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Author Topic: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness  (Read 8082 times)


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Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« on: January 09, 2019, 09:54:21 AM »

Hi all.

Just seeking reassurance about my daughter who is 19. Ive suffered from anxiety for quite a few years but since hitting the menopause I sometimes get ridiculous with it and worry over things that I think anybody else would just shrug off and get on with things. Ive had a bit of a stressful time this past year anyway so I can't seem to get a grip.

My daughter has been in bed for a week with a head cold and dizziness and after a visit to the docs has been diagnosed with labrynthitis. He told her to take antihistamines and paracetamol and to wait it out. No idea why he advised these things and the pharmacist was a bit ??? when I want in asking for them.  She has taken to her bed and is lying around watching tv etc, which is not unusual for her tbh but she is getting a bit distressed at being out of action for so long and worried that its not going to go away. So in turn I am worried its not going to go away and how long its going to last etc etc. I can understand why she is so fed up because being dizzy is no fun.

My menopausal head is totally over reacting to this and I don't know why. Its not serious or anything I know, but I am so uneasy. This has totally not been helped by some horror stories that colleagues at work were kind enough to tell me about!

Any good stories and words of encouragement about this would be appreciated and I apologise for this post because I know I am being a wimp but I don't know where to turn and Dr Google is a no no.

Thank you.


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2019, 10:21:45 AM »

It's bad enough the overthinking about ourselves but when it's our children, it's a whole different thing!
Being laid low with a head cold at this time of year is rubbish.
I'd start simple. Is she eating? Drinking? Has she had any kind of fresh air? Been in bed on her ‘phone, watching Netflix for a while week?
I have a nearly 18 year old daughter and when she's in too much she is grungy and groggy.
I would try and get her up, showered, downstairs, eating, doing anything other than screen watching got. Keep her dosed up on the paracetamol.
Hopefully she will start feeling better.
Incidentally, those screens play havoc with our eyes - does she wear glasses? Need an eye test?
Try not to panic. I know it's hard. Trust the GP and your own instincts which, as you say, are that it's not serious xxxc


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2019, 10:28:43 AM »

Hi  :)

I know what hiu mean with regards to the anxiety thing I'm right up there with you at the moment and it's perfectly normal that you would be worrying about your daughter at the moment.

My previous boss suffered from this the same as your daughter if I remember she was told it was viral she had it for a wee while I think it was a few weeks it would give her really bad vertigo and nausea she was also given antihistamines but she was also given a drug called prochlorperazine which is given for nausea if that gets really bad. It was really just a matter of waiting it out so I would try (I know that's easy to say) not to worry, if she's otherwise well eating etc then just keep an eye, and if her symptoms change or get worse just contact your GP again. I would imagine at her age an illness like this would be a nightmare 😀

I'm sure it will resolve itself did your GP advise how long it might be for a recovery period? Thing is if she's having dizzy spells and vertigo she doesn't really want to be out and about in case she falls and hurts herself

Try not to worry it seems the menopause likes to throw everything at us 😀


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2019, 10:46:22 AM »

Thanks ladies.

Agatha, its not the head cold that is causing the problems, its the dizziness. She is getting up and showering but feels less dizzy lying down or sitting still. To be fair she really feels really bad about not being at work and I wants to get back asap. If it was just a cold I would be making her get up an go to work. She does wear glasses and has just had her eyes tested as well so al ok there.

The GP didn't say how long it would last, how long is a piece of string kind of thing. I wasn't there with her but she said she was in and out in 5 mins and felt rushed. Locum doctor as it was the only appointment available.

Its true though Agatha. when its your kids, its a whole new level of worry. I would gladly take everything on myself rather than have my kids suffer with anything at all.

Thanks green. Just the kind of thing I need to hear, rather than the horrors of my colleagues.
I hope it doesn't last too long.


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2019, 11:25:58 AM »

Hi Blot, I just wondered if your daughter could have an ear infection caused by the cold.  Did the doc check her ears?  No other answers I'm afraid, only complete solidarity with your anxieties.  If one of my kids says they have a headache, all sorts of horrible possibilities go through my mind. 


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2019, 11:41:43 AM »

Is it the dizziness that led the GP to diagnose labyrinthitis? As Marge said, is she having earache and any other ear problems? Did he look in her ears? I don't know much about that condition.
I always look at where we are in the week - It's wednesday today. If still concerned about the dizziness, get her back to GP, say, tomorrow so you are not left worrying all weekend. Maybe call them and say she is no better and at least having the appointment in the diary will ease the anxiety? It does for me xxx


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2019, 11:57:29 AM »


Im assuming the doc did check her ears. Im at work so can't ask her.

