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Author Topic: Hello everybody, so glad I have found you  (Read 4133 times)


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Re: Hello everybody, so glad I have found you
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2019, 04:32:30 PM »

Hi Ellen May

 :welcomemm: from me too.

How frustrating for you!

Your doctor is right that blood tests are inconclusive re menopause although whether they should be taken or not does depend on your age. If you are missing periods (cycle length varies by more than a week), over 45 and getting symptoms, then you are peri-menopausal (notwithstanding other health issues that might need to be investigated). As such as Tc says the NICE Guidelines are that HRT should be offered as the first line of trearment, NOT anti-depressants - which are - guess what - for people who are depressed ( or unable to take HRT due to breast cancer treatments or other contra-indications)!

If you are under 45 and especially if under 40 and having irregular periods then a couple of blood tests are advised and HRT should be taken until the average age of menopause - 51/52.

If you are still having completely regular periods then you are not yet peri-menopausal according to the medical definition, and HRT may well not be the answer - although hormones do begin to go awry in the last stage before peri - and some women do start to get flushes and sweats - and find a low dose HRT can help. Unfortunately at this last stage before peri - some women get much worsening pms which can be difficult to treat - although if under 50 there are some combi-contraceptive pills designed for this stage that can help control your cycle and reduce pms.

It's great that she has referred you to a menopause clinic though but poor that she does not have the knowledge herself either to treat you and know where the clinics are!!! The basic info is not that specialist after all and rather a lot of women will be going through it at some point! If she is saying no to HRT while having periods then this is completely wrong - if they are irregular.

In the meantime here is an article about peri-menopause which you might find interesting .

Also as Tc says and you suggested - find out from the receptionist if the doctor who speciliases in women's helath understands menopause and is sympathetic to taking HRT if indicated - and then take it from there.

Let us know about your cycle and good luck with your appointment - when it comes through - wherever you decide to go.

Hurdity x


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Re: Hello everybody, so glad I have found you
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2019, 03:45:03 PM »

Hi Ellen May. Welcome to this life saving forum. You are not alone and not a nut job!

Just a tip which I am sure you will do but write a list of questions for your meeting. I finally went to a Meno clinic yesterday (NHS) but felt a bit like a rabbit in the headlights after all the form filling and questions.  When she said ' any questions' I just sat there then kicked myslef on the way home! 

Do make use of GP call back services too for anything you are worried or not sure about. I find in Peri the worrying over ' is this normal' is the worst. Now I often just ask for a GP same day phone back and usually have my fears put right without a formal (weeks waiting time) meeting.


Ellen May

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Re: Hello everybody, so glad I have found you
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2019, 09:54:15 PM »

Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply and offering valuable information.

I am 50 and for about a year my cycle was very erratic, however for the last 5 months it has been every 28 days on the dot. They are heavy for a day or so and then light for a couple and then stop.

Does it  mean that because they are regular I am not perimenopausal? I seem to have so many other symptoms though so if not menopause what could it be? I have palpitations, aching muscles, nausea, occasional hot flushes at night, stomach pains, sleep disturbance etc etc. One lovely gp I saw said that she thought it probably was the menopause as my symptoms didn't seem to join together to be anything else. Sadly though she has retired now.

I have had my letter for booking in at the hospital and the gp has actually referred me to the gynae clinic at our local hospital. Do you think it is worth going or should I push for the menopause clinic?

Sorry to be asking so many questions....


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Re: Hello everybody, so glad I have found you
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2019, 01:15:30 AM »

Hi Ellen, and welcome

If I were you, I'd push for the meno clinic....gynae departments are ok, but at least with the clinic you'd have a ‘meno specialist' xx


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Re: Hello everybody, so glad I have found you
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2019, 01:42:54 AM »

Hi Ellen and welcome to our happy band!
I'm with the others - if your GP can't be bothered just bypass her until the prescription stage and go to the meno clinic.  There may be someone in the gynae department that can help you because the meno stuff does come as part of their overall department but some are more specialised than others.  If there is a specialist clinic and you could find a sensible GP in women's health in your practice to ensure you get to the right place - go for it - it cuts out dealing with "stupid people". ;)v oops will find a fair few people on here who do not hold GP's in very high esteem to put it midly when it comes to meno - some of the things they come out with are just outrageous as TC will testify. >:(

ask as many questions as you want - there is always someone around to answer  :welcomemm:

Ellen May

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Re: Hello everybody, so glad I have found you
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2019, 09:11:45 PM »

Terrible isn't it that many doctors are so dismissive of menopause symptoms and not any help in dealing with it. They must come across so many of us and treating us correctly would be better all round.

I think a lot of mine is health anxiety which I seem to have developed over the last year or so, but also not knowing if any symptom is menopause or not. I suppose the two are interlinked but it's hard to separate them.

I have found a private clinic near us so will ring there and see what the cost is as may be easier than trying to get my gp to refer me to the nhs one.
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