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Author Topic: Bravo Mariella  (Read 7258 times)


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2018, 11:37:20 AM »

Hot flushes I had a bit of steam coming out of my ears  - my verdict on it - beyond useless and probably did more harm than good!! 
So... (1) Jennie Murry fed the idea that HRT causes breast cancer and gave a more convincing argument than the women who provided the proper research and then they never covered the bit about some women having a predisposition to getting breast cancer anyway and then taking HRT on top made the possibility of them developing it higher.  Stellajane is bang on with her comment - I mean 9 women she knew all got breast cancer.....?
(2) the group of women who were given cognitive behavioural therapy to help them "overcome" their symptoms aided and abetted those GP's who say - "you don't need HRT - just think positive".  They will all be saying it more no doubt since its been "proven" on the telly.
(3)  I understand what they were trying to say about bone density and that it is help by exercise but it never addressed the reason why a lot of women don't exercise (because they can barely get out of bed and get dressed before collapsing in a fatigued heap!) but it also fed those lazy GP's on "oh get out more your bad menopause off!!)
(4) it mentioned dry vaginas in passing but no indication of what that is like
(5) it never mentioned the devastating effect that someones bad menopause can have on family and partners
(6) it never mentioned loss of libido or marriage once
(7)  they mentioned flushes lots and mentioned depression, lack of energy, brain fog, anxiety in passing!
( They talked about japanese women not suffering so much due to soy in their diet but didn't suggest that in the UK "turning japanese" was never going to work - because japanese society views their women over 45-50 completely differently.
(9)  they gave a very false impression of how the NHS (doesnt deal) with menopause and instilled false hope that you could get your blood tested to work out what to do
(10)  One of the women who was menopausal in the group given CBT had to speak at conferences and obviously had quite a high powered job - but there was never any mention of how debilitating the symptoms of bad menopause and how the work place needs to adjust to women working longer and longer in our society than they ever did before.

Oh and the icing on the cake for me was spending 10 minutes talking about how research has found you can reverse the menopause by taking an ovary out before they pack up altogether having it frozen and then re-implanted to the one left where it grafts and starts to generate hormones, and can even generate eggs - this was primarily for young women who had had cancer treatment - which in itself is absolutely brilliant dont get me wrong  - but was completely out of context as there was no further information given on the number of women who suffer from all sorts of other surgical menopause and how it actually affects them.

Oh and your women the consultant should have been more forceful about women taking it for life not this "oh you need to comee of it in 5 years2 cr*p

And another 10 dispelling the male menopause   

Urgh...shall I gone on....huh.."Telling the Truth about Menopause" - well that's the wrong title for the program. "Continuing the Myths around Menopause" more like! 

Useless, flaming useless...     Nothing of practical use at all Kathleen....oh and one whisper I believe about this website someone said and I missed it - I'm with droopy draws



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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2018, 12:39:32 PM »

I Guess the main thing for me is that it has opened up a debate.

Indeed not perfect by any means and there was a lot not covered. It is something that the NHS need to invest in as it effects half the population and we are living longer , so we will be in menopause for 20 years minimum. It is only now and continuing into the future that the long term effects will become more evident, both health and economically.

We are all communicating more about the subject and realising that the issues suffered need addressing. Not that long ago women were put into mental assylums due to menopause.

Progress is slow, but there is progress.

Pepperminty x



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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2018, 01:02:46 PM »

I just thought it was such a massively wasted opportunity and that it continued to reinforce male doctors already stupid notions! >:(


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2018, 01:16:58 PM »

Brava, Ladybt28!  :clapping:

Conolly X


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2018, 01:48:26 PM »

Right behind you DD,Harley Street!?!?her gynaecologist looked like she fell out of a glamour magazine,bloody hell has she been to an nhs waiting room recently with the under funded over worked staff?
For me,the programme didn't touch on anything new,don't get me wrong,good to highlight the menopause and what women go through but the majority of us have a 10 minute dr appointment (if lucky) & come away feeling let down.
Male menopause? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha If there was such a thing we'd have a cure by now


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2018, 02:21:32 PM »

Hello ladies.