Im not worried its anything serious tbh, just worried. I think it was a mixture of the cold and dizziness that must have lead the gp to diagnose labrynthitis but everything is down to a virus these days it seems. I have to trust that the doc knows what he is doing for the moment. Cant really explain it but you know when your kids are out of sorts, and you just want them to get better now?

 No earache or hearing problems and probably caused by the cold.  He said to go back in 2 weeks if it hasn't improved so can't really go back this week, however, she will need another sick note so another visit next week will be made if she is no better. From the stuff I've read, it can take 1 to 6 weeks to resolve if its labrynthitis and I've no reason to think its anything else especially as it came on with the bad head cold, she was producing loads of mucous so it makes sense it might upset the balance in her ears.  I tell myself all this stuff but its good to hear it from someone else.

I totally get carried away with things and its stupid.


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2019, 12:06:56 PM »

It's not stupid at all and I would be just as anxious as you. Keep us posted and don't listen to your colleagues! Lots of love xxx


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2019, 03:01:33 PM »

When I had a bad cold at C.mas in the 1990s I had vertigo that New Year, getting up to turn over the TV started it and the GP wouldn't attend.  Even though it was explained that I don't drink alcohol.  Turned out he was an alcoholic  >:( however: DH went to collect appropriate medication which helped.

Labyrthitis [ 'itis meaning inflammation] - can be distressing, causing nausea, dizziness, weird head feelings.  Often follows a head cold.  There are anti-sickness meds available - I couldn't move my head without feeling sick, I knew B4 I opened my eyes in the morning that it was there  :-\.  I had to reach for the appropriate tablets.

Menierres is another chronic condition which causes dizzyness.  She would need to see an ENT Consultant should symptoms continue.


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2019, 04:32:17 PM »

Hi blot,strange what drs prescribe at times, I suffer badly with dizziness at times as do most of the women in my family.had stemitil but since I was told taking it long term is linked to Parkinson's I stopped very quickly,I now take stugeron,it's a travel sickness tablet but stops the fluid in the inner ear going the wrong way,dr prescribed 2 tabs 3 times a day and it worked,you can buy them over the counter,the give you the dosage on the outer packet for travel sickness but if you read the instructions on the inside it will tell you the dose I took for dizziness,really does help


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2019, 04:53:09 PM »

Hi all.

Just seeking reassurance about my daughter who is 19. Ive suffered from anxiety for quite a few years but since hitting the menopause I sometimes get ridiculous with it and worry over things that I think anybody else would just shrug off and get on with things. Ive had a bit of a stressful time this past year anyway so I can't seem to get a grip.

My daughter has been in bed for a week with a head cold and dizziness and after a visit to the docs has been diagnosed with labrynthitis. He told her to take antihistamines and paracetamol and to wait it out. No idea why he advised these things and the pharmacist was a bit ??? when I want in asking for them.  She has taken to her bed and is lying around watching tv etc, which is not unusual for her tbh but she is getting a bit distressed at being out of action for so long and worried that its not going to go away. So in turn I am worried its not going to go away and how long its going to last etc etc. I can understand why she is so fed up because being dizzy is no fun.

My menopausal head is totally over reacting to this and I don't know why. Its not serious or anything I know, but I am so uneasy. This has totally not been helped by some horror stories that colleagues at work were kind enough to tell me about!

Any good stories and words of encouragement about this would be appreciated and I apologise for this post because I know I am being a wimp but I don't know where to turn and Dr Google is a no no.

Thank you.
I have had similar dizziness caused by ear infection and also possibly connected to a UTI (had them together twice). I did find that paracetamol suppressed the dizziness and made it bearable. It has only ever lasted 2-3 days at a time and only really bad for about 24 to 48 hours. I really hope that your daughter doesn't have labyrinthitis.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 10:09:34 AM by Katejo »


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2019, 07:18:09 PM »

Thanks all. Just hope it passes soon.
Patience is not something I have much of.


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2019, 08:17:41 PM »

Hello Blot.

I completely understand your concern, we always worry so much about our children no matter how old they are. Goes with the territory I'm afraid.

I had Labryrinthitis years ago whilst recovering from another inflammatory condition. I just continued with my anti inflammatory meds and it went after about a week.  I wasn't ill in bed so I was able to move around ( albeit at an angle as if I was on board ship lol ). The GP did say that moving regularly helps as it trains the brain to ignore the dizzy messages it's getting from the affected ear. The whole episode was over quite quickly and I haven't had any problems since. I think it's pretty common actually because whenever I've mentioned it many people say they have experienced it too.

I'm sure your daughter will be fine and as soon as she feels better and starts to move more she'll notice an improvement.

Hope this helps and take care.



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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2019, 10:03:17 PM »

How is your daughter this evening? X


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Re: Anxiety over daughter and dizziness
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2019, 10:35:25 PM »

The information on the NHS site proved helpful when my son had this.

Taz x
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