with me tonight


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2019, 11:26:37 PM »

Bad night.


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #52 on: January 20, 2019, 01:44:40 AM »

Really sorry to hear that Tc - glad someone is with you.  As you can see I am still up but will give sleeping another crack.  being left with the falling asleep in the early hours symptoms don't bother me as much as the ones I have managed to get rid of.  I am left with low libido, fluctuating energy levels, and days when my depression is somewhere between 3 to 5 on a scale of 1-10.  I suppose people would say you are either depressed or your not but it's not as simple as that is it?  As I said keep hoping Tc don't give up there is light and it does come...eventually.  I have not spent a whole day in bed not getting up for just over 6 months!  That's new!
Sending good thoughts and good wishes to you.  You will get it sorted hang on in there!


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #53 on: January 20, 2019, 01:03:51 PM »

Hiya ladies. Wow. Had something of a meltdown last night
Feeling better today. Very tired so I'm resting. Anxiety is bubbling away there but at a lot lower level.
LADY I took the U Orally. Are you on 100 or 200?   I'm wondering if it's ok  to take it vaginally as well as the estriol still using that every night. Can't seem to reduce it. Didn't use it last night and today symptoms are back.
I hate having to use that estriol cream. It's so messy and it smells weird. What with covering my arms in the gel. I feel uncomfortable and like I'm not clean. I am going to ask for vagifem.

There has been some amazing, honest posts on this thread. Lady it's so great to hear you say you haven't had a bed day for 6 months. Long may it continue..
Did you find the testosterone made a big difference to your symptoms?

Hope all you ladies are having a nice Sunday.
Think I'm gonna try to sleep as I was up all night. At leastvi got through it tho.


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #54 on: January 20, 2019, 02:20:27 PM »

Glad to hear you are feeling better Tc.  Just to say I have had bad days in 6 months but none of my "hid under the duvet" days which had been so prevalent in the last 10 years!!  to be honest I probably slept my way through 4 out of 10 years! Sounds terrible but it was terrible and perfectly true. I work on a scale of 1 to 10 to describe bad - in 10 years they never went below 7.  Now we are at 4..... mostly - my goal is to get to what I would classify as an ok 0! lol!!

Now to answer your practical stuff...
So I taken Utrogestan it vaginally and I use 200 (2 capsules) each night.  The cream you use is for VA yes?  If you don't like it definitely ask for something else. I cant help there that is the one problem I have not had, thank god, suppose I made it up with all the rest! There are plenty of ladies who use the cream and the Utrogestan together though.

Using the utro vaginally means you push the capsules as far up the vagina with a finger or an applicator.  It doesn't come with an applicator because it is not licensed to be used that way but it is ABSOLUTELY FINE to be used that way. Lots of consultants recommend it especially for progesterone intolerant women. I use an old applicator from Caneston thrush pessaries, and pop the capsules in there and push them up!  Maybe go to a chemist and ask if they could give you an applicator if you don't have one or get one by buying some Caneston!  Works a treat because I find the problem with using my finger is I can't get them far enough up and they start to melt! - there is definitely a technique!!

So using your Gel...I alternate between rubbing it into my thighs or my arms in the morning. I have learned that you rub the gel in vigorously..don't half rub and leave it to dry - rub it in until it is all gone - then you get no "stickiness".

Ref testosterone it is early days I only got it last Wednesday. I am building slowly.  I got Tostran 2% gel which is in a small pump. I am using a pea size (possibly half a pump) blob on the end of my finger every other day and just putting it on the inside of my thigh (on thigh days for gel, I do it half hour after my gel).  I would think it takes about a month to really get a good picture as to what is happening. To date my mind has been a bit clearer and I went out to the shops from Midday yesterday until 8pm because we ended up in B&Q who open late on Saturdays looking at some DIY stuff.  Normally I couldn't have managed that, I would have had to have come home after about 3 hours! 

I will let you know if I start getting a deep voice, hairs on my chin or want to punch someone on a regular basis  ;D ;D ;D

Get some rest!!  and yes you did get through it and you will, if you persist get something that makes you feel better.. :foryou:


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #55 on: January 20, 2019, 02:41:06 PM »



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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #56 on: January 20, 2019, 03:35:26 PM »

Sometimes the body takes over  >:( and I always feel so tired after panic attacks. 


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #57 on: January 20, 2019, 06:22:03 PM »

How are you doing CKLD?  You have had a few rough days as  I have to say that in the general scheme of things  I am picking up which to be honest classifies as a flaming miracle! you well know, as you have been reading and replying to my posts for some time now.


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #58 on: January 20, 2019, 07:02:05 PM »

 :foryou: CLKD


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Re: Who should I go to?
« Reply #59 on: January 21, 2019, 09:56:08 AM »

CLKD how are You?
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