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Author Topic: Off balance feeling/spaced out  (Read 1441 times)


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Off balance feeling/spaced out
« on: November 13, 2018, 12:10:06 PM »

Hi :) New member here & feeling totally confused. I'm 49 & not had a period now for 12 months & not yet started any hrt. My main symptom for the past 2.5 years is a constant 24/7 feeling of being off balance. Not dizzy but kind of. My head feels weird & spaced out & im really struggling in social situations to follow conversations etc & very intolerant of noise. Supermarkets & busy places make me feel loads worse. Has anyone else had this as their main meno symptom & if so did hrt help them? I don't get flushes but I do get slight tingling/numbness in fingertips & brain fog. I have been checked by a neurologist who said he thought I would grow out of it eventually ??? Some days are not so bad as others but I can still feel it there in the background.


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Re: Off balance feeling/spaced out
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2018, 12:25:04 PM »

Hi and welcome to MM

If you don't have flushes or other major menopause symptoms then HRT may not help.  I would get your blood pressure checked and perhaps your Vitamin D and iron levels checked as well. I wonder if you have an inner ear infection?

I wonder if the right type of exercise might be helpful - you could have trapped nerves in your neck, so perhaps see an osteopath and try Pilates classes?.

Getting enough exercise and following a good diet can make a big difference to how you feel and function. Have a good look at your lifestyle and see if there are some small things you could improve on e.g. smaller meals that are high in nutrients, do you practise relaxation techniques? Do you get out for brisk walks daily?

So much is affected by the menopause - it's not called 'The Change' for nothing.  You might want to consider HRT as you are quite young to be oestrogen deficient.  5 years of HRT in our 50s can protect your heart and bones for the long term. DG x


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Re: Off balance feeling/spaced out
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2018, 07:58:35 PM »

Hi Mineva

I am 48, likely in late peri and have had dizzy spells etc as well on and off but also flushes, nausea, sleeping issues related peri menopause. Exercise improves this but for me there is a clear link with these symptoms starting and late peri phase. Up until mid 2017 I had some minor symptoms but nothing like all the symptoms over the last year or so. This is very annoying and for me exercise and brisk walks (to and from work or other) seem to help best but things are far from perfect on some days. I am not on HRT (yet) but may consider it next year. I do hope that your symptoms improve and all the best. Anna


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Re: Off balance feeling/spaced out
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2018, 08:06:48 PM »

It's a “yes” from me to those symptoms, even down to the pins and needles.
Often feel like I can't remember things and I have a “moment”, combined with feeling sick, etc.
No hot flushes but tons of other perimenopausal symptoms.
I'm 46, by the way.
So sorry to hear that you feel confused and not yourself. I don't recognise myself anymore xxxx


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Re: Off balance feeling/spaced out
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2018, 09:09:43 PM »

Thanks for your replies & it is good to know that others are having similar symptoms. My weird head/off balance feeling first started in late peri after a 4 month gap without a period. The day it started, so did the feeling in my head, along with very heavy bleeding for a fortnight. I assumed it was low iron levels & was checked for this & many other things (can't remember now what!) but tests all came back normal along with a normal ecg & blood pressure. I feel certain that this weird head thing is hormonal & I discussed going on hrt with my doctor 3 months ago & she is happy for me to try it but wanted me back in 3 months time so I could start continual Combined HRT. I'm also getting insomnia & anxiety & horrible nightmares where I often wake up shouting for help! Not good when you live in a terrace house :o


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Re: Off balance feeling/spaced out
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2018, 06:56:27 PM »

Hi Mineva,

Yes, my worst symptoms started when I initially had a gap of over 55 days, then another longer gap of over 3 months without period, anxiety and headaches also being further symptoms. I never or hardly ever suffered from headaches and anxiety before but these symptoms with dizziness, nausea and insomnia were very unpleasant to say the least. I had another long gap of over 4 months between periods this year with a lot of like "phantom PMS symptoms" throughout the year feeling as if period would be starting for weeks with nothing happening other than crazy hormone fluctuations likely causing all of this. Insomnia was bad for me over the summer but luckily this has improved. I also had very oily skin up to about May this year, and then, as if a switch was flicked, my skin became very dry in one go on the face especially. I guess that must have been due to a large drop in oestrogen, which has been measured as very low around that time (below 20), FSH over 30 as well (at 4th day of period). All of this is just so random but I am finding (or hoping) that things are improving now slowly. I hope that you will also find things getting better.
