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Author Topic: Effectiveness of HRT  (Read 3559 times)


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Effectiveness of HRT
« on: December 01, 2018, 03:08:52 PM »


I was wondering whether HRT eradicates all symptoms when you find one that suits, or is the best to hope for a good improvement of symptoms but still have some?

I am on Oestrogel 3 pumps daily (reduced down from 4) and desogestrel x 2 daily for the last 6 months.  Previously I was on Femoston 2/10 for 10 months which made me very ill.  I am having problems with bleeding but I had a transvaginal scan this week and my endometrium is extremely thin.  My specialist said this will settle down but can take upto 12 months.

So really my question is do some women still get hot flushes and night sweats, even though everything has greatly improved overall.

Thanks x


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2018, 03:23:11 PM »

I have been on/off several types of HRT for 11 years & in all that time I have never been symptom free.
However it has relieved some symptoms (mainly hot flushes)  & helped considerably with sleeping.

But most of all it enabled me to go to work every day & earn a living. Without the HRT I couldn't have done that.

Cazi x


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2018, 05:46:28 PM »

Thanks K x  I am feeling much better, but not completely symptom free, so it's good to hear from others x


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2018, 06:04:05 PM »

Hi Jasmine.  I can only speak from my own personal experience but I would say that the best one can hope for is to find a HRT that manages symptoms well with least side effects.  I've tried several preparations over the last year and it's only been in this last month that I've found a regime that works fairly well for me.  Still not perfect but I'm in a better place now than this time last year 😊

Rosie63 x


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2018, 07:49:29 PM »

Thanks Rosie, that's what I was thinking - after all it's not a wonder cure is it?! x4


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2018, 08:56:18 PM »

can I ask why you reduced your oestrogen gel from 4 to 3 pumps?
Ive just started this gel yesterday and im on 2 pumps per day, alongside 2 progesterone tablets.

Ive no idea how I would know if the dose is correct fo each medication


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2018, 09:48:27 PM »

Sadly not Jasmine. Keep us updated on your progress and take care of yourself.

Rosie x


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2018, 10:58:26 PM »

I'm with Rosie - I've tried several types of hrt over the last 18 months and feel that only now that things are starting to settle. Having said that, I'm only 4 weeks in, next week could be a whole other story xx


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2018, 06:57:25 PM »

Hi Pinkjan

Surely your GP/specialist advised you to start on this dose?

With me I started on 2 pumps on Oestrogel, increased to 3 after a couple of months then 4 after I had seen my specialist - I was still having symptoms.
Unfortunately I had very painful breasts on the higher dose and more breakthrough bleeding, so reduced to 3.  This seems to have sorted out my breast pain and the bleeding is tailing off.

It's all a matter of trying and adjusting according to how you feel.  But bear in mind it can take a good few months for things to settle down and you should go with the advice of who prescribed for you before changing anything initially.

Good luck x


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2018, 10:09:13 AM »

My gp didn't actually tell me any dose so I've gone with what the leaflet in the box says with the gel.

How does anyone know if the dose is right if I'm taking Oestrogen and progesterone.
I find it so baffling.


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2018, 02:30:43 PM »

Hi Pinkjan

I think that is really bad.  I personally would start with 2 pumps and give that a good few months.  I don't know what Progestogen you are on and as they are all so different I couldn't give an opinion.

What I would definitely do is go back to your GP and ask for more information about dose etc.

J x



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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2018, 03:33:58 PM »

Jasmine3234 My flushes and sweats were completely eliminated when I started HRT and only return when I reduce the dose or if I stop (I tried for 3 months once a few years ago). I would say that this is the minimum you should aim for. Other symptoms may be hit and miss but no flushes and sweats, to me are the baseline.

Pinkjan - as above - if your flushes and sweats have been eliminated then the minimum dose is right. If you have residual symptoms depending on what they are a further small increase might improve things. Also if on continuous combined HRT, then some symptoms may well remain if due to the progesterone being taken all the time. In this case a return to a cycle might help.

The aim is to feel as well as you can for most of the time and certainly better overall on HRT than off HRT!

Hurdity x


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2018, 06:56:41 PM »

Thanks Hurdity.

