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Author Topic: Anti Depressants V HRT  (Read 3510 times)


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Re: Anti Depressants V HRT
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2018, 09:05:34 AM »

Thanks ladies for posting above.  I was about to post a topic to gain opinion/advice after my check up at the hospital last week with the Gyno.

As I had already been told by my last GP it would appear that due to having endometriosis there is a risk (like all things I guess) that my endo will get worse and that then opens another whole can of worms. 

My symptoms are getting worse and as I write this I am filling up due to desperation I am feeling.

I am suffering from terrible flatness and it feels like a black cloud is so heavy on my shoulders.  When I get relief I think to myself this is what it feels like to actually normal and I envy people who have that feeling.  I lie in bed at night thinking I could just walk out of that door, get into my car and keep driving.  I am not unhappy in my marriage and love him dearly I am just such a horrid person to live with this now.  Its not fair on him or our family that I am feeling this way.  Even writing what I am doing feels like I am understating how I feel.  I am this happy person to my work colleagues but inside I am in knots and just feel so desperate.

Over and above this I am in constant pain with my arthritis being inflamed and now suffering from terrible anxiety and to top it off IBS!!!

The hospital have advised that It would be best if I took an AD to see if that would help and I am off to see my GP end of this week.  She said she would look at HRT if I wanted and worst case scenario due to endo if it gets too bad or really flares up I could just stop it.

I cant take soya as I am allergic along with gluten and dairy - great eh!

Your comments and thoughts would be appreciated and sorry If I have hijacked this post.

Anyone had good results with AD??  Also dont want anymore weight gain :(



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Re: Anti Depressants V HRT
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2018, 03:34:31 PM »

I was very upset that ADs were the only options I was given for months and the doctor would not listen to me about it being hormonal. Just said it was a coincidence and not connected! (Just 36 so I know my age is why that was blown off) I avoided the ADs and even though I am still struggling, I'm happy to have not taken them. I'm sorry, I know anxiety and such can be common but why would it start out of nowhere with panic attacks when life was going just fine? And no, not something that has been a problem for me in the past. It still upsets me. I'm still trying to figure things out. Also have the endometriosis to worry about but need to do something about that as it is growing like wildfire with the estrogen dominance I have at the moment. I know as peri progresses that'll change but need to treat where I am now. In the end, sadly, ADs might be what I have to do to manage my symptoms but I would rather try seeing what we can do for my hormones first.


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Re: Anti Depressants V HRT
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2018, 10:13:11 PM »

How are you doing with the Vagifem? Any relief ? I guess in the early stages I'd be happy if it didn't make symptoms worse ...

I've just finished 2 week start up of vagifem and not noticed much difference tbh. Feeling very sore and uncomfortable tonight but I'm just about to go onto twice a week so will see what happens.
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