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Author Topic: Boys can have periods  (Read 9053 times)


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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2018, 12:32:38 PM »

I assume the transgender aspect refers to females who are transitioning to male but haven't yet had a hysterectomy so they are still menstruating.

I get what Kathleen is saying here, and agree. So, the simple answer is to say to children that 'anyone who has female hormones and a uterus can menstruate, but that MIGHT be people who identify as male'. SAying 'boys can have periods too' is cleary the wrong message.

Talking of dumb stories in the news; did people see that guy in the netherlands who 'identifed with being 20 years younger than he was'. He was a pensioner, but full of himself and how young he looked and acted. He said that as he 'identified' as younger he should not be subjected to age related policies and insurance changes etc etc. LOL It was denied of course, by the courts that he could simply 'identify' as a different age and change it on his birth certificate. This type of ridiculous claim makes a mockery of transgender issues.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 12:36:46 PM by Charys »


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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2018, 06:05:25 PM »

I did see the headline but didn't read it.  Too busy to even consider such nonsense  ::).



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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2018, 06:07:31 PM »

This is about telling boys that they can have periods.  According to the article.  I posted part of the article which can be read in full by doing a 'search'. 

Boys at 11 shouldn't be bothered with this idea anyway.  Teenage is hard enough!



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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2018, 07:50:27 PM »

Thanks Taz, well that 'nonsense' is quite enlightening and the title doesn't do justice to the subject matter contained in the article which is essentially have the gender people identify as. Anyway, why shouldn't boys learn about periods - half the people they come across in life will have them.

"Trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods",

I guess transexuality is the nonsense you refer to??? No point moving onto discussing non-binary then if people can't be open-minded to transexuals.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 08:03:10 PM by Charys »


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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2018, 07:54:44 PM »

I worry how many will change sex and regret it later.

I would have thought very few, if any. I know, and have known transgender people going through the process of reidentifying and reassigning. There is a VERY rigorous process, with medics and psychiatrists/psychologists involved for years in assessing. There are various steps that need to be taken in terms of time-scale and treatments they receive and how they have to 'prove' their need for the final surgery. AS for the following comment, can't recall who made it about 'its up to surgeons to stop this now', this is very ignorant. It reminds me very much of the types of comments people made about gay people many moons ago!!!


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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2018, 08:05:22 PM »

I would be worried that teaching children this young that 'boys can have periods' will result in boys ignoring abnormal bleeding because they think it is a period - girls really need to be taught about menstruation age 8 or 9 at the latest.  I'm not sure that at that age, they will be able to understand why some 'boys' can have periods and other 'boys' can't.



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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2018, 08:06:54 PM »

I agree Dorothy.  Why raise an issue in School unless there is evidence that some children are querying what they would like to be? not on an 'in case' basis.

Consultants are those that preform the surgery.  They have the final 'say' after discussions.  I am fully aware that these procedures may take years but there seems, via the media, to be many younger people being put forwards for surgical intervention.  At a time when they probably are not fully aware of sexuality.   

I read the article to which drew my attention which is why I posted to see what others think.  Also, earlier this year the media stated that many have had sexual changes and regretted them. 


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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2018, 08:28:54 PM »

'boys can have periods'

Its mis-leading; its not BOYS have periods that they are teaching/being asked to teach, its girls who are transitioning to being boys and haven't had final gender reassignment.


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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2018, 08:30:58 PM »

At a time when they probably are not fully aware of sexuality.

You are mixing up 'sexuality' and 'gender' , the two are not the same and mean different things.


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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2018, 09:11:34 PM »

Not according to the school web-site etc., they are telling pupils that boys can have periods  :(.  Whatever, they can't however much transitioning takes place.  Why would any one want to bleed if they didn't have too  ::)


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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2018, 10:14:30 PM »

This ignores scientific fact. A girl is born with XX chromosomes, a boy has XY. No amount PC teachers or transgender surgery will alter this. Society may choose to ignore it but a person's DNA will always make them the sex they were born as. And teachers should tell children the facts not their own views, particularly when it seems to be designed to confuse them.
  For myself I am prepared to accept them as the changed sex once they have been through the surgery with all the councelling etc it involves though even this is contentious - what about the girl beaten to a gold medal by a trans boy? I don't want to share changing rooms and toilets with someone with male bits. I am all for freedom to do as you like but not when it tramples on the rights of others.
  There do seem to be similarities with the gay bandwaggon where society has been told what to think. Whether you agree with their views or not many religious people think it's a sin. We supposedly live in a free society so they should have every right to hold these views. I emphasise the difference between views and actions.
  And yes, trying to change your age is equally ridiculous. Probably not as ridiculous as gender fluid though.


