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Author Topic: Very worried after scan  (Read 8144 times)


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2018, 03:52:09 PM »

Yes stop googling, it will drive you bonkers!  It's an awful thing to go through.  My stress levels went through the stratosphere for 3 months and still feel exhausted and anxious. I thought the worse as well, I think it's only natural.  I hated that feeling of losing control of my body and the health professionals taking over. It all felt so alien.  Try and cope as best you can and all the best to you.


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2018, 05:07:01 PM »

Hi, did you have scans etc Suzy?
Its bizarre how our bodies work.
Thank you I will let forumkniw outcome. Best wishes


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2018, 05:23:06 PM »

Hi toothbrush - if you didnlt get a bleed on the sequi HRT then you weren't ovulating and the progestogen in the patch was sufficient to keep your lining thin.

The fact that it has thickened now sufficiently for you to bleed could either mean a late ovulation - (since you can't know exactly what your body was doing naturally after starting HRT - and by late I mean late since you/your doc feel you were post-menopausal enough to take conti HRT) or oestrogen breakthrough bleeding either because it has thickened and is shedding spontaneously or due to the large fibroid. It's not a question of age but stage - although spontaneous ovulation after the 12 month period of time without natural periods is more likely to happent he further away ( younger) you are from the average age of natural menopause. This is why contraception must be continued for 2 years if periods stop under 50.

The fact that you had pre-menstrual symptoms followed by a proper period 2 weeks later is indicative of ovulation which would well explain the thickened lining. After all half a patch is very low dose and definitely will not be the cause of the lining build up.

Also to correct a misapprehension - it has not thickened from too much oestrogen per se, but from an excess of oestrogen over progestogen (or the fibroid or both). You can have very high doses of oestrogen and your lining can stay thin provided the progestogen dose is sufficient.

From what I understand in fact a thickened lining does not necessarily mean endometrial hyperplasia - although I am still not sure whether  a thickened lining with no problems is just simple hyperplasia without atypia ( ie cells are normal). I think a thickened lining can be just that.

My bet in your case is that it is a natural period (half a patch will not be anywhere near sufficient toi override your natural cycle) + the fibroid.

It is not true post-menopausal bleeding as such but more like unexpected if you see what I mean. The doc is right to refer you but most likely absoultey normal - as you say the doc couldn't see anything - but hopefully once you;ve had hysteroscopy and biopsy this will be  confirmed. If you have started ovulating then the thicekend lining does not need treating - although if you then have anovulatory cycles (when you won't produce any progesterone of your own to help sehd the lining) it might be better to have a decent dose of prog ( as well as oestrogen) and have a full patch. I can't see why you would want half a patch especially at your young age when many of us are/were still menstruating normally (I was).

By the way you do not need to stop HRT (my doc said I had to but wrote to Dr C here who said I did not, and took the email to my doc) pending the investigation and stopping it may well cause a bleed as you will be reducing the progestogen levels signalling to the body to bleed - especially as it is thick. Personally if you don't want to bleed over Christmas period ( maybe too late if you;ve already stopped!) then carry on with the half patch.

A thickened lining as Stellajane says is no big deal if everything is pronounced normal - you just treat it with progestogen to thin it if necessary.

Hope this clarifies and helps rather than confusing and do try not to worry!

Hurdity x

PS sorry for typos - too busy to correct them all!


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2018, 07:00:52 PM »

Thank you hurdity. You info is very clear , I definitely hope this is the reason .
Is it possible to ovulate after such a long period?
Thank you for your reply , and for everyone helping me with my level of anxiety . I shall let you know results , once again thank you


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2018, 07:42:06 PM »

Yes I had 2 intra vaginal scans with a biopsy in between.  They wanted to do a second biopsy as they didn't get enough tissue with the first but I couldn't face it. The second scan showed the lining had gone to normal.  They weren't happy that I refused the biopsy.


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2018, 09:08:58 PM »

that's great to hear your lining went back to normal suzysunday.  fingers crossed everything ok settled for you now.  I don't feel any different and am not having any discharge now or any other symptoms.  I have stopped the hrt and will be interested if another period like cycle starts again - in November I didn't change my patch on usual day - was 4 days late- I was toying with idea of coming off the hrt as no flushes anymore but bottled it and stuck patch back on . its just such a scary time and when you see the radiographer for the scan they really wont say anything, which makes me panic when they tell me to see my doctor before Christmas (when I saw them on Wednesday).  will keep in touch with more info . thank you for replying


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2018, 09:40:08 PM »

The 2 radiographers I saw were willing to tell me what they saw, which was really good. I don't think they are supposed to.  It was the gynaecologist who was very uncaring.  Anyhow, all the best and try and enjoy something of Christmas 🎅.


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2018, 10:23:42 PM »

Have a great Christmas and new year , will keep in touch


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2019, 06:36:56 PM »

hi everyone , just an update.  went to hospital to see gynae - with regards to thickened 20 mm lining.  didn't see consultant - saw another doctor- registrar? . history taken and she did abdominal check - then attempted to do endometrial biopsy - but unable to do due to cervix closed.  I couldn't really feel anything , not as uncomfortable as a smear, but she didn't really try for that long - just said couldnt do due to cervix being closed and I would need to come back for a hysteroscopy with possible anaesthesia/gas and air - and cervix would need to be dilated?  sounds horrid tbh but hoping as I didn't feel much today it wont be too bad.  she said cervix can close especially as I had not had a vaginal birth with my son - he was caesarian.  I then saw she had drawn something on the patient notes - so now panicking something wrong with what she saw but when I asked she said it looked normal and common in menopause.  this is dragging on and just adding to my anxiety but I have an appointment for Friday which is super quick - only 2 days thank goodness.  shame they couldn't have done today as I was kinda prepared for it.  I am seeing a nurse specialist who will be doing the hysteroscopy. so another few days of worrying and then a wait for results - just want finished


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2019, 08:17:17 PM »



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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2019, 09:23:29 PM »

The waiting is awful.  The whole process for me dragged on 3 months.  Hope all goes well.  Can't write too much as not feeling good with anxiety and goodness knows what..


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2019, 10:33:02 PM »

Thanks for replies ladies .
It's just so damn stressful . I just wish my area had clinic to do all testing on one day . Just to get it over with and done .
Hope your anxiety settles Suzy .xx
Onwards to Friday 🙄


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2019, 02:11:24 PM »

Hello toothbrush,

Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤗

Conolly X


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2019, 03:27:36 PM »

Thanks Conolly. Trying to keep busy today but stressed for tomorrow 😩


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Re: Very worried after scan
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2019, 03:45:20 PM »

Absolutely normal. Don't fight your thoughts, just let them flow through your mind and have some nice treats in between them.  :love:

Conolly X
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