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Author Topic: Help please  (Read 1472 times)


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Help please
« on: December 28, 2018, 11:51:18 AM »

Hiya ladies.
Gotta wait for my new scrip eadtrogel and utrogestan until after new year so I'm stuck with femseven sequi.
I'm due to swap to the phase 2 patch today but my experience of the progesterone in this patch over the last 3 months has made me anxious just at the thought of changing it over.
I wonder if anyone could be so kind if you have any thoughts on whether I could just put another phase 1 patch on for a third week instead of phase 2.
I haven't had a  bleed yet in 3 months on it.
Thank you.


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Re: Help please
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2018, 03:50:19 PM »

Can't answer your question TC,
But just wondered how you are?
Do you feel any better?


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Re: Help please
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2018, 06:35:53 PM »

Hi jillydoll. Thank you for asking. I wish I could say I was feeling better but I'm not. I've just had letter to say the GP has referred me for a colonoscopy. The gynae also referred me for a pelvic scan 
The symptoms I originally had which lead to the finding of Dermoid and BSO are still there. I had always thought it was my bowel as I had no menstrual probs
It makes me even more regretful of the surgery as I now feel it wasn't necessary at all.
Mixture of anger and regret and worry over the fact that something else is obvs going on. Oh dear. I sound like such a moaner.but it seems to be all I think about to the point of obsession even when I'm with other ppl im so distracted by my own thoughts that they have noticed
How are you keeping. I hope you had a peaceful holsx


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Re: Help please
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2018, 07:44:34 PM »

I'm sorry to hear that. And no, your not moaning, it's a worry so you're entitled to be distracted about it all.
Ok, so the pelvic scan will be ok, I had one of those when I went for the bleeding I had.
The colonoscopy, I presume you'll be knocked out for? Or are you brave enough not to be ?
I know which one I'd
But as soon as they're  over, you'll know if there's anything wrong. And then you and the docs can get a plan of action and sort everything out.
As for the regret, you have to let go of it, I know it's easy for me to say, but it'll eat you up,  for the rest of your life, and you can't let that happen, you've got the rest of your life ahead of you, and what's done is done, you can't let it beat you up all the time.
Do/are your friends supportive?
Have you got someone in particular who you can talk to?
I hope so, talking about worries does really help.
I can't offer much help, other than that I'll be thinking of you, and I hope everything gets sorted for you.
I'm glad Xmas is over, and I hope 2019 is a better year. For all of us.



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Re: Help please
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2018, 09:44:33 PM »

Thank you so much jillydoll. You say you can't offer much help but you have. Thanks for your kind words.
When my wife died it took me a long time to come to terms with it and process it so I guess I'm just like that and have to process this loss and change.
I love the fact that you said I've got the rest of my life in front of me. I wasn't thinking like that so your words have realy helped.
I have fam and friends but not realy anyone I can talk to bout this and when I try I think they don't understand. They think I'm focusing on it too much.
I am seeing a bereavement counsellor and she has been amazing.
How are you?
I hope you are well and hope you know that you're positive words have made an impact xxx


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Re: Help please
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2018, 05:23:47 PM »

Hi TC.
I was so worried about my post to you. And I'm so glad your ok with it. 😊
I don't explain very well, and I didn't want you to misinterpret what I was saying.
Thank you.
I'm glad to hear you're seeing a bereavement counsellor , and that you find her good, that in itself will be worth it's weight in gold, with what you've been through.
I guess, no one understands anything properly unless they've been through it, no matter what it is, that's why this place is so good, and on top, no one judges.
I agree, these things are a process, and it's not until the process is over and finished with us,
that we can move on, but I think, that if you can slot in thoughts about other things , ie, like the rest of your life, and plans, make plans, stick to them, then the process could be a bit easier. It must have been so very hard for you losing your wife, my god, I can't even think about that happening to me, it must have been horrendous.
But... your on the right track.

I'm ok, thanks for asking, everyday is different, get up thinking ‘what's wrong with you today' kinda thing, but yeah, I'm surviving.  Although, I've just turned 54, and I can't get my head around that one, how did that happen, I've got so much I wanna do , and the years keep slipping by. 🤪 ‘


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Re: Help please
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2018, 05:25:15 PM »

Oh, sorry Tc
You might want to bump up your question again, as it may get over looked
now that I've completely took over.  😂🤣