I enjoyed the programme and thought it was much more informative than Kirsty Wark's effort about a year ago. To be fair to Mariella she is just a journalist trying to cover all the bases of her subject and she was allowing us to follow her personal journey which is why we saw her meno specialist ( who had an incredible hair do btw).

I think the most interesting thing was the discovery of another hormone that controls hot flushes. It made me wonder if there are any other hormonal discoveries to be made and is our fixation on Oestrogen and Progesterone doing us a disservice.

All in all the programme was a worthy effort and hopefully there will be more interest in the subject as a result of it.

Take care ladies.



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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2018, 02:31:07 PM »

I had a thought - you see when they injected the women who wasn't menopausal in her 30's with the protein/chemical that is supposed to cause the flushes and it brought them on - what about injecting some male doctors with it and see what they have to say!

I have to say that my posts are a little spikey today!!   >:( :-X :lol:


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2018, 02:38:59 PM »

Hello spikey,
I like your sense of humour  :rofl:

Conolly X


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2018, 02:42:33 PM »

It has opened up debate.  But she didn't explain why she was seeing a Private Specialist.  Whether she had problems with her GP or whether she opted to go private as it was quicker and a more direct approach?

Jennie Murray was not the best person to discuss about HRT though I suppose, because she has been open about taking it a well as being diagnosed with breast disease, Mierella was able to approach her. 

Interesting that they were taken to a Japanese sushi bar ......... some plant based foods are supposed to increase oestrogens however: I was told after breast treatment to avoid anything that increased oestrogen so how does that equate?  The last thing my Oncologist told me was "No HRT for you!"  Then prescribed Tamoxifen which almost killed me.

It was also not pointed out that Japanese women *used* to have less menopasusal symptoms but in more recent years, particularly since fast food arrived on the islands, that women are in fact, suffering more ........... of course I can't remember where I read that but it was in the last 5 years. 

As for cycling  >:( if they saw the state of our roads they wouldn't suggest it as an option.  It was a bit behind the times, its' been known for years that brisk walking, 10 mins. daily, helps stave off osteoporosis.  Add to that many Educational Authorities selling off playgrounds for housing, with the agreement of the Governments of the Day, means that children have less exercise.  Here, because the children would have to walk the mile to the playing fields from school, when the bus costs went up 'too high', they no longer get taken to do 'games'  :-\.  Add to that many more children not eating dairy and in general, not going out to play ....... they are laying down problems Whole Sale!

This programme needs a follow up.  Maybe send her information about MM .......... ? as well as letting her know how difficult it is for patients to get appropriate consideration.

Her Gynae may have whispered that she will remain on HRT for Life doesn't equate to what she would tell her clients ;-).  Had she said there is no need to stop after 5 years, it would have had more impact for me.  Why is it such a difficulty in deciding, if it were diabetic treatment no one would consider stopping it!
« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 03:20:58 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2018, 02:48:44 PM »

I have to say that my posts are a little spikey today!!   >:( :-X :lol:

Just a tad!


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2018, 02:56:16 PM »

Men CANNOT have a menopause.  End of.  The Consultant in Harley Street who deals with mens' problems seemed to be using testosterone?  Self prescribed, which would be illegal - surmising here  :-\.

Interesting that we didn't get to know his speciality but the next 'specialist' interviewed told the viewer that he doesn't believe men have that much of a problem. It is known that they can father children until on their death bed.  So hopefully GPs who have men with erectile problems in their Surgery are more sympathetic!
« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 03:17:14 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #26 on: November 27, 2018, 02:57:40 PM »

Well I've just watched the programme and I thought it was a pretty decent stab at a complex subject that most people don't understand, and that will also go for the cutting room crew who will have taken hundreds of hours of footage and dialogue and distilled it down to an hour long programme.  So much will have been left out, reduced down and cut oddly simply to make it fit the programme and to keep the viewing public interested.  You have to remember half the women around us are in denial/oblivious and wouldn't watch this programme as they would feel it was admitting to some failure or something and the other half of the population are men so it's quite hard to put a programme together that will appeal to the biggest number of viewers.

No way were they every going to use NHS services for this.  Almost no medical programme ever does.  It's too crowded, grubby and depressing and likely never to find the same doctor twice to complete the filing with!

