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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.  (Read 3529 times)


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New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« on: November 19, 2018, 03:37:05 PM »

Hi everyone. I need advice/support.

I feel pretty alone. I've tried to discuss this with my mother but she has not been very supportive. Just tells me I just need to go through it.

Pretty sure I'm in peri. I am 50 years old. 51 next month. I noticed a change 4 years ago. I had a super heavy period then went 6 weeks to my next one. Since then, they have been regular,  every 25 days. Some cycles I will spot for 4 days then have 2 days of extremely heavy bleeding and then it tapers off. Some cycles are normal.

2 years ago I started spotting midcycle. It prompted a Dr. visit. I was diagnosed with fibroids. The mid cycle spotting stopped for a year only to return last December and has been showing up every month since then. The last 2 periods were 8 to 10 days long. My heaviest days were day 4 and 5. Right now I am mid cycle. But I am still spotting. 6 days now and also heavier than usual but not like a period.

I am also tired. Can't fall asleep easy. Can't stay asleep. Heart beats fast. Not really hot flashes but upset stomache here and there. I'm making another Dr. appt and I'm starting to freak myself out plus my anxiety is through the roof as well as my mood swings.

Is this all a part of peri or could it be something more? And how long does this crap typically go on? My quality of life has been drastically reduced out of fear of the heavy periods. I can't plan anything anymore.

Thank you for reading.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2018, 04:22:33 PM by MomofSprinter »


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2018, 04:22:28 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM

All very typical for peri menopause I'm afraid.  The Mirena may well be the answer to your prayers - it will often shrink fibroids, reduce erratic and problematic bleeding and can stop bleeding altogether eventually. If you do develop flushes and other meno symptoms, then you can simply add in a bit of oestrogen as gel or patch.

Here is the article that explains what is going on through peri meno:

Here is the info on the Mirena:
Mirena is a levonorgestrel (type of progestogen) releasing system which sits inside the womb, gradually releasing the progestogen into the womb. It is licensed in the UK and Ireland as a contraceptive agent, for treatment of heavy periods and, from August 2004, also for the progestogen component of HRT. It can be used in both the perimenopause and postmenopause and it is particularly useful for:

Persistent progestogenic side effects from systemic HRT despite changes in type and route of progestogen.
When contraception is required along with HRT in the perimenopause.
When withdrawal bleeds on sequential HRT are heavy, after investigation if indicated. (see WHEN TO BE REFERRED )
With Mirena in place, systemic estrogen alone can be taken as the Mirena provides adequate protection of the womb lining and the estrogen dose and route can be tailored to meet the individual's needs.

Progestogenic absorption throughout the body is minimal so reducing progestogenic side effects. The effect of Mirena on the womb lining can significantly reduce bleeding and when used as part of an HRT regimen, in time, 30 to 60% of women have no bleeding at all. Although Mirena used for contraception is licensed for 5 years, the license for use for the progestogen part of HRT is currently 4 years.

DG x


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2018, 04:57:01 PM »

Thank you. Guess part of me needs reassured that I'm not going crazy and/or dying but that this is all part of the process.

I do need some sort of medical intervention as I simply cannot take the heavy periods anymore. They are wearing me out.  I go through 1 super plus tampon every hour for anywhere from 12 to 36 hours. My breasts used to ache before a period but that has stopped for months now which leads me to believe I am no longer producing progesterone and I'm estrogen dominant.

And the perimenopausal rage and crying fits I can't stand anymore. My poor husband. I would've left me months ago. Lol. I notice it now though and can somewhat control it.


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2018, 05:21:37 PM »


Sounds within normal limits from where I'm sitting.  Some ladies find that keeping a mood/symptom/food diary helpful to chart progress, also to take along when you have any appts..

Heavy bleeds can be eased with medication from your GP.  Maybe see your Nurse Practitioner for a well woman check: BP, weight, over-haul the diet ....... and discuss the options.  Keep hydrated and when you feel able, do gentle exercise.  Brisk walking 10 mins daily stops osteoporosis and can raise endorphins which will help.

Print off 'notes for husbands' on here and hand over ;-).  It is The Change - does what it says on the tin. 

