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Author Topic: Is anything particularly recommended if you have your uterus and no ovaries?  (Read 1983 times)


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The nurse wasn't sure what I needed as she hadn't come across anyone with a uterus & without ovaries

Seeing the GP again tomorrow to ask questions (but I'm not sure what to ask)

I only arrived here today & I will try not to do too many threads - but I have so many questions ::)


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Maybe keep to one thread so that you don't get lost  ;D

I think someone with experience should be along ......... or put oophorectomy ? into the search box to see what pops up?  There are several threads, I just looked ;-)


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There are other women in this position including some members on here. You just need normal HRT but possibly oestrogen at a higher dose. Ideally because of this try separate oestrogen and progesterone so that you can increase the oestrogen dose to suit. If you can tolerate it then have a Mirena fitted as there is no problem increasing the oestrogen as your womb lining will be controlled. Depending on how you get on you may also need testosterone - although there is no licesned preparation for women at the moment - but get your oestrogen levels up first. I would suggest patch or gel oestrogen. When was your op and how old are you?

Hurdity x


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Thanks Hurdity

I am 50 and it was on 12th October (no idea why I wrote 23th October originally sorry)
« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 06:53:33 PM by Katymac »


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What is the coil made out of? I have sensitivities to metals and to some plastics ( but sensibly no one has checked to see which ones)

The GP has suggested I research on here


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Hiya. I am in same position as you. Ovaries removed but not uterus. I have been told that if I use oestrogen I must also use progesterone to protect the womb.certainly for systemic Hrt  this will mean a combination.
I am getting blood tests soon (I'm 10 weeks post op). Which includes testosterone levels.
I am also going to ask for a bone density test as there is a history of osteoporosis among the women in my family. I personally believe if I can take a supplement or medication to protect bone density I will.
I intend to take hrt if possible. It's an individual decision and some people seem to favour natural supplements.
I'm just beginning to realise how complicated this all is and it can be overwhelming when you first start to research. I calmed down after reading somgood advice on here. I took a deep breath and thought about what side effects I need and want to tackle.

I might add that post op I had some realy strange numbness in my limbs and went to gp who did a blood test. She called me back and told me my folic acid was low. I'm now on b12 and folic acid tablets. Folic acid can be low post menopause which is where we both are since our operations.
I would say ask questions. Think about what is important to you and make sure you convey this to gp and or  consultant.i feel I wasn't adequately informed after my op and I plan to make sure I don't get fobbed off again. I will be pushing to attend a menopause clinic (which I didn't know existed til I came on here) maybe  u could consider that too. We deserve to have our health needs met and not minimised..
Hope you find this forum as helpful as I have and I wish you well.



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That is interesting thank you

I already take a very high dose B12 (although they made me stop pre-op as they weren't sure which supplements affect anesthetics) and a pretty high dose of Methyl Folate (which is apparently absorbed more easily)

I am a bit (a lot?) overwhelmed atm and the GP today asked me to research and work out what I wanted

I want a Dexa scan
I think I prefer the idea of gel to a tablet - patches scare me as I am allergic to plasters

but I am only 3 days into the site so who knows what else we can work out ::)

How long before you drove or went back to work?  I can't imagine being well enough yet?


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Hiya . I was told to not lift anything heavier than a bag of sugar and not to "jump around too much for 6 weeks after and not to drive for 6 weeks either.
I had keyhole but a slightly larger than usual scar at the bikini line due to the way they had to remove cyst.
The outside scars healed fairly quickly but remember there is internal healing going on as well.
How do you feel physically at the moment?


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After my appendix was removed I was told not to lift anything heavier than a kettle. Then the boiler went wrong so I was hauling a blow heater from room to room  ::)

Good answer Tc  :thankyou:

Let us know how you get on!  I think it's negligent that patients are not told about what they will require post op.!!


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Well they said no driving until I could do an emergency stop - I said so 4-6 weeks and she sort of frowned and said maybe longer :'(

I'm nearly 4 weeks and don't think I am there yet - I'm hardly walking any instance yet

My scar is about 5-6 inches plus the other 2 little ones (tummy button one has got thrush!! Which is a bugger as I am allergic to canestan)

I am drained, not sleeping well and still in a good amount of pain - the gp took blood tests in case there is any infection inside

At least I am losing weight 8kgs!!  In just over 5 weeks (since I weighted myself last)


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Canestan vaginally made me burn, I had to sit in a bath of cool water for 2 hours.  Never again.

Had forgotten about not being able to drive - after 5 weeks I knew if I didn't get behind the wheel 'now' I never would so I took the car out on a quiet day around the village.  Job done.  It's in case the seat belt cuts into the abdominal region which could cause internal damage.

Enjoy the rest!  Plenty on TV all day  ;)


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I went for a (very) short walk today - not great but small steps

Not really watching TV - but of reading, bit of Mumsnet & here; I'm not cognatively 'there' yet for anything more (reminds me must watch Dr Who from Sunday!!)


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 :foryou: hiya ladies. Katymac, I did still have some pain after 4 weeks. It has eased a lot. I found that I moved around more easily after about 6 or 7 weeks but still felt pain from being jolted I going over bumps in car
.for several weeks after op  i had been struggling to get into my high sided bath and used a stool but one day I just got in and suddenly realised I'd done it with no pain or awkwardness.
You have had a rough time and don't forget we have had major surgery. So it is still early days for you. It's even still early days for me but I have noticed improvement with physical symptoms related to the op.
I still had that tightening feeling inside and hard bloated tummy but it also  started to improve a couple of weeks ago
Your scars sound exactly the same as mine. I have been putting bio oil on mine which I think has stopped the big one getting tight. The belly button one is tricky specially if you've got an inny!! I couldn't even see my scar. I had to make sure I thoroly dabbed it dry after wash or it did get sore.
It's completely understandable to feel miserable when you don't feel well. I too have lost weight and appetite but I think not eating regularly actually didn't help my recovery and I've noticed an improvement in energy since forcing myself to eat 3 times a day. A nurse once told me that when you lose your appetite you need to kick start it. So pick something you love to eat and treat yourself!!!
I hope you will see an improvement as I did in The next 2 to 4 weeks and beyond.
Look after yourself


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What is the coil made out of? I have sensitivities to metals and to some plastics ( but sensibly no one has checked to see which ones)

The GP has suggested I research on here

The coil is plastic - no metals. You can find the list of materials here: go to section 6.1 . It will surely be made from the least allergenic material out there that does the job given that it is being insterted internally.

Hurdity x


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I think a coil might be last resort tbh - the risk for allergic reaction is too scary

I haven't reacted recently; but in less that 2 hrs my knee doubled in size due to an elastaplast - and I had an optitian assure my that gold was inert and safe and the very expensive glasses that were rolled gold could not cause an he ended up completely mortified because I looked like a panda and it took months to go down!

At least rubber/plastics/adhesives only blister
My 2 recent allergies were to trimethoprim - swollen tongue and throat and nitrofuratin bright red and itchy over my entire body

They wouldn't even use contrast in my MRI because it's metal based and they can't get it out
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