It was a good basic on what to expect in general.  Some ideas how to counter it and some thoughts about alternatives.  The HRT part was using body identical products although that wasn't included in the film we saw, and the advice was roughly right.  Personally I can't stand Jennie Murry and her bashing of HRT all the time.  She was really unlucky.  She got a terrible disease.  There is no reason to think she got it because she was on HRT.  She could likely have got it anyway. I think she's doing a lot of damage to menopause symptom relief at the moment and we need a better counter advocate to work against her.

So the programme gets a thumbs up from me.  Better to have it seen and talked about than not at all.

I did feel sorry for the poor dumpy woman in the non-exercise group who said she was just too worn out to exercise.  I'd put money on her being undiagnosed hypothyroid.  Her body shape screams it.  So she has a double whammy and is now feeling miserable and guilty knowing that she feels awful, has lost her love of life and her body has let her down both internally with advancing bone loss and externally with the fat suit it's given her to labour under.  She needs help, but unless she wakes up and fights for it she won't get it.


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #27 on: November 27, 2018, 03:20:48 PM »

I had a thought - you see when they injected the women who wasn't menopausal in her 30's with the protein/chemical that is supposed to cause the flushes and it brought them on - what about injecting some male doctors with it and see what they have to say!

I have to say that my posts are a little spikey today!!   >:( :-X :lol:
😂🤣😅  brilliant ladybt


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #28 on: November 27, 2018, 03:31:01 PM »

SueLW - only a tad?! - argh it really got up my nose!  3 days into progesterone cycle, that's my excuse although my childen describe variously as "opinionated" or "downright touchy" (most of the time  :))
 - On a completely different note - how do you do the "quote" box thing where you pick up sentences from others posts?

I thought her gynae was a brilliant advert for HRT for life - and Jaypo, she most certainly hasn't been in an NHS meno clinic in years and whoever said it, yes she has amazing hair! but I'm not sure you would get any better advice from her because her office looked like something out of Beverly Hills - in fact it would put me off a bit!  And yes CLKD - if she had come out quite clearly saying that for most women there is no problems in taking it and if she had said something about the cancer risk I agree it would have upped her credibility massively, I mean the program hardly covered a representative amount of women who came out and said they were taking HRT and how it had helped them.  I thought they focused too much on strategies to avoid HRT.  Your right the cycling is more likely to kill you than HRT.

Funny how you mentioned Japan and the introduction of fast food.  The women at the very beginning said that obesity had a greater effect on breast cancer by 23% than HRT.  I'm pretty sure that there is a lot to be said for plastics and pollution in the modern world affecting hormones and the rise in hormone problems generally even outside menopause such as infertility and the rise in people who are "confused" and the fact that fish (of all things) are changing sex mid life!  Scientists don't call them "gender bending" chemicals for nothing and they must affect us women as well which might be why menopause symptoms in this day and age might be more dramatic than in years gone by. 

Hey StellaJane - its not evil at all - just think of it as "in the interests of equality"!!  They invented pregnancy bumps to strap onto men didn't they...... inclusive and perspective - those are the words I'm looking for!


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Re: Bravo Mariella
« Reply #29 on: November 27, 2018, 03:57:39 PM »

SueLW - only a tad?! - argh it really got up my nose!  3 days into progesterone cycle, that's my excuse although my childen describe variously as "opinionated" or "downright touchy" (most of the time  :))
 - On a completely different note - how do you do the "quote" box thing where you pick up sentences from others posts?

If you want to quote a bit of someone else's post, use the "Quote" button up on the right at the top of their post.  Can you see it?  It's not in the command bar at the bottom where you do a normal post or reply from. 

When you hit the quote button you arrive on the reply with the whole of the message you want to quote from at the top of the reply box.  The first line of the quoted message has a line of code at the front of it encased in square brackets.  That's the start of the quote.  At the bottom of the quote is another line of code encased in square brackets /quote, which means end of quote. 

Provided you leave those two lines of code complete, you can edit/remove any part of the message to focus on what you wish to reply to. 

Then move the cursor outside of the lower line of code into the blank space and you can type your reply.  I hope that makes sense.
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