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Author Topic: How do i know if my estrogen will balance added testosterone  (Read 1018 times)


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How do i know if my estrogen will balance added testosterone
« on: November 26, 2018, 05:04:12 PM »

Hi ladies

I am concidering taking testosterone. How do i know if my estrogen levels are adequate in my system to counter act the testosterone? For instance I may not be absorbing the estrogen as well or I may just have a low level. I think you need a fair amount of estrogen to counter act any added testosterone? I don't want to end up bald with a beard. I am on Femosten 1/10 with an extra half tablet of testosterone every other day. Do I need any tests?

Thanks Pepperminty x


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Re: How do i know if my estrogen will balance added testosterone
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2018, 06:05:16 PM »

Hi pepperminty

It's not a question of counteracting as such - it's all very complicated and I don't really understand it - only an specialist endocrinologist knows in depth. However as women we are characterised by a certain ratio of oestrogen to testosterone - governed to some extent by our XX chromosomes! At menopause our oestrogen levels drop dramatically whereas our testosterone levels fall gradually from maybe age 30-40 ish (not sure exactly). At this point (menopause) the balance shifts more towards testosterone which is why women experence more androgenic (male) characteristics - such as straight down body shape ( slimmer hips and thighs, thicker waist) as well as less hair where we want it (head) - also less pubic/armpit hair, and more where we don't want it (lips and chin!). Adding oestrogen restores this balance somewhat but adding testosterone can also shift it back again. It is not a precise science - we don't know what level oestrogen should be but probably it would be best to achieve approx the average over the menstrual cycle - or enough to eliminate flushes and sweats at the very least ( provided not on ADs when you might not be able to tell!) - preferably more. A specialist menopausal gynaecologist should be able to advise, but any doc who is prescribing replacement testosterone should be measuring your blood levels of  T and SHBG to check that you are not overdosing. Whereas it doesn't matter about your actual oestrogen level - because we are women, I think it does matter if we overdose on T if we want to prevent androgenic characteristics.

If you are peri-menopausal then this is less of an issue - as you will be ovulating and probably producing plenty of oestrogen anyway - it's when we reach menopause that is becomes more crucial I would say.

What made your specialist prescribe T in the first place? If it was low libido then depressed libido can be a cosnequence of oral HRT anyway so ideally T replacement should be for women on transdermal oestrogen. There is a complex relationship with SHBG which also binds oestrogen ...

Anyway, do ask your GP or specialist to test your T and SHBG levels - this would be good practice even though T tests for women are not especially accurate, and ideally your oestrogen too.

Hurdity x



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Re: How do i know if my estrogen will balance added testosterone
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2018, 06:26:12 PM »

Thanks Hurdity,

I am considering it only at the moment. I do not know exactly whether I am still peri at nearly 52, but I have noticed bat wing arms, saggy skin, more chin hairs and more deflated breasts recently. They used to get a bit bigger round my cycle, so I am assuming that I am near menopause. I am noy sure just how much estrogen I have in my body .My libido has reduced also muscles are more tired after exercise.
I know that too much T is not good. Perhaps I should wait a while as I intend to go to transdermal if I can when I reach mid 50's. Not sure I want to rock the boat at the moment. We  are lucky to have support here from those who are very knowledgable like yourself and whom are very supportive. I will get tests done before I go down that road, but gathering all the info I can,

