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Author Topic: Possible interstitial cystitis  (Read 1533 times)


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Possible interstitial cystitis
« on: November 27, 2018, 10:08:50 PM »


I went to see an nhs gynaecologist urologist today (more of this later) following a referral from my doctor when I started having unusual sexual sensations vaginally on the 1 Oct, they lasted about 3 weeks.. then it turned to pain in and arid the vagina, nothing major.

 I managed to find an experienced women's Physio Therapist who was familiar with trigger points (testing) for the pundendal nerve. After her examination she said my pelvis had good tone and bulk and no pudendal compression could be found as I did not feel pain or tingling etc when she pushed down on the nerve.
She wrote to my gynaecologist suggesting we had an mri scan to rule out tarlov cycsts to the base of my spine which may be putting pressure on the pudendal nerve. Hence my appt today.

In the weeks leading up to today's appointment my symptoms have changed. I have mild pain in and outside of the V stabbing internally, one occasion of tingling to the outside skin , sense of burning skin to the outside and pain in and around the vulva. Again nothing major very mild.
 I've been peeing 20 times a day and night for donkeys years, never questioned it bc I can nip to my loo across from my home office,

I Also started with sciatica and lower lower back ache if I'm sat in a car or lead flat on my sacrum and restless legs...all coming and going. But I've been in bed a month with depression and the sacrum has took most of my weight.
I have some hyper sensitive issues to my buttocks sacrum legs and spine all the way up to my shoulders and upper arms.. clothing touches me and I shiver.. no pain. That started weeks ago but has got worse.

Other than that, I had one 3 hour episode during a very heavy period were I had the fake sensation of needing a pee for 3 hours...was horrible but it passed and that was months ago.. a friend of mine whose younger said she gets that a lot on and off. menopause (she has hysterectomy no HRT)

I started Vagifem and shortly after HRT about 3 or 4 weeks ago.

I have always had a weak bladder, even as a child I remember mum always complaining on car trips that they had to pull over all the time.
The last 19 years I've worked from home and so it's very easy to get up from my office chair and take a pee. I do believe I've got into a bad habit of going as soon as I feel the sensation.

If for some reason I can't get to a loo it's uncomfortable sure, doesn't hurt, no pressure to my stomach I just lean forward and actually it passes a little bit but it doesn't go away. The night times I do go 2 or 3 times. Again I am not sure if I've made it a habit. You know if you get insomnia and your tossing and turning.. ? Well I'll go to the loo 7 times bc I think
“Better go pee or it might keep me awake”

I seem to feel,the need to pee more at nights bc I'm dehydrated from stop drinking at 7 and not drinking much before that. So stronger urune,
No burning or anything..

The gyno performed a pelvic and vagina exam. I've Never had a vagina exam before.
He pulled my labia really hard and used a cotton bud to touch various locations externally around the vulva. Well, he went very close to my clitoris and I jumped. Wasn't expecting it for a start.
He said “oh you're sensitive there”
Isn't everyone?

I've seen images online of these types of vagina cotton bud examinations and ALWAYS cringed at the images as they stretch the outer labia and put cotton buds right next to the clitoris... makes me shudder to think of it,,.i had always assumed the woman was under general anaesthetic in those images bc it looked painful especially when the cotton bud was on the clitoris.
I've always been the kind in sex that  couldn't cope with too much pressure on that area.. less is more for me.. gentle gentle ..
Anyway I digress...
He did it again to the clitoris but I was prepared for it the next time so I didn't jump but sure, the area directly around my clitoris is sensitive to touch.
It also hurt during and after from where he had my labia spread eagled, he pulled on my lips quite hard! Even as I'm writing this I'm sore from where he's pulled the upper outer labia..bearing in mind I may have early VA henbe the Vagifem. 🙄

The rest was all normal the sensation

Then he did internal exam, and I jumped a bit when he touched an area which turned out to be the front wall of my vagina. He explained that's where my bladder was (isn't that also where the G spot is?)
Interestingly, after me and hubby resumed sexual relations after a 6 year gap the first time I felt discomfort to the front wall of my vagina but only once.
Not had pain in sex since.

He's hinting it may be interstitial cystitis 😑 I was not happy bc I've heard it's untreatable and awful. He said it used to be considered a bad diagnosis but these days there's more treatment options (?)

I've never had UTI in my life, had urune tested last week and nothing he sId white blood count was fine.
Any hint of cystitis I've ever had and a tall glass of water cured me and I can count on one hand how often that's happened too..

I think he's clutching at straws but anyway he's booked me in for an mri to put my mind at rest about cycsts addung “I think the results will be favourable” which is rare for them to make a comment like that... I guess he's basically saying they're very rare based on his experience. I'll feel bette once I know for sure.

Then I go back and he'll do a camarea in my bladder to check for inflammation and ulcers. I've got a sheet to complete showing when I drink how much and when I pee and how much.

Thing is, I'm never a big drinker...lucky if I get 3 pints of liquid in me a day including coffee. I'm never thirsty.

I've heard IC is something they diagnose when they've exhausted all other avenues.

Any experiences ladies ?

Found this link very interesting
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 02:07:06 PM by Roseenglish »


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Re: Possible interstitial cystitis
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2018, 02:02:02 PM »


Sorry it's long.. I do tend to waffle.

I'm finding it difficult to believe I've got IC ... and as only 10% of people who have their bladder examined with a camera have visible ulcers I'm wondering whether it's worth me going in for it.

If I drink more water and try to increase my bladder time (I honestly go to the loo just bc I'm passing ...I've just noticed I'm doing it..get back off pronto

I don't have faith in this gynaecologist he seemed determined to diagnose me claiming I ticked a lot of boxes 😒