My periods waxed and waned.   I had a polyp which bled on contact which diasppaered at peri..  My Gynae wanted to operate  ::).

You are not going crazy.   You are unlikely to have anything 'awful'. 


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2018, 06:19:08 PM »

Momofsprinter - oestrogen dominance doesn't really exist as such - it's simply that you are missing ovulation so not producing progesterone that will keep the womb lining from building up too much and causing heavy and erratic bleeding  If you want relief from the bleeding then the Mirena would be your easiest option or you could take progesterone orally as well. DG x


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2018, 07:12:08 PM »

 :thankyou:  DG


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2018, 07:14:56 PM »

How long does this typically last. I'd love a break from a period a month or 2 here and there. Just to keep from the ridiculous blood loss and also to keep my sanity. :)

Unfortunately for me, I'm not that lucky. They are 25 days apart. Used to be 28 days to the hour. Like clockwork. Now 4 or 5 days of spotting before the heavy bleed. The only thing that does is get my hopes up of having a light period. Then that gets squashed when the heavy stuff kicks in.

The only thing predictable is the mid cycle spotting for 2 or 3 days. Always at ovulation, followed by my period 14 days later. This time though, 6 days of spotting mid cycle. Now I don't know when my next period will show up.

This whole thing sucks.


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2018, 07:16:57 PM »

That's also interesting about not having estrogen dominance. Everything I've come across tells you otherwise. There is not a lot of info about menopause on the internet, which sucks. Glad I found this forum. :)


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2018, 07:44:36 PM »

I'm in the "estrogen dominance" state too. My estrogen isn't high though. I'm just not ovulating regularly anymore and not producing enough progesterone. My cycles have done like yours....25 days now instead of the clockwork 28. I bleed for 10 days now...a few days heavy and then spotting for several more.

All estrogen dominance really means is that your hormones aren't balanced and estrogen is the higher. I've added in progesterone and feel the best I have in months! I've actually been anxiety free (mostly-one day during my period) for 3 weeks. That's a big deal for me after being in an almost constant state of anxiety and panic. My sleep is better and I'm not constantly crying anymore.
I don't expect this to last forever but right now it is great.

Dangermouse explained things really well in another thread...I'm going to see if I can find it.,41806.0.html


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2018, 08:28:36 PM »

'dominance' is the wrong word  ::)

Heavy bleeds can be eased with medication, do ask your GP/Prescribing Nurse.  Pharmacists have private rooms for discussions too.  Make sure that you aren't becoming anaemic.

Oestrogen levels drop naturally at peri-menopause.  Any upset in the hormones can make a lady feel awful  :-\



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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2018, 10:53:28 PM »

CKLD has done a good post.
Momofsprinter - you don't have to put up with heavy bleeding - you can either have some progesterone orally or have a Mirena fitted - this would give you the help you need.
Discuss these options with your GP and get a blood test to see if you need some iron and also get your vitamin d level checked as well. DG x


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2018, 01:01:19 AM »

Thank you everyone. This thread alone has helped me more than you know. Like I said, I literally have no one to share my concerns with. I'm the oldest of my sisters and the first to go through it. My mother, love her, but she is not supportive. I have been searching and searching for answers. Even with my obgyn who has not been very helpful. I'm switching Drs.

I started iron a bit ago to keep anemia at bay, but I suspect my levels are off so another round of bloodwork will be in order. I'll also check into the mirena coil. I'm guessing they offer it in the USA. That's where I am.

I feel much better and not so scared. The mind is a powerful thing. Thank you for helping to ease it.


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2018, 01:34:27 AM »

Yes the Mirena is available in the US (that's where I am). My sister had it for awhile. I hope you can find a more helpful OB/GYN.


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2018, 11:05:38 AM »

 :thankyou:  DG - the Forum is about sharing experiences and ideas so that ladies can take what is required now and shelf anything for later ;-)

Let us know how you get on.


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Re: New here. Can't take it anymore. Heavy bleeds.
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2018, 01:08:23 PM »

Thank you.

Still spotting since I ovulated or not ovulated. 9 days already. Now dealing with sore breasts. Something I haven't had before a period for months. I'm thinking my period is on it's way again but hoping it's a lighter one.

Ready to get off this rollercoaster.
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