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Author Topic: Christmas  (Read 25587 times)


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #30 on: December 19, 2018, 11:13:01 AM »

I'll bring plates  ;D and wash up.


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2018, 02:59:33 PM »

In order to protect my mental health as well as really 'can't be bothered'  ::) I haven't sent many cards.  A couple of times DH has asked whether I have sent to X, Y, Z ........ the answer was nope.  He hasn't offered though  ;D 'cos it would mean finding the cards, a pen, envelopes, stamp address book  :D ........ I intend to get cards written by July 2019  ;)


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2018, 03:07:26 PM »

 :spin: :jiggy:   Christmas Update   :parti:

Santa has sent TESTOSTERONE! for delivery after 7th Jan when my letter from the Consultant will be with my GP  Whoo hoo!

Nurse from Meno clinic called as she promised just now saying has passed on all my info to the consultant at the clinic from our phone consult the other day and she agrees I can have it. The letter will be done...…. and I never left the house ….how efficient is that!!!

....oh dear I really do need to get a life  ::)


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2018, 03:08:13 PM »

Once the testosterone kicks in, you'll have a Life  :lol: :whist:


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2018, 03:13:27 PM »

Urgh - I'm trying to manage my expectations - my mother used to say "it doesn't do to get too excited you end up disappointed"...
And there you have it...she's a lot to answer for has my mother. ::)


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2018, 03:20:26 PM »

 ;D - that's a whole other thread  :D ........ [My Mum]


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2018, 03:36:40 PM »

I daren't start one about mine  >:(
She died when I was 32 and ruled my life until then. I still haven't managed to undo her "mantras".

She was disabled with severe rheumatoid arthritis at 26 - her father was a regimental sergeant major, my grandmother was in service, so she had a strict upbringing which she passed on when she had me.  I was the first child and then 7 years later there was my brother and the sun shone out of his behind despite the fact he nearly killed her when he was born. She lived with my first husband and I for 2 years at one point :-\

I try not to get into talking about her - I am endeavouring to airbrush her from my life but she pops up all over the place - I find myself sounding like her sometimes and it chills me to the bone.



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Re: Christmas
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2018, 05:34:12 PM »

So add to mine ;-).  People parent as they were parented, in general.  Unless 1 takes a step back ...... I'm still learning about mine  >:(  ::).

I have wrapped the gifts for Himself and given him one to keep him going  ;)

Dancing Queen

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Re: Christmas
« Reply #38 on: December 21, 2018, 06:36:55 PM »

I hope never to start acting like my Mum, in her later years she became very bitter and twisted. She had no filter on what came out of her mouth. I remember her telling me at age 30 I was too old to wear mini skirts cos my knees are fat (they actually aren`t as it happens!) and I`m still wearing them at 55. And not going to the hairdressers to have a nice "cut and set" as she was always on at me to do. The list goes on. I bemoan lack of family at Christmas but realise some people who have one have an awful lot to put up with!


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #39 on: December 21, 2018, 06:53:19 PM »

I wrapped all the presents this afternoon and I only put the tree up on Wednesday.  Every year for probably the last 15 years I have wanted to be abroad for Xmas. I never get my christmas wish. 

I try not to let my feelings rub off on the rest of the family but its not easy.  Hubby and daughter do all the veg prep. I make the stuffing, forcemeat balls, homemade bread sauce  etc and do the turkey, gravy etc.  I now buy a Xmas Pud and we have brandy cream with it.  We all enjoy our meal but TBH I am fed up with doing it after 41 years.  Son and daughters boyfriend load dishwasher and wash pots. 

Last year my daughters boyfriend stayed over and ended up being here for two weeks.  I have warned them its not happening this year as I need time to myself.  I don't mind Xmas Eve, Xmas Day and Boxing Day but thats it.



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Re: Christmas
« Reply #40 on: December 21, 2018, 09:05:13 PM »

It's Boxing Day I find difficult.  Surely by then it's all over?


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2018, 09:37:03 PM »

Oh Christmas, il be glad when it's over in the nicest possible way.
The run upmis exhausting and this year everyone is coming to me for lunch. Why oh why I offer I don't know as i get really stressed and more cranky than normal,  my husband has gone on his second  Xmas do but to be honest I'm glad of the peace. 
I've written a plan for xmas day as my memory is so so bad.  A few more days and I can r e l a x.
It's all for the children, as long as they are happy, I'm happy.
Glad I'm not the only one who finds it's a chore these days x.


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #42 on: December 21, 2018, 10:01:49 PM »

It's such a shame that so many of you do not/did not, get on with your Mums. I really miss my Mum. She died three and a half years ago and I still think about her everyday.  She was forceful and stubborn, but then so am I, but full of wisdom, caring with a huge sense of justice.

I feel very lucky to have had both my parents.


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #43 on: December 21, 2018, 11:45:33 PM »

Cheer up girls! Tis the day of the Winter Solstice - they sky was on fire at sunset driving home from the coast.  :sunny: I love this day the turn of the season heralding longer days and looking forward to spring...Cool Yule everyone! Now that it is almost Christmas we have brought our Christmas tree in from outside and will decorate it tomorrow, as everyone is here, and looking forward to our festivities with all the family! Make the most of it and count your blessings if you can! :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Christmas
« Reply #44 on: December 22, 2018, 06:14:55 AM »

I'm sooooooo looking forward to longer days.

I don't like the frantic run up to Christmas it always seeme to bring out the worst in people (shoppers and drivers !!!! ) but once the shopping is done and presents wrapped I start to relax.

I'm lucky that I had wonderful parents but only Mum my is still with us.Before  my Dad passed away they and anyonelse in the family who wanted to used to come here for Christmas dinner but the Christmas after my Dad passed my Mum said she didn't want to come here for dinner as she couldn't bear to see someone else sitting in his chair he always sat in the same seat every time he came here for dinner so that year we went out but it wasn't the same and since then my brother and sister take it in turn to host Christmas dinner so that takes a lot of the pressure off. We had been thinking we might do Christmas this year but my sister offered which is just as well as the the oven door came off in my hand earlier in the week !!! So when we get back from our holiday a new cooker is top priority fortunately I have a top oven which we can use in the meantime.
As all the boys won't be here over Christmas I'm doing Christmas dinner on 6th Jan (Spanish Christmas Day) when we are all in Lanzarote.

To those of you struggling at this time I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas.

Love Lanzalover x
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