I hear what you are saying, however after being on Fem 2/10 for 10 months (how I continued is beyond me with the side effects) then on different doses of Oestrogen (having found a progestogen that I tolerate well) I had to balance the side effects of 6 months of VERY painful breasts and bleeding every day.  Even at top dose I still got the odd hot flush, night sweats still bad, but overall my other symptoms which I felt where far worse have improved dramatically.

After I reduced the Oestrogen the breast pain has nearly disappeared and the bleeding is slowing down. I talked this through with my specialist last week and overall my feeling of well being is so much better it seems pointless to start messing about again (this has been 18 months of hell)

Also bear in mind when I tried Testron I became very close to suicidal thoughts......   you swear by it.

So I just feel that maybe you have struck gold and are having a complete symptom free menopause now, which I am so pleased about, but what I was asking is this really realistic for everyone?   Benefits vs side effects especially.  x   :-\ :-*


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2018, 10:37:24 PM »

I'm sorry Jari, but 3 months is not enough to find a HRT regime that suits.

I went through hell for 10 months (probably too long) on one type because I know you have to let things settle down. 

I am now on a regime that suits me very well and I have felt better than I have in a very long time.   It just took a lot of adjusting with me.

I have tried the "natural route" I also tried phytoestrogens from a very well advertised site.  Nothing.

I am very happy that this has worked for you, but I also believe if you were feeling as bad I was then the only way to stop that is a proper hormonal supplement.   

But each to their own and what works for one does not for another. x


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Re: Effectiveness of HRT
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2018, 04:45:42 PM »

Hi again Jasmine3234

There is really nothing special about either me or my regime and I do feel that such a response (elimination of flushes and sweats without adverse side effects) should be possible for everyone - although maybe not quite as well during early-mid peri-menopause.

Thing is - I started HRT when I was very late peri-menopause. I went through months of hot flushes and sweats as I didn't intend to take HRT. Did the whole black cohosh, phyto-oestrogen diet thing, flushes came and went, I swore by the Cohosh (thought it was the bee's knees) then cursed it for not working and chucked the capsules away. In reality my own hormones were fluctuating and responsible for the coming and going of the symptoms rather than anything I was doing/taking. By the time I had been without a period for 5 months and previous to that they were very sporadic - I was late peri and my hormone levels were low so I started HRT at a time when most of the major fluctuations had ceased - and never looked back!

I'm not sure where you are in menopause but I think it can be tricky in very early - mid peri-menopause because of your own hormonal cycle. This is why some gynaes recommend the CCP for women who are young enough - especially the ones that are similar to HRT (QLAIRA or ZOELY), since they suppress the cycle but give you replacement oestrogen to eliminate flushes and sweats ( hopefully).

It was only much much later that I started testosterone - I was over 60.

re the gel - I only tried it recently and it didn't work ( Sandrena ) but perhaps should have tried a higher dose - having been on patches for 11 years I found it a faff so went back to patches. However some women absorb the gel extremely well and so achieve very high estradiol levels even from one pump. Others barely absorb it at all. Patches gave me just the right amount of oestrogen on a steady basis and worked right from the start (I had the wrong prog though initially!).

The breast pain is indicative of very high oestrogen or progestogen - difficult to say which. The oestrogen related breast pain usually settles. You are on a non-standard combo though. Taking two desogestrel pills continuously could be giving you progestogenic side effects maybe? It is puzzling that you are bleeding if your uterus lining is thin though. Have they been looked at to see if any polyps or fibroids? The other alternative is that despite taking high oestrogen, because you are taking a high dose of progestogens as well - this could be overthinning the uterus lining. If this happens it can cause ulceration and bleeding, althoiugh the fact that it stopped when you reduced the oestrogen doesn't fit with this idea!

I'm would also presume that the desogestrel is acting to suppress your cycle just as it does in the mini-pill - but if you have been bleeding this doesn't sound right?

Sorry I can't remember how old you are but if under 50 have you thought of or tried the CCP  as mentioned above, which are designed for peri-menopausal women as the oestrogen is the same as in HRT? With QLAIRA  you only take the progestogen on 17 days out of 28 from memory so may  reduce the build up of side effects if this is causing problems.

This is a bit rambly  - what does your specialist say?!

Hurdity x
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