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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2018, 10:19:21 PM »

I honestly could not disagree with you more, both of you, about everything you have written here. You asked for 'thoughts' CDLK, and you got thoughts back. You aren't interested in thoughts though, you just want others to agree with your ill-informed opinions.

There is far too much I disagree with to even type it out in response to the judgemental ignorant tosh you've both written and I think I stand little chance of getting you to understand even the basics of the issues you sharing opinions on. It is clear to me that neither of you have a fig of a clue about anything related to transgender, you talk about it as if its a life choice people make !! ......even the difference in the terms 'sexuality' and 'gender' are not understood. You are both spouting out meaningless, unempathetic, inflammatory, discriminatory, outdated ignorant rubbish and I can't be bothered to reply again. ( my link to the gay issue , it was people like you who shouted about how disgusting/awful being gay was, now things have changed)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2018, 09:25:42 AM by Charys »


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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #27 on: December 21, 2018, 01:39:22 PM »

However, leading doctors have previously recommended that primary school children are taught about LGBT issues.

As in the article Taz shared - this is expected but not really part of the discussion.

Thanks sheila99.  I'm glad that you can't be bothered Charys ....... I find your comment inflammatory. 


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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #28 on: December 21, 2018, 02:45:03 PM »

Personally - I think the underlying issue which causes such a "difference of opinion" ladies is not "what" some people identify with or what label they would like to use, I think more people (possibly not enough for some) are more liberal these days - it is that throughout the world those people are a "small minority" across the population but it seems to be that their requirements and views are politicised and then acted upon as if they were the majority or the norm.  It is the mass imposition of these views on the majority that causes the majority to react and sometimes not in a good way.  Just because someone says something doesnt make it true, our world tends to rely on science for a lot of things.  Humans like to rely on facts and they use science to prove those facts until the science says otherwise.

Personally, for me it is a science thing. You have your chromosomes and you are either born male or female with the various bits unless you are unfortunate enough to be in the very rare category of "intersex" - without genitals.  You may see yourself differently (I know it's not a choice) remove, or add bits, take meds and change your hormonal responses etc but science says you were born male or female according to convention.  I think society should be able to accommodate anyone who feels this way or undergoes gender reassignment, but I don't feel that it's right that everything in society should be changed to accommodate those who are the minority and that provision in all areas of life should be made "in case" someone feels that way.  Gender neutral toilets and changing rooms and areas where personal space is an issue, so those things being made "inclusive" is therefore something I disagree with, not because of the subject matter just that in terms of world population, there are going to be a huge majority of people this affects and who may be unhappy about it.  Some maybe bigoted, some may feel threatened, some may be ambivilent, some may think its a good thing but all those people are still the majority.

I am also extremely concerned with "gender/sexuality issues" and current thinking and behaviour where children and young adults are concerned particularly with the pressure that social media/peer advice can apply to young minds. Before anyone kicks off I feel the same about any form of politics and religion in schools.  It think it is the imposition of a very small minority against the majority that causes resentment.

..and Charys I must say that your reaction to the other comments is not helpful. Using insulting words/dismissing people's views and telling them they "dont understand" does not provide any information to increase debate. There is no right or wrong - just different in my view, but I think it is madness to change the majority world to a minority world.



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Re: Boys can have periods
« Reply #29 on: December 21, 2018, 03:09:33 PM »

I honestly don't care if people find me inflammatory, I find many of the comments already on this thread deeply insulting and ignorant right from the start (in reference to some of my friends). How can I even begin to explain the difference between 'sexuality' and 'gender' to people who have such closed minds?
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