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Author Topic: Merina is in, awful lower abdomen pain and still bleeding off and on...  (Read 1188 times)


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I use the Merina for progesterone along with Estrogen patches.   I have had the Merina twice, this is my third.  I was period free mostly with the Merina and minimum PMT.   It was taken out in August and could not be refitted, so I had to have a forced three month break.. but I was super keen to have it back because progesterone along with Estrogen seems to keep me mostly level whilst Peri.   Each time before first and second it settled in very quickly with no awful sides.  After the break it was inserted successfully early November.   It's been ok, I have had on and off bleeding, mostly on, there are clots and it's mostly brown.  Also some lower abdomen cramps.  I even seem to be having mild regular period symptoms along with bleeds.  Over the past three days have sharp prolonged pain in the left side of womb, feels like the ovaries.   And today towards the middle of my womb more  sharp prolonged pains.   These incidents both coincided with doing weights in the gym and went on for 4-5 hours.   Do you think this will settle down,  I had very little pain after insertion.  What could this be.  Thank you.


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Re: Merina is in, awful lower abdomen pain and still bleeding off and on...
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2018, 12:20:30 AM »

Poor you!
It might be worth getting checked at the doctors, it'll give you peace of mind.

They should be able to ensure it's in the right position and examine your tummy too.
Hopefully it'll settle   :)



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Re: Merina is in, awful lower abdomen pain and still bleeding off and on...
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2018, 10:25:29 AM »

TT - I think this is all normal. As we age our bodies take longer to adapt and settle. I suspect exercise would effect the uterus as working the stomach muscles would put pressure on things. The bleeding will stop - I was post meno when I had the Mirena fitted and it took about 12 weeks for the bleeding and spotting to stop. 
How much oestrogen are you using?
Over the 4 years I had the Mirena, I did get occasional cramps which I think is quite normal.
If you are worried, then do get the doctor to check things. DG x


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Re: Merina is in, awful lower abdomen pain and still bleeding off and on...
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2018, 11:01:45 AM »

Thank you both.  I will go with it for now.   Woke up to lower abdomen pain again and a heavier red bleed today.   

It feels like ovary pain.  I am using 2 x 50 Evorel patches a week.   Along with the new Merina fitting and the progesterone break I have not bled so much in years.

As soon as the Merina was out and I was on Estrogen only (mainly) I started having what seemed like short periods.      Does this mean I am still Peri? I ask because your saying you still bled post meno?

Thank you


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Re: Merina is in, awful lower abdomen pain and still bleeding off and on...
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2018, 11:28:13 AM »

How old are you?  If you were mainly on oestrogen with no progesterone or only a few days of progesterone at one time between having your old Mirena removed and the new one inserted, it is likely that your womb lining has built up, was spontaneously shedding(hence the short bleeds), and it may well take a bit of time for the bleeding to settle now the Mirena is back in place.   I suspect you are post meno but if you used oestrogen alone without opposing progesterone  then the lining will build up and cause bleeding. I think you need to leave things for at least 12 weeks - a bit of bleeding and spotting with the Mirena is quite normal. DG x


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Re: Merina is in, awful lower abdomen pain and still bleeding off and on...
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2018, 12:46:52 PM »

Hi Dancing Girl.

I am 48 now, been Peri since around 40 prhaps earlier, I recall feeling anxiety, low moods and tired in late 30's.    I have been using Estrogen since I was 42 along with the Merina.  The Merina masked the period symptoms and brought them to a light spotting around 3 times per year, but that's normal.   Sounds like due to the Merina break there  is a build up in the womb lining that is now shedding, like you say.  I am reassured and will ride it out.   It's like permanent period pain and random clotting... certainly feels like a period.  Do you think I am post or still peri.

Does my Estrogen dose sound ok, I was originally on 1 x 50 changing twice a week, but upped the dose.   I now find that I get hot and sweat a lot in bed, but do get 6 hours straight through the night which is great.   I just wake up damp  :o


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Re: Merina is in, awful lower abdomen pain and still bleeding off and on...
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2018, 01:31:41 PM »

It's difficult to know whether you are post meno or not. It could be worth having bloods done to see what your oestrogen levels are. Sometimes there are issues around absorption and I found higher doses of oestrogen didn't suit me - I felt hotter with high dose oestrogen.
50mcg patch twice a week is a good medium dose and if your flushes are under control then it's worth sticking with this. A higher dose of oestrogen is more likely to give bleeding or spotting. Try going back to your original dose for a few weeks while things settle.
We are all different and our hormone needs change as we move deeper into post menopause - some need more oestrogen and some need less.
Hope things settle for you - try not to worry. DG x


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Re: Merina is in, awful lower abdomen pain and still bleeding off and on...
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2018, 02:09:25 PM »

Thank you.   I will go back to 1 x 50 every 3 and 4 days and see how it goes.  I do get hot quickly when moving around or when I eat.  The progesterone is back to optimum level and I am good for four years, so will go back to original dosage.  Thank you and I won't worry.   

Happy New Year  :) xx